August 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 10
ISSN 1530-5287

E-Book Ecstasy


I hope that all of you are ready for another jammed packed issue.

We have added another special announcement to introduce our
readers to yet another wonderful newsletter. The AAM in the
News newsletter. If you like murder, thrillers, suspense and
crime this is a newsletter for you.
(More details in the Special Announcements)

We also have another sponsor. Christine Spindler's has a great
new program added to her web site which will highlight a new
e-book every week. (More details in the sponsor section)

We have 2 Featured E-Authors in this issue...

Luther Butler and our Special E-Author is Joan Bramsch. Our
thanks to each of these wonderful authors for not only writing
two terrific articles but for sharing their experience with us.

Featured E-Publisher is Linda Eberharter of Atlantic Bridge
Publishing. This is also an article you are not going to want to

As warmest and deepest thanks to Eva...who by
the way gave us a delicious recipe in this issue and to Tracy
who sent us 2 reviews.

Okay...on to the good stuff!

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Author
Featured E-Publisher
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
Readers' View
New Release
Q & A



This is the last of the bi-monthly issues. The next issue
that you receive will be September 15th. At that time we
will also changing our format slightly. We will be adding
a new section called: "Behind the Scenes" which will feature
articles from Editors...graphic designers...Public
Relations...and so on.



Subject: Independent Authors Unite in Promotion
Contact: Leta Nolan Childers, ;
Linda Bleser,;
Jim Farris,
(Telephone interviews will be offered; email for numbers)
Release: Time sensitive; for immediate release
July 28, 2000

Readers Win with e-Authors Treasure Hunt

In what appears to be a historic undertaking, nearly forty writers
are joining together to reward readers for finding the treasures
they create. And the rewards for winning the e-Authors
Treasure Hunt is a chest of prizes designed to delight anyone.

"I can't recall a time when this many authors joined together,
independent of their publishers, to thank their readers," said best
selling author Leta Nolan Childers ( ) "This is
our way of saying that we've found our gems in the readers who
have embraced and supported us-by reading and enjoying books
in electronic bindings."

The grand prize winner of the e-Authors Treasure Hunt, which
begins on August 1 and concludes on September 30, is an entire
library of books in electronic bindings-on diskette and CD,
valued at more than $250. Among the first prizes are a personal
CD player; two cassette players with audio books (courtesy of
DiskUs Publishing,;) a jewelry box
(courtesy of Awe-Struck E-Books;) a ruby, sapphires and onyx
(courtesy of Saxco E-Book Publishing,;) a $25
gift Barnes and Noble gift certificate (courtesy of and two electronic Rolodex personal
organizers, among many more.

"It's wonderful that our publishers recognize the need to reward
our readers, too, and have jumped on the bandwagon to donate
prizes to augment those donated by the authors involved in the
Treasure Hunt," said Nolan Childers.

Players can find the rules and the form to complete at To play,
contestants browse the author web sites and find the gem
displayed. They then type the name of the gem with the correct
author on an easy to use form. In the event of a tie, a random
drawing will be conducted. Ten first prizes will also be offered.

"While one lucky winner will walk away with a treasure trove
of literary gems, there are no losers in the e-Authors Treasure
Hunt. A lifetime of reading treasures awaits those who set out to
explore the world of electronic publishing," said participating
author Linda Bleser ( )

Organizers for the event also hope that it will introduce readers
who have not yet discovered the wealth of informative and
entertaining books published electronically to this facet of the
publishing industry.

"This is, perhaps, the most entertaining and fun promotion on
the internet today," said Jim Farris, noted e-author
( ) "The 'Treasure Hunt' is a free, fabulous and
fun promotion that everyone will soon be talking about."

Joining in the promotion are sites that help readers gain
awareness of books in electronic bindings such as, and
Writers' organizations, such as Mystik Ink
( ) are also supporting the Treasure Hunt.


AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tib-bits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at: or
subscribe directly at: You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!


Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate
the changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes
education and research. (100% of the proceeds of this book
will be donated to that cause.)

(Available in download formats only)



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're

List owner:
URL to Beamings page at egroups:


TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.

Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at: and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at: or learn more at our


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:


E-Book Of The Week

E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to:





An insecticide accident in 1984 almost wiped me out.
Purchasing a computer, I sat down to write Homesteaders and
Sheepherders narrated by Son Wilkerson, a four-year-old
fictional character, who told about growing up in LaPlata
County, Colorado during the depression. From this one novel I
went backward and forward to create a fictional family for Son.
This led me to County Dublin and James Wilkerson who came
to Virginia in 1740 AD. James' son, William, a Revolutionary
War general, went to Texas, in Blood on the Moon, to bring
back wild horses for the Mississippi farmers. William's
descendents were in Amite County, Mississippi when the Civil
War broke out. In the novel, Amite County, the eleven-year-old
boy, Nat, and his slave companion go to Vicksburg to rescue
the white boy's father from a prison of war camp. Mississippi
Woman, the next novel, has dead Nat Wilkerson's two small
sons, D.H. and W.L., move to Fort Worth, Texas where their
stepfather runs a house of prostitution. At the end of this novel,
D.H. takes W.L. to Durango Colorado to cure a lung disease. In
Indians and Soldiers, the soldiers drive the Ute Indians out of
LaPlata County and two Indian fighters homestead land in
LaPlata County. Ranchers and Rustlers is about the two
soldiers settling the land. At the end of this novel, D.H.
Wilkerson brings his young family to homestead adjoining land
to the two ex-Indian fighters. In Homesteaders and
Sheepherders, D.H.'s son, Son, tells about the sheep ranch.
Tragedy strikes, and in the novel, D.H., Son is torn from his
beloved mountain home, and with D.H., he wanders to New
Mexico and Arizona and back to Albuquerque, NM. After a
tragedy, Son comes back to LaPlata County to help his older
brother when World War II was at its height. I Knew a Man
Who had Six Sons tells of the demise of insane D.H. Son
Wilkerson goes to Korea as a Naval pilot, and comes back to
LaPlata County without any sight. Already a college graduate,
Son and his wife, Nancy, start LaPlata County Series. Son ends
the series with Squash Blossom with the great-grandson of a
slain Ute warrior coming back and buying ancestral land from
the Wilkerson ranch.

