September 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 11
ISSN 1530-5287

E-Book Ecstasy

~ Welcome ~

This issue was late do to some unforeseen problems...the
article for the Featured E-Publisher didn't come through. So I
put out a call for help and two very special women came to my

Tremendous thanks to:

Susan Bodendorfer ~ Wordbeams Publishing ~
Silke Juppenlatz ~ Dreams Unlimited ~

Bless you both and my eternal gratitude.

I'm very excited about our new lineup. In this issue we begin a
new. First we have added to the Featured E-Author section.
There are so many E-Authors that featuring one per issue just
isn't fair...(smile)

Each month we will be featuring 2-3 E-Authors per issue and
we get to learn more about them and why they choose the e-
publishing path for their work. We find out what makes them
the writers that they are.

Also in this issue we introduce a new section called: Behind
the Scene, which will feature Editors, Graphic artist,
Promotional and Media Contacts and other behind the scene
persons that help make e-publishing what it is.

Featured E-Authors:
Karen Wiesner
Beth Anderson

Featured E-Publisher:
Susan Bodendorfer ~ Wordbeams Publishing ~

Behind the Scene:
Nick Adam ~ Crossroads Publishing Co. ~

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Featured E-Publisher
Behind the Scene
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release



Subject: Independent Authors Unite in Promotion
Contact: Leta Nolan Childers,;
Linda Bleser,;
Jim Farris,
(Telephone interviews will be offered; email for numbers)
Release: Time sensitive; for immediate release
July 28, 2000

Readers Win with e-Authors Treasure Hunt

In what appears to be a historic undertaking, nearly forty
writers are joining together to reward readers for finding the
treasures they create. And the rewards for winning the e-
Authors Treasure Hunt is a chest of prizes designed to delight

"I can't recall a time when this many authors joined together,
independent of their publishers, to thank their readers," said
best selling author Leta Nolan Childers (
"This is our way of saying that we've found our gems in the
readers who have embraced and supported us-by reading and
enjoying books in electronic bindings."

The grand prize winner of the e-Authors Treasure Hunt, which
begins on August 1 and concludes on September 30, is an
entire library of books in electronic bindings-on diskette and
CD, valued at more than $250. Among the first prizes are a
personal CD player; two cassette players with audio books
(courtesy of DiskUs Publishing,
a jewelry box (courtesy of Awe-Struck E-Books;) a ruby,
sapphires and onyx (courtesy of Saxco E-Book Publishing,;) a $25 gift Barnes and Noble gift certificate
(courtesy of and two electronic Rolodex
personal organizers, among many more.

"It's wonderful that our publishers recognize the need to reward
our readers, too, and have jumped on the bandwagon to donate
prizes to augment those donated by the authors involved in the
Treasure Hunt," said Nolan Childers.

Players can find the rules and the form to complete at To play,
contestants browse the author web sites and find the gem
displayed. They then type the name of the gem with the correct
author on an easy to use form. In the event of a tie, a random
drawing will be conducted. Ten first prizes will also be offered.

"While one lucky winner will walk away with a treasure trove
of literary gems, there are no losers in the e-Authors Treasure
Hunt. A lifetime of reading treasures awaits those who set out
to explore the world of electronic publishing," said
participating author Linda Bleser (

Organizers for the event also hope that it will introduce readers
who have not yet discovered the wealth of informative and
entertaining books published electronically to this facet of the
publishing industry.

"This is, perhaps, the most entertaining and fun promotion on
the internet today," said Jim Farris, noted e-author "Treasure Hunt' is a free, fabulous
and fun promotion that everyone will soon be talking about."

Joining in the promotion are sites that help readers gain
awareness of books in electronic bindings such as, and
Writers' organizations, such as Mystik Ink
( are also supporting the Treasure Hunt.


AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at: or
subscribe directly at: You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!


Victorian Rose Afghan Contest
Enter now thru Dec. 15, 2000


Okay, item #1:
------ would like to let everyone receiving this
newsletter to know of our nominees to the Frankfurt Awards. If
you haven't taken the time to visit our website; to read some of these
fantanstic works, I would like to extend an offer for you to do
so now. We have so many excellent books that it was very
difficult to narrow the submissions down to just these few.
Drop on in and see if you don't agree.

