July 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 8
ISSN 1530-5287

E-Book Ecstasy

It amazes me to see the rate in which E-Publishing is
growing and as part of this new industry, I think that it's
wonderful. From time to time we hear the slams and
slander that seemed to plague things that someone else
does not understand.

As a writer myself, I find it heart warming to read about a
new E-Publisher opening their doors-to read where a
writer has achieved yet another goal in their career-Or to
read about the joys of an author getting their first novel or
short story published.

As the Editor of this newsletter I want to eventually
feature every new E-Author and E-Publisher-to give and
show them support-and we are doing our best to bring
them all to you.

Which brings me to our Featured E-Publisher for this
issue. Jason Laseman is the Editor/Publisher of Abby the
Troll Publications, LLC and The Wandering Troll
Fantasy Webzine. Of course I have to admit that it was
the names of both publications that caught my attention
first, but when I went to their web sites and browsed
around and found myself very impressed. I dropped
Jason a note asking him if he would like to contribute an
article in which he promptly replied that he would.

Our Featured E-Author is Cheryl Dyson, who is not only
a writer, she is also an editor, artist, web master and last
but certainly not least a Publisher. Cheryl is one half of
XC Publishing. In the June 1st issue we had the honor of
XC Publishing being our Featured E-Publisher with an
article by the other half of the team Xina Marie Uhl.

In this issue you will meet two individuals who wear more
than one hat in this wonderful world of Electronic

My sincere thanks to them and as always my warmest
thanks and appreciation to Eva and Tracy.

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Author
Featured E-Publisher
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
Readers' View
New Release
Q & A


In September E-Book Ecstasy will be changing to a
monthly newsletter. Also at that time we will start featuring
two E-Author per issue.



Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to
celebrate the changes of a century and to aid the cause of
diabetes education and research. (100% of the proceeds
of this book will be donated to that cause.)

(Available in download formats only)


Net horror writers take on the 'King' with multimedia
eBook format.


Cyber-Pulp Houston\USA eBook Publishing
13430 Whitchurch Way, Houston, Texas 77015
(713) 451-3568

Seven established and newbie horror/fantasy writers who
publish on the Internet have teamed up to introduce the
concept of web-enabled multimedia eBooks to the world
with the release on June 15th of "Deep in the horror of
Texas' from Cyber-Pulp Houston\USA eBook

Writers featured in the eBook are R.A. Cox, Joe De
Rouen, Joni Latham, Mark Troy, Don Williams and Bob
Gunner. The front and back cover of the book are by
popular artist Brian Blair, and featuring an introduction by
horror/fantasy writer Bill Purcell, a member of the Horror
Writer's Association (HWA).

This eBook has been produced in Cyber-Pulp's 'Digital
Paperback' eBook format (but will also be available in a
non-web-enabled edition formatted for the GemStar
RocketBook as well), an executable file that can be read
on any desk top PC, Laptop, or pocket computer, with
Windows and IE Explorer also installed on it, and an
Internet connection for the hyperlink feature.

It can also be downloaded to a pocket pc via the sync
cable and if the user has wireless capability on their
device, taken anywhere to read as well as access the web

Along with ten tales that will make you experience the
dark side of the Lone Star State, hyperlinks within the
book will guide the reader to a number of multimedia
resources via the web. Among these are feeds of MP3
tunes (specially recorded for this eBook) and an audio file
of one of the featured stories "Sucking the life..." read by
the author (Bob Gunner). Websites related to the
Christmas story "How the angels got their wings", and the
option to purchase the country music source albums via a
secured eCommerce transaction are also offered in the

The file can be purchased for $5 at
http://theshoppesathome.com/ or at the Cyber-Pulp
homepage bookstore at http://come.to/cyberpulp as well
as the homepages of Cyber-Pulp associate partners. It
will soon be available at Amazon.com and Barnes and

Contact Information:

Company Name: Cyber-Pulp Houston/USA eBook
Publishing REF URL: http://come.to/cyberpulp
POSTED: Tuesday, June 13, 2000

Cyber-Pulp Houston/USA
"We are the future of electronic publishing!"
Author's Home Page "Dark Dreams"



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer
top-quality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via
download (e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the
latest news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions.
Beamings is free and is sent to subscribers approximately
once each month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find
out why we're beaming!