After numerous attempts to get LaPlata County published, I put
it on my web site, Luther Butler's Bookstore, and charged three
dollars for downloads. A representative from
offered to publish the series. With the help of,
we put two novels to a book, and in five books, we published
the complete series in less than six months. and
I designed the beautiful covers, and put the
finished novels on the market the last of 1999.
has done an amazing job of not only publishing, but the
company has listed the novels with the Ingrams system, Barnes
and Noble, and Exciting things have already
happened with the novels. If it had not been for,
all of my writing would have been stuck away in a filing
cabinet. Now I am getting twenty per cent of the money made
from the sale of my novels. is using new technologies and personal
empowerment to lead the publishing industry into the new
millenium. The company not only gives writers the ability to
publish their books, but to have them marketed and distributed
throughout the world to a global audience. has several plans for publishing. The plan I
chose costs me a ninety-nine dollar initial fee for each book. I
submitted each novel by E-mail as an attachment. The
company formatted the novel, sent it back by E-mail for me to
proof read. When I was satisfied, they corrected all their
mistakes and changed up to twenty-nine of mine free of charge.
Once when I left out two paragraphs, they charged me to make
the corrections. The company designed the beautiful covers for
my novels using my suggestions. The novels were on the
market within six weeks after the final approval.
publishes on demand only. They encourage me to do
everything in my power to promote and sell my novels.

If you want information on publishing with,
they are easy to find and contact on the Internet. Take it from
me, they will do their best to present you with a publishing
plan that will best meet your needs. And, if you hate paper
work like I do, the only papers you will have to mail by snail
mail are the contracts!

Luther Butler
© Copyright 2000 Luther Butler



Joan Bramsch

Hi dear Everybody,

I want to thank Glenda for this opportunity to visit with the
readers of her fine E-book Ecstasy newsletter. She's asked me
share with you how I got from there to here! ; )


In reality, it _is_ less than a year since I became Joan Bramsch
(drum roll, please :), ebook author and ePublisher. It's quite a
story; somebody ought to write an article about it!

Travel back with me to October, 1999, when a news release
came onto my computer screen, announcing a tradition-
breaking program offered by (for minds that
think a lot!) To epublish non technical eMatter.

Send us your essays, your poems, your dog-eared manuscripts,
and we will epublish them for you, Fatbrain seemed to say.
And if you sign up before Halloween we'll give you free
(FREE?) monthly storage till April, 2000.

No joke!  I checked it out and it was true.  Could this be the
answer to my dream to take control of my career (and not
spend my children's inheritance in the process) by publishing

For two years or more I had been reading about this new means
of publishing.  Some called it "tree-free" publishing, or
"treeless" printing. Surely, this was a print method whose time
had come. No paper, no printing, no storage, no manufacturing
costs for product not yet sold. Yes, this was for me, both
ecologically and economically.

I'd already been published traditionally.  First, I had written
"TEACH ME, I'M YOURS: If You Want Your Child To Be
Smart, You Be The First  Teacher!"

(TMIY) to teach Parents how to give their child the skills for
school success. The work evolved from a school multimedia
module for McGraw-Hill Films, to a spiral bound soft cover for
Parents, to its present-day, newly revised and expanded ebook
format which can be seen here:

When I wanted to roll out a national ad campaign for the soft
cover TMIY, I had no money, so when a neighbor dared me to
write a romance to finance the deal, I had to do it. It was, after
all,  a _double_ dare!

Many of you know I am one of the original Loveswept authors.
The first book came in fifth on the Waldenbook bestseller list,
and the rest rose above that benchmark all the way to first
place. Foreign rights were sold for ten languages; books sold
number close to one million. Exciting, heady stuff!

There's a gap of seven years between my traditional published
books and the advent of my ebook career, due to my husband's
severe and ongoing health challenges. I feel blessed to be my
Bill's full-time caregiver. We are housebound most of the time
so the opportunity to write, publish, market and sell my work
as ebooks is an answer to my prayers.

An added benefit is that I control my career. When one
continues to be a warrior, battling Death in defense of a Loved
One, lessons are learned, sometimes the hard way. For
example: I have learned Life is short and this journey is _not_ a
dress rehearsal.  There's no time in my life anymore to wait
upon an editor's ay or nay, or to hope against hope my "across
genre lines" manuscript will master all the hurdles to the
bookshelf and reader. There's no time at all for that.