Our nominees:

A Dying Place-Morris Striplin
Cover by Judy Lineberger
Music: Awakening by Tom Kristoffersen (included on the CD)
ISBN 1-58338-234-8

Angels Unaware - Priscilla A. Maine
Ole Woman portrait by Skip Rowell
Cover design by Tracey Laird
Music: Waiting with Hope by Tom Kristoffersen
(included on the CD)
ISBN 1-58338-247-X

Dead Man Falling - Randall Silvis
Cover by Judith Huey
Music: Phoenix by Luke Palmer (included on the CD)
ISBN 1-58338-322-0

Dream Sequence - Steve Lazarowitz
Cover by Judith Huey
Music: Marching Over the Rainbow by Edwin van Veldhoven
ISBN 1-58338-315-8

Hardline Lifer - Sharon L Reddy
Cover by Judith Huey
Music: Hollow by Jenna Kay Ramsey
ISBN 1-58338-108-2

LeJube Rogue (Eppie Finalist) - Patricia Lucas White
Cover by Judith Huey
Music: The Cow Song by Luke Palmer (included on the CD)
ISBN 1-58338-370-0

Nicholas and the Whales (Eppie finalist) - Paul Holler
Cover and interior art by Judith Huey
Music: I Will keep Going by Aaron Walz
ISBN 1-58338-166-X

Rosemount - Mary E. Trimble
Cover by Tracey Laird
Music: Turning Poison into Medicine by Asron Walz
ISBN 1-58338-056-6

Rush to Glory - Robert L. Hecker
Cover by Judith Huey
Music: Morning from the War Suite by Tom Kristoffersen.
ISBN 1-58338-205-4

Stack to the Moon - David Breeden (publication date mid-July);
Cover by Tracey Laird
Music: Ski by Luke Palmer (included on CD)
ISBN 1-58338-279-8

The 8th House - Wendy Jensen
Cover by Nur
Music: Hades by Aaron Walz
ISBN 1-58338-243-7

The Green Pumpkin -
Jenna Kay Francis, illustrated by Chris Jones
Illustrations by Chris Jones (coloring book included)
Music: In the Hall of the Mountain King, arranged by Luke Palmer
ISBN 1-58338-368-9

The Threshing Floor - E. L Noel
Cover by Mike Noel
Music: Nagatroms by Luke Palmer (included on the CD)

The Wages of Justice - Kate Saundby
Cover by Nick Krueger
Music: Whispers in the Evening Air by Edwin Van Veldhoven
ISBN 1-58338-280-1

Before/Beyond by Patrick Welch
Cover by Duncan Long
Music: World by Jan Erik Hedbom

Birthright by Larry L. Bailey
Cover background painting by Johnye Cruse,
Cover design by Tracey Laird
Music: Another World by Tom Kristoffersen

Children of Rhatlan by Jonathan Fesmire
Cover by Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
Music: Undesired Feelings by Luke Palmer

On the Scent of Danger by Phyllis Rossiter Modeland
Cover photo by Phyllis Modeland
Music: Winner at Life by John Rhyman

Item #2
The new Awards !!

Attention everyone!!

In the belief and hope that these Awards will soon become
industry standard.

The Fiction Works

Proudly announce the First Annual Dream Realm Awards to
recognize excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror in
Electronically Published Books (eBooks)

The Winners will be announced at
Nov. 24-26
Hyatt-Regency Hotel
D/FW Airport, Dallas, TX

You need not be present to win.

The categories are:

a) Science Fiction

b) Fantasy

c) Horror

d) Anthology

e) Series
(A minimum of three published books in the above category)

f) Experimental
(Books that are experimental in style or construction. Judging
shall be of the book and not the experimental elements.)

g) Children's books

h) Cover Art

The entry fee will be $5 for each book or cover, payable by
credit card, netcheck or personal check in the mail. Entries and
submissions will be electronic.

Go to: for more
information and to enter.

IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: We need judges, LOTS of judges.
The requirements are that they LOVE to read (any of the above
genres). We would like to get people that read several books a
month, or more. Please contact: Samandi Adams at:


Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate
the changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes
education and research. (100% of the proceeds of this book
will be donated to that cause.)

(Available in download formats only)



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're

List owner:
URL to Beamings page at egroups:


TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.

Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at: and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at: or learn more at our


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:


E-Book Of The Week

E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to:



Karen Wiesner-Author

I was born July 5, 1969--a pivotal day in the history of space
exploration, true, but the story of my birth was just as pivotal in
setting the course for my life. As my parents tell the story, I
was quite literally almost born in the bleachers at the race
track. Think loud, screaming, souped-up cars, thick dust fogs
and a guy on a loudspeaker who has a voice with all the charm
of nails on a chalkboard.