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TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors,
publishers, reviewers and readers can all get together to
discuss and promote books and things around books.
Everyone is free to post promotions, reviews, new
releases, etc, as long as it pertains to books. Authors and
Publishers can promote their sales or contests they may
be having. We can discuss books, reviews, how we feel
things are going, things we would like to see happen, help
people network with new ideas, share experiences and
support each other. Email volume changes on a daily
basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.

Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank
email to: TracysBookReviews-subscribe@egroups.com
and if you need help in changing from regular emails to
digest format, please email me and let me know. If you
have any questions about this group, please feel free to
contact me at: mailto:teastgate2@home.com and I will get
back to you as soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-
Time favorite reads and a little about themselves so that
you can decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at:
word_of_mouth-subscribe@egroups.com or learn more
at our website:


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-
publishing resources, news, sites for research and advice,
in depth look at various ebook software and exploration
as to how much growth will occur in the e-publishing
arena and what direction it will take; To subscribe send
mailto: ebookjunction-request@atlanticbridge.net
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:



Cheryl Dyson

As the editor at XC Publishing www.xcpublishing.com
I've discovered that it's far easier to edit other peoples'
work than my own. I've tried to turn that critical eye on
The Gauntlet Thrown in order to make it the most
enjoyable read possible. The Gauntlet Thrown is a fantasy
adventure about Brydon, a man on a quest to find a
magical object, marry the princess, and ascend the throne.
Sounds rather typical, doesn't it? It probably would be if
there weren't a few problems along the way: The magical
object has already been stolen, Brydon doesn't
particularly like the princess he's supposed to marry, and
his traveling companion would rather see him dead than
on the throne. Add Brydon's unexpected magical powers,
an extremely attractive woman (or two) and a dark power
with its own agenda, and you'll have just a hint of what
can be found in The Gauntlet Thrown.

This book was somewhat inspired by David Eddings
Belgariad series; I enjoyed the variety of characters in his
books, though I wanted my characters to have more
depth and more life. I wrote The Gauntlet Thrown to be
sheer entertainment, hopefully something that can be read
again and again. It is available at XC Publishing
www.xcpublishing.com and it will offer a plethora of
extras: Maps, pictures, contests, and eventually
screensavers and games. It will be available in paperback
next year and in Rocket format soon!

Thank you!
Cheryl Dyson



Jason Laseman, Editor/Publisher
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine

What do I have to offer to you? Heck, you've probably
been writing longer than me (I've only got about seven
years under my belt), you've probably been published
more than me (a dozen-ish short stories here and there
and one erotic novel), and if you're an editor or publisher,
you most certainly have been editing and publishing
longer than me (I've run my zine for only 15 months and
just edited my first full length novel a month ago). So
what do I have to offer to you?

How about connections? And I'm not talking about
anyone referred to as "The Pick", or "Dime-Bag". While
I'm not the most well connected writer/editor/publisher on
the web, I have learned a great deal about the importance
of meeting the people, as both individuals and as a group,
that you will be working with throughout your career.

The electronic publishing business is a different kind of
beast. When I decided to get into on-line publishing,
originally with The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine,
and more recently with Abby the Troll Publications, I
didn't know where to begin. I remember trying to put
together my first issue of The Wandering Troll, I had no
stories, and had no idea where to look for them.
Although I really didn't think anyone would be willing to
help out, I went ahead and decided to suck it up and ask
some of the better established zine editors out there if
they could suggest anything to help me get started. I was
elated by the response I got. Every editor I emailed sent
me a reply and was willing to help in whatever manner
they could. Rebecca, from "Quantum Muse" was a god-
send. She gave me advice on everything from marketing
the zine to acquiring content. I not only made a valuable
acquaintance in her, but learned a lot about the business
and philosophy of epublishing.

There is a feeling of community among epublishers and
writers that is virtually unheard of in any other competitive
field. Take advantage of this fact, use it to meet new,
exciting people-and to learn. While you may start out
with the intent of learning and making your name a
household exclamation of joy, you will quickly find
yourself becoming friends with the people you are
corresponding with, and growing as a professional that
much more because of it. Think about it, it's much like
joining a writer's group. You join to learn and grow, and
you start making new friends as you do.