Enter the new age of publishing.  Enter the Ebook Revolution!

You know, we talk about how fast this new industry changes -
at the speed of light, some say. Remember I told you I'd been
studying and preparing over two years for the Ebook
Evolution? So this will come as a complete shock to most of
you -- and, yes, you have full permission to laugh your
head off at my "duh!" Intelligence -- eight months ago, I
honestly thought Fatbrain was the _only_ ebook publisher on
the Internet!

Now I hope you'll rejoice with me because today I can look at
my reflection and say, "You've come a long way, baby!"

But I haven't traveled the E-Road alone. My engineer friend
Dave, the fellow who keeps my computers running, has also
become my ebook  assistant. He taught himself how to make
ebooks. Bookmice owner, Aliske Webb, demonstrated her
true, kind self by helping him hone his skills. Such a
sweetheart, is Aliske!

Dave already knew about scanning pictures and using different
fonts and such, so when I asked him to make my ebook covers,
he said he'd give it a try. He claims he gets a kick out of using
his knowledge to make a real live e-business work. You can be
sure I'm glad he's glad because I could never operate my e-
business without his able and willing assistance.

When it comes to creating bookcovers Dave and I are on the
same  wavelength. This is how it works: I  "see" the cover in
my mind, then communicate the details to Dave. He listens and
designs.  In a short time a new cover is ready to grace my latest

I admire all six of the Sizzler romance book covers. I smile at
the "You Kids Just Wait!" pink and blue cartoon cover. I'm
charmed by the "Cater Your Way To Riche$" cover framed in
chocolate muffins! I clapped happily when Dave added rows of
sweet little girls and boys -- all flavors! - to frame the family
picture on the TMIY cover.

But the best so far is the cover for CHILLED RUN, which will
complete a ten-week free serialization August 31, before being
offered for sale in September. The story of Chilled Run is truly
one of those "Talk about crossing genres; we can't pigeonhole
it; what the heck is it?" tales. I'm eager to hear the reviewers'
ideas. So far I come up with sci-fi, adventure, mystery, murder,
romance, fantasy, who done it.

But back to the Chilled Run cover. I said to Dave: The action
takes place in the great mountains of the Blackfeet Reservation
in Montana, so there has to be a big snowcapped mountain in
the background. I "see" it reflected in a mirror smooth lake in
mid-picture. We have to make sure the readers get the
connection between Chilled Run and children so we need a
little boy and girl running along the lakeshore in the
foreground. It would be so neat if the Chilled Run title had
snow on the letters. Oh, and will you please make the rest of
the cover the same color purple as the mountain top reflection?

Dave not only designed that cover, he actually improved on my
vision. The little girl is running right out of the lower frame,
directly to the reader. It's uncanny how it gives the cover a 3-D
effect. I'm eager to enter this one in the EPPIE book cover
competition next year. See for yourself:

Now we come to a web site for my ebook business. Eight years
ago I had my own site to market videos. I was the first person
in the world to produce a How-To Video Library for
Miniaturists -- at 12.5 million enthusiasts worldwide, not a
small hobby! It was a great site; it cost a fortune to design,
maintain and operate. But it was a learning experience and I
kept it up till the server building in northern Utah burned down,
leaving a big black hole in the snow. I know I couldn't spend
that kind of money this time around. What to do, what to do?

The answer was right in front of my nose. Actually it was at where I was already located. Almost two
years ago I had started a new free online weekly - The
Empowered Parenting Ezine, and had grown it to 1000 parents

Because I certainly had experience raising a family of five and
had also taught school for a dozen years, the web master at
celebrityhowto asked if I'd consider being part of their site. I

So there I was, already sited, and webmaster Mike said he'd
help me expand my site - what did I want? Thus began the
ongoing creation of JB Information Station, my e-commerce
web site, where a visitor can find many points of interest. S/He
will find my biography, interviews and photograph, info on
Chilled Run, book covers, reviews, samples (and soon, audio)
for the other ten ebooks, info and the current copy of
Empowered Parenting Ezine, plus the EP archives, press kits,
as well as, a score of free How-To articles on various subjects:
travel, recipes, parenting, birthday parties, child protection,
miniature crafts, and holiday celebrations.

Every month I add an article or a new column or new ebook.
Then I invite the world wide web of readers, parents and
authors to come on over for a visit. I love company! Promotion
is a very important part of being a writer -- electronic or
traditional. Networking among peers is paramount. It is not
only great fun, it's also our support system, an oasis of
camaraderie whether congratulations for success or empathy
for something less than success. Scores of ebook writers and
publishers are organizing into groups: e-author, EPIC, e-
publisher, e-writer, e-romance are among those on an ever
growing list.  Reading and contributing posts is _the_ way
to stay informed in our business which can, and often does,
change overnight.

So here I am, an ebook writer. Riding high on the wave to the
future -- electronic publishing. Am I glad to be here, among
the industry pioneers blazing new trails? You bet! But am I really
in this for the long haul?

Ladies and gentlemen...You can take that answer to the bank.


Joan Bramsch

© Copyright 2000 Joan Bramsch



Linda Eberharter
Atlantic Bridge Publishing

There is no doubt being a part of this emerging e-publishing
Industry is exciting. To see it take shape, move forward and
expand keeps all involved on their toes. Because it is new, a
different and unique way from the old standard of publishing,
collectively our thinking must be new and innovative.

The Internet has opened this door. It is vast, it is global, which
of course, is magnificent. But, for those same reasons we are
mere grains of sand in this immense desert and what we have
to do is distinguish ourselves, grow and become noticed and
known. In e-publishing, two major keys are promotion and
name recognition.

For the steps and methods to get on the road to accomplishing
these, there aren't any better books on the subject then Leta
Nolan Childers "e-Lectrify Your Sales: A Writer's Guide to
e-Publishing Success and Karen Wiesner's "ELECTRONIC
PUBLISHING The Definitive Guide. Every e-publisher and e-
author needs both books and then to put into motion what is
outlined within them.

We must create a further reach. It is wonderful and imperative
to seek reviews, write articles for publications and websites,
participate in newsgroups and discussion lists, but we must be
mindful of the fact that we oftentimes are preaching to the
choir and the audience we are marketing to are our peers. We
need to think outside the box.

Leta Nolan Childers is a master at doing this. Wonderfully so,
she shares some of her innovative thinking within her book and
she has proven these ideas by how prolific she has become.
Excitingly, there are an increasing number of e-authors who are
thinking the same way and creating paradigm shifts themselves
and increasing their name recognition along with the further
awareness of ebooks in general.

I received our local community township continuing education
catalog last week. As I leafed through it I noticed a large
increase of Internet focused classes which even included one
called, "How to Become a Mystery Shopper":) The community
education program in our township is very popular and it
occurred to my why not inquire as to how classes are
determined and how did they select the instructors. When I
contacted the program's director I was pleasantly surprised to
receive an excited reaction when I broached the subject of
offering a class to explore the opportunities and procedures of
e-publishing (this was though after I had spent a good amount
of time explaining just what it was in the first place). The end
result - it looks like next term the township will be including
a class on e-books and e-publishing and I will be the instructor.
It is an avenue for reaching out and educating those who
haven't yet been exposed to it and it sure is exciting!

Sue, as the big guys enter the picture, the public will be come
aware and that is good. But this time, with the Internet's
opportunities, the little guy, the first time author, the self-
published author, the Indie-pubs, have the chance to stay in the
game, become known, move forward and take their rightful
place in the ranks of pioneers. Think outside the box, create
your own paradigm shift through creative thinking. After all,
creativity is a writer's gift, in using it this way, collectively our
grain of sand will become the oasis in the desert and easily

Linda Eberharter

Atlantic Bridge Publishing
"Exploring the World of Epublishing"
Editor - Ebook Junction


By: Eva Kende

I thought I'd deviate from my usual tips style and share this
wonderfully dramatic recipe with you. While a whole salmon
may be too much for a dinner for two, you can adapt this to just
about any fish or use one of the small farm raised salmons.

Jellied Salmon


· 1 whole salmon
· 6-8 peppercorns
· 2 bay leaves
· 1 cup commercial mayonnaise
· 2 tablespoons of prepared mustard
· 1 packet of gelatin

Steam the salmon in a minimum of water, with the seasoning
added, until it's just cooked through. Be careful not to
overcook. Gently lift it out from the cooking liquid and by
opening the belly flaps, place it on a metal cookie sheet so that
it's upright. Freeze it in this position.

The jelly: Reduce the cooking liquid to 1/3 cup and strain
through a fine mesh strainer. Dissolve the gelatin in this liquid.
Let it cool until lukewarm then mix it thoroughly with the
mayonnaise and mustard. This jelly mixture will have to be
kept lukewarm throughout the preparation either by placing it
in a bowl of hot water or gently heating it in the microwave as

When the fish is frozen, dribble 1/3 of the Jelly over the fish,
using a spatula to cover all parts, just as you would ice a cake.
Since the Jelly is solidifying as you go, it may look a bit messy
at this stage. Using the remaining Jelly, slowly and gently drip
it over the fish to create a dripped finish. It should look like
candle drippings. Any excess Jelly that dripped to the cookie
sheet can be scraped up and reheated to add to the finishing

Transfer the salmon to serving platter and decorate with lemon
slices and fresh sprigs of dill if desired. Let it thaw completely
before serving.

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

In Death's Shadow
by Stephen C. Davidson

Publisher: Dancing Willow Publications
Genre: Medical Thriller
ISBN 1587970023
Release date: August 2000
Cost: Downloads $3.95 (U.S.) each

**** Excellent

If Harry Adams knew the chain of events that were beginning,
he would have never accepted his friends invitation to go to the
Bare Nights Club that evening. But events already in place,
pull Harry right into the middle of things without his
knowledge until it is too late. Now Harry is not just running for
his life, but also trying to keep Ree alive as well as trying to
find the answers to terrifying and impossible questions.

Kara-Ree 'Ree' Andrews is a woman that is living dual lives.
During the day, she is Ree; a college student, making good
grades and on her way to getting the degree she has always
wanted. By night she is Lee Abu, nightclub stripper. She is also
the unwilling pawn in a deadly game. Everyone is trying to
find her, from the police to the mob to unknown participants.
Her only hope is Harry, but can she trust him? Will he turn her
over if the cost is too high or the price is right?