So, where do you meet other writers, editors, and
publishers? Signing up for zines like this one is a great
start. Have you read an article you liked? Email the
author and tell them. Ask them a few questions as well.
Most writers are happy to correspond with readers. After
all, why write if you don't want anyone to comment on it?
Did you like the featured author in this issue, or like
something they said? Email them, tell them what you
thought, and ask any questions that might be relevant.
With each of these emails, you are reaching out, learning,
and meeting people.

The people you meet can quickly change from friends, to
business partners. Almost every artist and editor that I
work with for Abby the Troll Publications, I've met
through the writer's group that I belong to. With such a
massive group of talent at my fingertips, why waste time
searching the net for help or artists when I can simply ask
someone that I already know and am familiar with? It
pays to become a member of a group that you support
and believe in.

But one thing you must always remember: turn about is
fair play! As you become better established in the field,
people may start asking you questions. Take the time to
help out as you can. Answer their questions if possible.
While you may not have the time to look over their
manuscript, if you know of someone that does, pass
along their name.

The general feeling of "belonging" that you get from being
involved in epublishing, whatever your role, is incredible.
As you meet more people, pass along ideas, and help out
those that are newer to the groups, you come to feel that
the world truly is at your fingertips-and for once, it's a
world worth being a part of, a world you are proud to be
a part of.

Jason Laseman, Editor/Publisher
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine



By: Eva Kende

My grandmother always said: "People eat with their eyes."
Even though, she couldn't boil an egg, she taught me a
most important cooking lesson with this comment. If the
food looks attractive, you are half way there to it being
acclaimed a good cook.

Anything stuffed is considered special because it has
huge eye appeal. A couple of nights ago, as I looked at a
warehouse pack of country-style ribs I bought, I realized
that they can be easily bent into something resembling a
crown roast. I quickly "pinned" them into position. They
looked very nice, but the hole in the centre seemed to beg
for something. I made a regular bread stuffing and filled
the centre, as well as molded a cap on top. Brushed the
whole thing with a good barbecue sauce and roasted it.
As it turned out the evening was less than idyllic, but
when we finally sat down to dinner, I could see the
pleasure in my husband's eyes, at the sight of the
attractive roast.

Any number of things can be stuffed. Scooped out
tomatoes can hold salmon or vegetable salad. You can
save the "cap" and replace it rakishly on top of the filling
with an olive on a toothpick to act as a pom-pom.

For presenting vegetables, scooped out squashes are
worth the bother. Filled with seasoned squash and
sprinkled with chives for garnish, they make a statement.

There are lots of things that can be filled and presented in
a dramatic way. The list starts with the lowly green
pepper, followed by stuffed baked potatoes and
continues with mussels (recipe in Eva's Kitchen
Confidence) or anything you can dream-up to produce a
dramatic presentation.

Think peach halves, orange skins, cantaloupe and melon
halves for dessert.

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

The 8th House
By: Wendy Jensen
Publisher: Crossroads Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Mystery Suspense
ISBN 1583382445
Release date: March 2000
Downloads are $3.75 (US) each

***** Outstanding

Zoe Zignego is trying to find escape and looks to the
remote Ozark town of Elliston Missouri for it. What she
doesn't count on is the problems that the 'perfect' house
she has found and had to have would create. Zoe is
having enough problems trying to deal with her 'gift', a gift
that she received the night her and her husband were
involved in a car accident. Not only did her husband lose
his life in that accident, but also Zoe had a severe head
trauma and the result has caused Zoe to have psychic
abilities. Zoe could not only see ghosts, but also talk with
them. She could read and hear people's thoughts when
not a word had been spoken.

Zoe's move did not accomplish her escape. There is a
serial killer loose in Twin City's Minnesota and Homicide
Detective Larry Larsen from the St. Paul PD Homicide
Division has once again called on Zoe to help. Zoe
doesn't want to help though, she knows what is going to
happen and she is trying to escape from those nightmares,
not create more. But Zoe knows she must help and things
would only get worse for her if she didn't. There was
absolutely nothing that could prepare Zoe for what she
was about to go through with this killer, especially once
he learned who she was and the police department has
enlisted her help to catch him. The nightmares were only
the beginning.