As Harry and Ree race to find hidden answers and uncover the
truth before it is too late. Thought to be from a deadly virus,
perfect healthy people are keeling over and dying while
exercising. This is a virus the Center for Disease Control can't
identify, while at the same time, the 'Agency' wants to keep it
hidden and terrorists want to get their hands on it. With the
International Games coming up, the solution is critical to
prevent global embarrassment for the United States. How many
more will die? Can the virus be identified in time to save the

IN DEATH'S SHADOW is a book that captures you and takes
you for a thrill a minute roller coaster ride. Author Stephen C.
Davidson has woven a story involving multiple plots and
multiple suspects. You are kept guessing, while given clues
and suspects, reasons and theories, but nothing concrete. You
hold your breath as you race against the clock with the
characters, turning each page in anticipation. I very highly
recommend this book; it ranks right up there with Robin Cook,
Michael Palmer, and Tess Gerritsen for medical thrillers.

Review by:
Tracy Eastgate

Tracy's Book Reviews



by Glenda D. Tudor

Publisher: Word Wrangler
Genre: Paranormal Romance Short
Release date: Tentatively set for August 2000
Cost: Downloads $2.50 (U. S.) each

***** Outstanding

Jack Langdon is an author in need of a rest and vacation. His
agent has rented a little cabin in the middle of nowhere for Jack
to get away from everything, relax and finish his fourth novel.
Jack is looking forward to it with great anticipation. What he
doesn't count on is his meeting with the mysterious girl that
calls herself Sunbeam.

Sunbeam comes to the cabin and introduces herself to Jack
after he has been there a couple of weeks. She is only nineteen,
but radiates beauty. She also looks as if she has walked into the
modern world from the Flower Child era. She never takes Jack
to where she is staying and tells him that she is waiting for her
parents to come and pick her up that they should be coming
any day now.

As Jack and Sunbeam get to know each other, a beautiful love
develops between the two of them. Jack has curiosities and
questions, but he always pushes them into the background until
one day they refuse to be ignored any longer. When he begins
questioning Sunbeam, the answers that he is getting not just
frightens him, but also breaks his heart.

Author Glenda D. Tudor has done an absolutely beautiful job
with this story. The story flows like magic and without you
what is happening, suddenly you are there with Jack and
Sunbeam at the cabin watching things happen. This is
definitely a story that you have got to add to your personal
library, as you will want to read it over and over.

Review by:
Tracy Eastgate

Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



Author: Marilyn Lee
Title: Dream Lover
Publisher: Renaissance E Book Publisher
Release Date: 8/1/2000
ISBN: 1-929670-36-2
Price: $4.00--download

If it's one thing Jade Johnstone, owner of a cleaning service,
doesn't need, it's to arrive at an emergency job, only to find the
homeowner, Reed Daniels, in bed--naked. Especially since
Reed's been the object of her erotic fantasies for months.
Although Reed shares Jade's interest, he's only interested in a
strictly no-strings attached physical relationship. Jade sets out
to change his mind.


Title: Search for the Sun: A Syran Mystery
Author: Ellen Anthony
ISBN: 1-58785-022-2
Genre: science fiction/murder mystery
Formats: PDF & HTML
Price: Disk $7.75 (s&h incl.) Download $4.95
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

A multiple murder. Everyone in the house is killed except for
the infant in the nursery. When a suspect and motive are finally
found, the search begins and readers will be spellbound until
the very end.

Book Blurb:

In this fascinating sequel to the best selling MANHUNTER,
the princess is dead--murdered in a crime that rocks Gardon-
nd only her infant son is left alive. Who did it--the General, the
Healer, or the Prime Minister? And why?

Donal Yorkson and his veteran partner try to untangle the
wicked crime only to find no motive and a preposterous list
of suspects. When his partner turns up dead, Donal must
defy his father and even his queen to uncover a crime more
terrible than murder.


Title: I Dare Think Otherwise
Author: Leronia Rawls
ISBN: 1-58785-030-3
Genre: poetry
Formats: PDF & HTML
Price: Disk $6.95 (s&h incl.) Download $4.15
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:
Short Description:

This extraordinarily moving and poignant collection of poems
centers on a lifetime of love, heartbreak, and heartfelt
expressions resulting from the author's visual and mental
perceptions as an African American deprived in a disoriented
society of love, hate, and racism.

Book Blurb:

From the time that she learned to write, Leronia Rawls' inner
feelings were expressed on paper that she discreetly treasured
as one treasures his or her personal diary. During her youth,
she didn't perceive her writings as poetic. Later she realized
that her writings were therapeutically spiritual.

Some of the poems, such as Regarding The Lady With One
Shoe, were derived from visions. Other poems were drawn
from the depths of Rawls' experience as a young adult. The
poem entitled The Problem focuses on the author's trauma as a
seven year-old when she was forcefully pulled away from a
department store water fountain designated exclusively for
whites. Black Berries Thoughts came from the summer months
that Rawls spent with her grandparents as a very young child.

Each poem represents a special moment or special event of the
author's past. As the author generously bares her soul and
documents her sentiments, readers will find themselves
thoroughly absorbed and riveted by the touching and
heartrending reflections contained in Rawls' prose.


Title: Dinosaur Park
Author: Michelle Prebilic
ISBN: 1-58785-008-7
Genre: children's
Formats: PDF & HTML (HTML version includes animation)
Price: Disk $6.55 (s&h incl.) Download $3.75
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

In this delightful interactive book, author Michelle Prebilic
includes a story for 4 to 10 year olds, dinosaur activities,
incredible facts, animated pictures (HTML version only) and
tons of links to dinosaur-related websites.