Author Wendy Jensen has taken Suspense and Thriller,
Mystery and Humor and then wrapped it up into a
wonderful book and called it THE 8TH HOUSE. This is
a book that will grip you from page one within the magic
of words, spell-binding you throughout the book. Ms.
Jensen will scare you, hold you in the grips of fear and
then make you laugh with relief. The book is well written
and fast paced, one you can't and won't want to put
down and then when you reach the electrifying
conclusion, you will still want more. This reviewer
sincerely hopes that Ms. Jensen writes a sequel to this

Review by:
Tracy Eastgate

Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



If there is something that you would like to see, please
email me at: ebooksecstasy@yahoo.com



Charlee Cömpo:

The Windkeeper: Book One of the WindLegends Saga,
ISBN 1586971956, dark fantasy romance from Dark Star
Publications (this is the first of a nine volume series)

The Prince of the Wind, ISBN 1928973280, Dark fantasy
and paranormal from DLSIJ Press. http://dlsijpress.com/


'Til the Fat Lady Sings
(Science Fiction Mystery)
by M. D. Benoit
ISBN 1-58697-053-4
Pulsar Books http://www.pulsarbooks.com

Jack Meter, a private detective with a death wish, gets
kidnapped by aliens who want him to recover a stolen
Transworld Portal. Every instinct Jack has tells him his
clients, the Thrittene, are lying to him. So when his dead
girlfriend pops up in every world he visits, Jack knows
the case was personal from the outset. Now he must
avenge her death and catch a maniac bent on conquering
the universe.


Wordbeams July 2000 Releases:

Author: David G. LaGraff
Genre: mainstream/women's fiction
Formats: PDF & HTML
Book Page: www.wordbeams.com/all-that.html
(active 7/1/00)

Beckie's down for the count; hit hard by a cruel divorce.
Huntington's footloose beach bum searching for the
meaning of life. Together, they discover a passion
transcending anything they've every known. Will it be
enough to save them?


Title: CHAMBLISS: .500
Author: K. B. Shaw
Genre: mystery
Formats: PDF & HTML
Book Page: www.wordbeams.com/chambliss.html
(active 7/1/00)

Confronted with two cases, Police Detective Jake
Chambliss must face failure, discover a killer, and find
himself. .500 is a fast-paced double mystery populated
with interesting characters, strong dialogue and vivid
settings with an ending guaranteed to elicit a second read.


Title: Like Twigs in a Storm
Author: Ross Richdale
Genre: mainstream/romantic action-adventure
Formats: PDF & HTML
Book Page: www.wordbeams.com/twigs.html
(active 7/1/00)

While converting an old school to a recreation property
Near Wellington, New Zealand, Steve Garnet meets
married neighbor, Lavina Ryland. Their friendship soon
develops into a forbidden romance that hurtles them into
danger and changes their lives and the life of Lavina's
daughter forever.


Title: Sounds I Hear
Author: Jennifer L. B. Leese
Genre: children's
Formats: HTML w/sound clips & animation
Book Page: www.wordbeams.com/sounds.html
(active 7/1/00)

A charming collection of rhyming poems for children,
Sounds I Hear includes animated pictures and sounds
clips making it an entertaining, yet stimulating and
educational read.


Abby the Troll Publications July Releases:

Title: A Fine Impersonation
Author: K.G. McAbee
Publisher: Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
Genre: Fantasy
Released: July 1, 2000
ISBN: 0-9702839-0-3

The feeble-minded Prince Melos has been in the care of
Master Adrian at the abbey for the last several decades,
ignored by his royal family. In failing health, the Queen
has sent a detachment of the royal guard to bring him
home again. Master Adrian and his fellow clerics only
have one small problem to work out when the
unannounced guard arrives....Prince Melos has been dead
for several years! Enter an on-the-mend, rogue actor, and
the grand-daddy of all schemes and you have a fine
impersonation of what might be...


Title: Wishful Thinking
Author: Christine DeLong Miller
Publisher: Bridge Works Publishing
ISBN: 0-9700930-4-7
Release Date: July 15, 2000
Genre: Romance/Paranormal/Suspence
Formats: PDF, HTML, CD Rom

Recently divorced, Carol Raper finds herself
daydreaming About Jacque Master. Jacque could be
Carol's 'Mr. Perfect'. The only problem is - Jacque is a
character in the romance novel, 'Justine's Promise'.

Carol soon finds herself thinking about Jacque all of the
time, to the point that she can almost hear his voice, feel
his touch. Then, Carol begins to 'see' things, to literally
'feel' Jacque's breath against her ear.

Carol begins to question her sanity when a strange man
who resembles Jacque moves into the vacant house
across the street. Could it be him?

Carol's ex-husband mysteriously disappears the same
weekend that the new neighbor moves in. The police
aren't ruling out foul play and Carol is their #1 suspect.
Bart Knight, Carol's boss, senses that something is wrong
in Carol's life. Using his psychic ability, Bart struggles to
help her. Carol and Bart are thrown into a swirling
psychic storm as they try to find Carol's ex-husband, stay
one step ahead of the police, and figure out what dark
force is drawing Carol further and further into a world
with no boundaries.


Thriller Novellas 07/00
Dark Star Publications:

"Taken By The Wind" by Charlotte Boyett-Compo-He
tracked her across four states, his obsession a blood red
promise she'd be his and no other's.

"Love On The Wild Side" by Kate Hill--Luke Wilder,
member of an elite public safety force, is trapped in
solitary confinement. Counselor Alyssa Remington
believes she can save his sanity, but can she protect
herself from the charms of her most dangerous patient?

"Fear The Dark" by Patricia A. Rasey--A vicious serial
killer is on the loose--and his weapon of choice slithers,
rattles...and bites! Can Detective Jack Carter and Cara
Banks catch him before time runs out and Cara realizes
her ultimate nightmare? They'll need to put their persona
differences aside and maybe even find out where they
went wrong along the way.


{The Most Comprehensive Reference for Non-Subsidy
E-publishing} 2000 Edition*
by Karen S. Wiesner
Avid Press: http://www.avidpress.com

*Fully updated, revised and jam-packed with even more

-130 royalty-paying e-publishers included, many with in-
depth interviews!
-Advantages/Disadvantages/Common Myths of E-
-Exhaustive technology and exploration of the medium!
-Even more promotional ideas to get e-authors started,
including over 300 links to promotion!
-Over 50 other e-publishing resource listings!
-Updated annually!

Everything you need to know about electronic publishing!
This is a guidebook no author should do without!

Disk/download: 1-929613-48-2
Rocket edition: 1-929613-49-0


COMPANY: www.internetbookco.com

Download Chapter Two of the Adventures of Noah
Byrom, GUNPOINT, from the Internet Book Company!
FREE! This is an exciting serial adventure: for those of
you who are following our hero, Noah will discover what
lies beyond the falls ... will he find his missing brother, or
just find more trouble?


Rowdy! A Show Business Novel in ebook and paperback
versions by Michael James Martineau, Former Agent to
the Stars. Do you remember the crazy rock scene of the
1970's? Do you wish you did? Michael James Martineau
will transport you in this one-of-a-kind novel. The
applause, the autographs, the adoration of the fans ... all
the glitter and glamour of show business, where a god is
created in the blink of an eye and destroyed just as
quickly. Everything around you is larger than life: big
money; big parties; big corruption. During his career as a
show business agent, Michael James Martineau
represented Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Led Zeppelin,
Santana, Yes, Eagles, and Lionel Richie, among others.
He has drawn extensively on his own first-hand
experiences in the music business for this novel.

Let's Get Rowdy! is available in paperback and ebook
formats (including Rocket eBook) exclusively at the
Internet Book Company: www.internetbookco.com


NEW FEATURED EBOOK A Present from the Past by
Shawn Fernandes We've all sat in a classroom, wondering
why we need to waste our time learning a seemingly
pointless subject. That's Ryan's thinking as she struggles
with her history homework, a paper on WWII. Luckily
her friends' Grandfather provides a tangible link to the
past through his treasure chest of war memorabilia. But
perhaps this link turns out to be a little too tangible, when,
after returning from her visit with Granddad, Ryan passes
out only to find herself waking up in Nazi Germany, and
in terrible trouble! This ebook novella is already drawing
praise from the critics - 4 stars!