Book Blurb:

Most of Brianna's friends want to be teachers, doctors, or
something ordinary when they grow up. Not Brianna - she
wants to be a paleontologist!

Join Brianna as she ventures to Dinosaur Park and searches for
dinosaur footprints, fossils, and information about what
dinosaurs did when they walked the earth. In this delightful
interactive book, author Michelle Prebilic includes a story for 4
to 10 year olds, dinosaur activities, incredible facts, animated
pictures (HTML version only) and tons of links to dinosaur-
related websites. Follow the links and hear dinosaurs roar,
discover natural parks with dinosaur fossils, have a dinosaur
party, or join an expedition in southern Montana to collect
dinosaurs for a museum!

This book is a must read for any child who loves dinosaurs or
wants to learn more about them


Title: Mason Goes to the Doctor
Author: Jennifer L. B. Leese
ISBN: 1-58785-011-7
Genre: children's
Formats: PDF & HTML
Price: Disk $6.55 (s&h incl.) Download $3.75
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

Mason's starting pre-school in the fall--and that means he has
to have a physical! While children will readily relate to
Mason's experience and enjoy the charming story, they'll also
learn about their bodies and medical instruments and
procedures and explore links to medical-related websites.

Book Blurb:

Mason's starting pre-school in the fall--and that means he
has to have a physical!

Naturally a bit apprehensive, Mason asks his dad tons of
questions about what he can expect at the doctor's office.
Mason's dad assures him that having a physical is not
something scary and explains some of the procedures.

When Mason and his dad arrive at the doctor's office, Mason's
relieved to find that Nurse Ann and Doctor Plum are friendly,
nice, and informative. They even see to it that Mason has a
good time and really enjoys his visit to the doctor.

While children will readily relate to Mason's experience and
enjoy the charming story, they'll also learn about their bodies
and medical instruments and procedures. Author Jennifer L.B.
Leese includes a Parent/Child Reference page as well as a Fun
Link Page full of links to medical-related websites that children
and their parents will enjoy exploring.


Title: Buried in the Townhouse
Author: Marianna Heusler
ISBN: 1-58785-014-1
Genre: murder mystery
Formats: PDF & HTML
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Book Blurb:

When Christina Braganti decides to purchase a townhouse on
the upper-eastside of Manhattan with her brother Jake, she has
no idea what chain of events they are about to set in motion.
Their plan is simply to convert the former psychiatric hospital
into a million dollar fitness center. Recently divorced, Christina
relishes the opportunity to shape both her body and her mind.

But, in spite of the costly renovations and the modern
conveniences, evil lurks within the buildings crevices. Buried
deep within its walls is a dark and dreadful secret.

It soon becomes apparent that someone in their midst has a
very different agenda for the property. Mike, the
mutecaretaker, was once a patient when the townhouse was a
hospital. Lori, Christina's assistant, is a former agoraphobic,
and Jake's assistant, Sergio, is soon suspected of drug dealing.
Julia Morrell, a member of the club, has her own reason for
wanting to buy the townhouse and blackmails Christina, with
information about a crime committed years ago by Christina's

Comic mishaps turn deadly, when a few weeks after the club
opens, Alex, Christina's son, stumbles over a body in the alley.
Two more murders follow, and when Alex disappears,
detectives believe the events are linked to illegal drugs. But
Christina suspects a far more chilling reason that the quiet
townhouse on Madison Avenue has suddenly become a house
of horrors.

As time runs out, Christina searches for the lethal link between
the past and the present. In the race of her life, she desperately
tries to save her son, her family and her business.


Title: A Small Matter
Author: David G. LaGraff
ISBN: 1-58785-020-6
Genre: mainstream/women's fiction
Formats: PDF & HTML
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

Vickie was under a death sentence - cancer. A fast-moving
Mulroney was the man who had secretly loved her for twenty
years. In a race against time, they plan to marry, but will she
make it to the altar before it's too late?

Book Blurb:

Set against a stormy Los Angeles background, 'A Small Matter'
takes you deep into the heart and soul of a man and woman in
love, who find themselves caught up in a search for healing and
redemption in a race against the darkness of death. The surprise
ending will touch you deeply for years to come.


Book: Beyond Love
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
Genre: Regency Romance
Publisher: DiskUs Publishing
Release Date: August 2000

Baron Blake Bradley had tried for 15 years to ignore the
betroth that he is bound to. But Thorton Lynwood would not let
him. When two years had come and gone past her eighteenth
birthday and still her groom did not show up to claim her, she
takes it upon herself to go in search of her missing groom.

Upon her arrival at Stonecrest hate is rekindled between the
two warring families. But in order for Thorton to reach her goal
she must get the Baron to except her bargain...a one-year
marriage. Blake knows that he has no choice, he must marry
his dreaded enemy, but he promises to make her life hell as her
family had done to his.


Book: Sunbeam
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
Genre: Paranormal Romance Short
Publisher: Word Wrangler
Release Date: August 2000
Price: $2.50 download

Author, Jack Langdon leaves the city behind him as he
ventures off to a cabin in the woods that his agent has rented
for him. The purpose: to finish his fourth novel...but what he
finds in the seclusion is something that he never expected. A
young woman, love and the mystery that surrounds her.


Book - "The Last God (Book I of the Oerth Cycle)"
Author - Jim Farris
Genre - Science Fiction/Anthropomorphic Fantasy
Publisher: DenMark Publishing
Release Date: Available Now

Blurb - "The Last God (Book I of the Oerth Cycle) is a
sweeping, epic-length science-fiction/anthropomorphic fantasy
novel that tells the story of the little mustelid, Merle, and her
enormous companion, Xaa. Merle Mousefinder, the little
Mustie of the Wild Wood, didn't know what she was getting
into when she followed the strange noise through the forest and
found Xaa, an enormous carnivorous mouse. Soon, her
curiosity would lead her to follow Xaa through this epic tale of
freedom, slavery, life, death, hate, and love. With a three-hour
MIDI soundtrack, The Last God is more than a book - it's an


Dancing Willow Publication **New Releases**

In Deaths Shadow
author: Steven Crane Davidson
Dancing Willow Publications
Expected pub date:  8/25/00
ISBN 1-58797-002-3 PDF & Rocket Format


 A great fast paced read with plenty of action. In Death's
Shadow takes the reader on a journey across the state of
Georgia and international locales. A must read for the lover of
a great mystery. An exciting tale of cat and mouse.

Stephen Crane Davidson is a new and upcoming writer who
pulls out all the stops to make In Death's Shadow a fascinating
read. Don't miss this intriguing mystery.

Look for In Death's Shadow to make its debut in August


The Nightmare Club #1-The Headless Paperboy
author: Howard Hopkins
ISBN: forthcoming
pub date: 8-25-00
Publisher:  Dancing Willow Publications


When October Williams moved to the small seaside town of
New Salem, Maine, he hardly expected to be chased by the
ghost of the Headless Paperboy. But New Salem is a town
gripped by the supernatural where anything can happen...
especially near the old bridge leading to the cemetery!

October soon learns a strange and terrifying tale. Every
Halloween three children vanish as the ghost begins searching
for his head. Riding a twenty-year-old bicycle and hurling
flaming newspapers, the spook needs one more victim before
disappearing for another year. If that weren't bad enough,
the school bully wants to make sure October doesn't have a
chance to escape the pedaling terror!

Together with a band of misfit kids who call themselves the
Nightmare Club, a strange girl named Alliecat who wants to
shove her way into the group, and a pot-bellied pig named
Barnabas, he must find the Paperboy's head and put it back
with the body before it's too late and he loses his own!


author: Howard Hopkins
genre: Western
isbn: forthcoming
pub date: 8-25-00
publisher: Dancing Willow Publications


A vicious killer stalks the dusty streets of Mascarada, New
Mexico, slicing the throats of saloon girls like some Western
Day Jack the Ripper.

The Crucible Society, an organization that claims it doesn't
exist, plans to tame the Wild West, but are their methods of
doing so any better than those of the criminals they track

Johnny Hickok, a man falsely accused of murder, struggles
against the  demons of his past and the specter of the Pistolero
within. When the Crucible Society offers him a pardon in
exchange for bringing the knife killer to justice, he soon finds
himself plunged into a tangle of hidden motives, danger and
deception. Can he face the ghosts awaiting him on the blood-
stained trail that leads straight to the woman he left behind and
vanquish the Janus tearing apart his soul? Or will he fall prey
to an adversary as deadly as the West has ever known?


Sheila M. Coyle

Book Title - Katie Marie and St. Therese's Website
Type - Religious/Inspirational
Publishers -
Author, Book Page -

Dear St. Therese,

Please pray that the grownups stop fighting. They give me a
headache then Sister Frenchetta yells at me when I throw up
over the balcony onto Father Michaud's head.  love, katie marie

KATIE MARIE is the only child in St. Mary's Star of The Sea
Over The Hill church choir. She writes her prayer petitions in a
computer notebook called "St. Therese's Website." KATIE
writes about her aging Aunt Aggie, Sister Frenchetta feisty
choir director and kindly Sister Margarita, and Jimmy Marcone
KATIE'S tormentor. Her prayers are answered in an
extraordinary way when PADRE PARONE patron saint of the
world sits next to her in choir changing her life forever more...


Author: Tracy Copper-Posey
Publisher: Hard Shell Word Factory
ISBN: 1-58200-569-9
Release Date: August 2000


Diana -- a fiery kitten of a Roman woman, who hides a terrible
past, and struggles to lead her people on a desparate quest for
survival against famine and Saxon raids, unable to trust

Alaric -- proud Celtic warrior and trusted lieutenant to the
upstart British leader, Arthur, who must overcome his hatred of
Romans if he is to fulfill Arthur's ambitions in the north.

A haunting tale of two lives touched by the coming of King
Arthur, and two hearts & souls struggling to come together
against odds as great as those against Britain itself. Only
together will they survive, or else be sundered...forever.