Visit http://www.internetbookco.com and download "A
Present from the Past" right now!

Angela Bennett Internet Book Company


Title: Wizard, Wonder & Worry
Author: Edward Stack
A collection of short speculative fiction
Publisher: RoxyBooks

Wizards, Wonder & Worry: a collection of short science
fiction, fantasy and horror that will make you sigh, smile,
shiver and squirm.

Wizards, Wonder & Worry is the latest from Edward F.
Stack, author of "Ily's Dream". Many of the stories in
Wizards, Wonder & Worry have appeared before but
others are in print here for the very first time.


Author: Judith R. Parker
Publisher: Dark Star Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-016-x

"A storm is brewing over the Rocky Mountains, a storm
that will deveop into the worst blizzard in recorded
history. It will bring together fifteen strangers in a
maelstrom of wisted and violent emotions and entwine
them in a twist of terror."


On Opposite Sides
Janet Lane Walters
New Concepts Publishing

When Jenessa Robertson RN learns the new Director of
Nursing is a man, she is sure this is a ploy on the part of
the hospital Board to divert the nurses in their quest for a
new contract. After meeting Eric Bradshaw RN, she is
intrigued and attracted. So is he. Jenessa has never
resolved her grief for her husband's death and she fights
against love. Eric recognizes her. He was the supervisor in
charge of the ICU where her husband dies and when he
learns she blames the death on short staffing, he fears he
will lose the chance to earn her love if she learns of his
involvement. The pair must join forces to prevent a strike
by the nurses and the sale of the hospital. As they work
together love grows, but they both wonder how long this
union of opposites will last.


Gemini Books is pleased to announce today's release of
Robert Russell's adventure novel THE MINERS OF
BRAVO. http://www.lisawrites.com

We might admire the courage of our heroes but we rarely
explore its shadow, the darker side that make some
courage possible, perhaps inevitable. When we study that
shadow we might wonder if, indeed, it is truly courage.

THE MINERS OF BRAVO, a novel about several brave
men and a beautiful woman who plies her trade with a
remarkable skill, treats with such courage in the context of
a hostile takeover of Bravo, an old-line mining company
that has produced silver ore for more than a century.

The unlikely protagonist, Matthew Bronson, a balding,
middle-age widower with a slight paunch, searches for
lost data that might lead to the discovery of the Mull ore
body, if indeed it exists, and the salvation of the Bravo
mine. He is bewitched by Lili, a siren of uncertain vintage
and questionable loyalty, who, in the end, brings alive in
Bronson a faith he thought long since vanished.

Bronson's search leads from a cave-in in the Bravo mine
in Idaho to a dark alley in New York, to a fire fight in the
Sierra Madre of Mexico, to a seemingly garrulous Oriental
Gentleman in the Philippines, and again to Idaho and New
York and the inevitable unravelling of what was begun by
Joe Bravo and Tse Chi Ho, unlikely partners from
opposite ends of the human spectrum, a century earlier.

In the background stands Sula, a powerful international
Figure whose violent quest for what is rightfully his
provokes among the other characters of BRAVO a kind
of courage less dramatic than that of heroes but perhaps
more real.

The trail leads Bronson to men whose courage had earlier
Saved his life: Jack Mercer, a cold-eyed mercenary, and
Willie Mull, a grim, tight little man who fought his demons
with a desperate bravery, and to Pete Gandy, a giant who
did not pretend to be brave. In the end, Bronson turns to
the men and women in whose hands the salvation of
Bravo truly lies: The miners of Bravo.

The book is available from www.ebookshoppe.com as a
Download (pdf, html, rtf), on CD-ROM and diskette. The
book retails for $4.00 (downloads), $6.95 (diskette), and
$8.00 (CD-ROM)

Other new releases from Gemini for July to look forward
to reading include: VALENTINO: ICON OF ROMANCE
by Julia Ann Charpentier (biography) ABLED/DISABLED by
Joe Tolve (short story collection featuring disabled main
characters) KNYGHT AND O'DAY by Brian Lawrence
(police mystery/action) THE THOMAS BRENT
ADVENTURES by Robert Lynn Love (science fiction)


New Releases from Crossroads Publishing

Marsh Frog Storybooks
by Granny Dragon
Illustrated by Granny Dragon and Leslie Cholowsky
Read aloud stories and poems for all ages
ISBN 1-58338-346-8 $4.25

This wonderful collection of read aloud stories and
poems is sure to delight the whole family. Featuring the
voice of Granny Dragon reading the story of the little
dragon Shining Days, illustrated by Leslie and Murray
Cholowsky, and Granny Dragon's own artwork and
graphics through the other stories. Whether young, or
young at heart, this collection has something 'just for

*Note: This is an almost 7 megabyte download.*
*We highly recommend the CD*


Keisha's Best Birthday Ever
by Tabatha Jean
Illustrations by Judy Lineberger
Ages four and up.
Includes coloring book.
ISBN 1-58338-239-9 $3.75

Keisha's having a birthday party! But Daddy won't be
there and the class bully will. Oh, my! A delightful story
sure to please children 4 and up, it includes a coloring
book of Judy Lineberger's wonderful illustrations for
print-out or use in a program, such as paint shop.


New Releases By: Elaine Hopper:

Scheduled for release is Careless Whispers

Next To Forever:
ISBN: 1-58608-133-0

When Suki Lawless' teenage son, Josh, breaks into his
school's computer system with his buddy and changes
Vice Principal Kyle Damian's password to "Jack Ass,"
little does he know he's changing his mother's world. But
is it for the better? Suki hasn't had a date in next to
forever, or so her atriarchs tease her. Not since Josh's
father ran off with his secretary years before. Sukie and
her children live in a house with their very own "Golden
Girls": Suki's mother, Judy, her great-aunt Margaret, and
her Gramma Bea. When Josh's pranks land his Vice
Principal and the school PTA in the middle of her
personal affairs, life gets even crazier than normal. And
that's pretty crazy. Imagine the Golden Girls versus
Harper Valley PTA.


Q & A

If you have any questions that you would like to ask
about E-Author's or E-Publishing, please submit
questions to: ebooksecstasy@yahoo.com



For a Good Novel to read, check out Luther Butler's
Bookstore http://www.erath.net/butler/


FREE ANGEL: Online Entertainment: E-Books, Music
2000 Halloween and Free Angel's Christmas store. With
MP3 Music samples that you don't want to miss.


Jim Farris: The Last God (Book I of the Oerth Cycle):

"Merle Mousefinder, the little Mustie of the Wild Wood,
didn't know what she was getting into when she followed
the strange noise through the forest andfound Xaa, an
enormous carnivorous mouse. Soon, her curiosity would
lead herto follow Xaa through an epic tale of freedom,
slavery, life, death, hate, and love. Set in a science-
fiction/anthropomorphic world, the novel tells the story of
the little mustelid, Merle, and her enormous companion,
Xaa, who learn to care for each other as they master the
secrets of technology long lost, and uncover the dark,
secret history of their own world. The serial is free to
subscribers - for more information, see


Pandora's Box: By Jim Farris

"Join ancient storyteller Aesop as he weaves a tale of
humanity and inhumanity, organic and inorganic
intelligence ..... each reaching for something greater than
itself in a story that spans two millennia of time. Pandora's
Box is a novel in the grand tradition of science-fiction,
telling the epic future of the humans of Mars Colony and
their robotic companions. For more information,
including book excerpts, reviews and a synopsis of the
novel, see http://come.to/xaa The novel is available from
Ebooks, at http://www.ebooksonthe.net/horrorscifi.html



Rita Hestand: Pretend Mom is on sale now at:


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance): Comes the
erotic/ romantic musical story: WATER & ICE-THE
SPIRIT LOVERS. A story of two lovers desined to be
together from the beginning of time.


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child..."


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might like our Newsletters then please pass it on.

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