Prescription For Love
Janet Lane Walters
Diskus Publishing
ISBN: 1-58495-215-6

Janet Lane Walters -- Murder and Mint Tea EPPIE finalist
and A Minor Opposition NCP,  Obsessions  EPPIE finalist-
Nov. 1999 HardShell ,  Requiem Murder- Jan. 2000 NCP
On Opposite Sides NCP June 2000 The Doctor's Dilemma
NCP TBA Prescription for Love Diskus August 2000 The
Jewels of Earda TBA A Marriage -- Inconvenient NCP TBA


Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books, Inc.
Kathryn Struck

Author: Philip Newman
Release date: August 12, 2000
Formats: html, Rocketreader, Palmpilot, and pdf by
request/disks and downloads
Isbn: to be assigned
Genre: mainstream fiction--romantic elements


David Tregorran, whose marriage is breaking up, and whose
apparently glamorous job as the senior Concorde pilot has
turned to drudgery, has taken to drinking. His judgment
impaired, he endangers the lives of innocent people, and he
risks the destruction of his entire career. He finds some peace
and a new start in life in a small village and at a rura
pub called "A Place in the Woods". The Concorde, once the
glamorous dream of the traveling public, is suffering from the
inevitable depredations of the age and exploitation by cynical
owners.  David's drunkenness turns one aircraft into a death
trap. Concorde's survival is the result of David's skill, a high-
level cover up, and the death of two crew members. This
tension-filled novel chronicles the stress of a Concorde pilot as
he tries to reconcile his demanding career with his shattered
personal life.

Philip Newman joined the Anglo-French Concorde project in
1978 where he erved as a flight engineer and public relations
officer for the next fourteen years.  A Place in the Woods, his
first book, is based on observations spanning twenty-five years
of world travel and a pilot's inside knowledge of the Concorde.


Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books
KD Struck  and Dick Claassen

Title: WYSIWYG-What You See is What You Get
Author: Renee Austin
Genre: Inspirational Romance
Release date: August 25, 2000
Formats: html, Rocketreader, PalmPilot, pdf (on request)


Serena Gregory conducted an on-line affair full of love and
laughter with Air Force fighter pilot Zachary Elias Kane.
Calling herself "Songstress", Serena bewitched "ZackAce"
with her on-line magic. Together they saved the universe,
climbed cyber balconies, and explored their deepest fantasies
while exposing their innermost souls--except for one or two
teensy weensy lies.

In a wheelchair, ashamed of her appearance, and scarred to her
soul by the  auto accident that killed her fiance, Serena uploads
her beautiful older sister's picture to Zack's computer,
misleading him to believe she has long cornflower blond hair,
china blue eyes, and a flawless face. After all, she knows
they'll never meet face to face--he's at the top of the world in

When Zack shows up on Serena's doorstep without warning,
persuades her sister to trade places with her until she finds the
courage to reveal her true identity.  Once the deception starts it
rolls downhill like a snowball, plowing everything in its path,
taking on a life of its own. Serena, a normally ethical and
honest person, is so deeply embarrassed that she set out to
deceive Zack, she fears he will never forgive her.

Zack's love and that of her family and friends show her the way
Back to God and her faith in this inspirational romance that is
part of Awe-Struck's Ennoble line.

Kathryn D.Struck, Awe-Struck E-Books  Check our "Drive Away in an
Ebook" Sizzling Summer Deals on "e-wheels" SALE at Awe-
truck. ALL books are now 1/3 off!


EBooksOnThe.Net  NEW TITLES:

Title: I'M ON FIRE
Author: Kevin Quigley
Genre: Horror
Format: PDF, HTML


Author: Thurman Sawyer
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Author: Edward Petty
Genre: Horror
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Author: M. Rutledge McCall
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Author: Jude Morris
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Author: Walker Joe Jackson
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Author: Carlene Rae Dater
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Author: Robyn Chawner
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Author: Arlene Stadd
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Author: Harry Gersteneker
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Author: Marcus Ryan
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Author: Ann Herrick
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Format: PDF - Fully Illustrated


Author: Timothy Leonard
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Format: PDF


New Releases from Crossroads Publishing

The Legend of Lejube Rogue, Patricia Lucas White
The Threshing Floor, E. L. Noel
The Tamperers, Al Long
Cheyenne Vengeance, Dean Livelsberger
Stack to the Moon, David Breeden
Alaric Swifthand, Steve Lazarowitz
Before/Beyond, Patrick Welch
Birthright, Larry Bailey
Children of Rhatlan, Jonathan Fesmire
On the Scent of Danger, Phyllis Rossiter Modeland
Billy Boy, Thomas J. Hubschman
Cure Complex, Ed Murphy
The Green Pumpkin, Jenna Kay Francis
Hardline Lifer, Sharon L Reddy
Happy Homemaker, Tabatha Jean
Keisha's Best Birthday Ever, Tabatha Jean
The Lonely Snowman, Dicksie Dudeney
Marsh Frog Storybooks, Granny Dragon
Nicholas and the Whales, Paul Holler
Riley-Eye in the City, Ken Mason
Rush to Glory, Robert L. Hecker
Wacks Museum, Gene-Michael Higney



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Pandora's Box: By Jim Farris

"Join ancient storyteller Aesop as he weaves a tale of
humanity and inhumanity, organic and inorganic
intelligence ..... each reaching for something greater than
itself in a story that spans two millennia of time. Pandora's
Box is a novel in the grand tradition of science-fiction,
telling the epic future of the humans of Mars Colony and
their robotic companions. For more information,
including book excerpts, reviews and a synopsis of the
novel, see The novel is available from
Ebooks, at



Rita Hestand: Pretend Mom is on sale now at:


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child..."


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