My dad was and is an avid fan of this popular sport. You can
imagine how, knowing this, my poor, pregnant mother felt
when she realized she was in labor. I'm sure she must have
thought 'Now how am I going to convince him we have to go
in the middle of this thing?' My dad was also not a fainting
father, as you'll soon realize. Since I was the second-born,
maybe the novelty of the whole thing had worn off.

In any case, I can imagine my mother twisting her hands,
groaning freely since the chances of being heard over the din
were slim, finally managing "Ahh, honey, I know you want to
see who wins, but I think we have to go to the hospital. It's
*time*." Never once do my father's eyes turn from the race
track as he says "Sure, sure, sweetheart. Wait'll after this lap."
Ten minutes later, my mom turns to my grandmother for
support. "Son, we've got to go now unless you want this baby
born right here on the bleachers!"

After poking and prodding my dad a couple more times, my
mother probably feeling like she's trying to hold a basketball
between her legs as she climbs down from the bleachers,
they're in the car and on their way to the hospital. The
contractions are closer together, but mom's surely breathed a
sigh of relief. Not long now. Almost there... But instead of
seeing the emergency room doors, nurses and doctors waiting
to bring her in and help her deliver this baby, she sees the
Golden Arches. Dad's hungry for a burger!

I knew from the time I was barely ten years old I would be a
writer. My birth story should have told me that you never go
from point A to point B--not in a straight line anyway. My
mother must have thought at first 'Well, I'm in labor, so we
have to go to the hospital immediately. That's what you do.'
She eventually made it there; I wasn't born in the bleachers or a
car. They've got a great story to tell now, although at the time I
sure it wasn't all that fun. It took some tenacious fighting,
some support and, incidentally, a hamburger to get her there.

Getting that first book written was something of a miracle for
me. I didn't have a clue where to start. Fifteen drafts later, I
wasn't any closer to the goal of having a publishable book. To
write a great book, it took a lot of practice, tenacity, fighting
for what I wanted because I believed in myself and what I
wanted, as well as the generous support of friends and family.
I now have eight books published in a variety of genres, a
novella and more on the way. I have great reviews,
nominations and career that seems to be born over and over, in
new and different ways. Please visit my web site and meet my
"babies." You can even stop at the Golden Arches on the way.

Karen Wiesner



Beth Anderson
(Known on the Net as Hotclue)

So you're curious to know how I got here, on this newsletter,
right? Before today, you always thought of Glenda Tudor as
an otherwise rational person, and now you know the truth.
Obviously, she's lost it. Gone over the edge. Got off the
elevator on the wrong floor. But she did invite me here, so you
really are duty-bound to read the ramblings of this Midwestern
Mama. Aren't you?

First, let me confess to God and everybody else who might still
be here reading this column because either you're too tired to
hit the delete button, or too bored to read CNN again, that I
have, in a past life, committed print publication. I (blush) did it
three times. I kept changing my alias, so they've never caught
up with me. And by now of course, I've reformed, changed my
ways (and my name again) and I'm now publishing online with
Clocktower Books. But the story of how I got here is a
sometimes sad, sometimes funny story. And sometimes both at
the same time.

When my first print book, All That Glitters, came out, three
hings happened. First, one week before it was to go to press, I
was orphaned. In the print book world, that means your editor,
who fought to buy your book, wet-nursed you all the way
through, made you change the entire last third of it to fit the
line--thus changing it from a suspense about a homicidal
maniac stalking a young woman by sending her a black silk
rose every time he's about to kill someone, into a book about a
young woman who goes to Hollywood, becomes a movie
director, and THEN is stalked by...well, you get the picture.
You do what your editor tells you to do. The editor loved her
work, which became my work, and then quit just as it was
going to press. This left me alone, floating, panic-stricken,
unknown and definitely unloved by whomever took her place.
And second, right after it hit the stands, I found out that my
book was the sixth in less than three months to be published
with the same title. My friends took perverse delight in
pointing out every one of them to me. Then the first hometown
reporter who interviewed me did a masterful job of bashing
both me and my book. All in all, I was well broken in for what
would become a long series of misadventures in the print publishing

My second book-ah, what a joy Count On Me was to write.
And rewrite. And rewrite again, before Harlequin
Superromance deemed it fit for human consumption. And here
comes the tragicomedy part. It's okay to laugh, really it is. I
do. While I was doing all this, and waiting thirty-six months
for it to be published because of their long lead time, my
mother developed several assorted obsessions, all of which
turned out to be due to Alzheimers. She was convinced I was
writing an expose on her life, and nothing I could do or say
would convince her otherwise, even though I couldn't for the
life of me figure out what she could possibly have ever done to
expose. Working during the day, writing in the evening, and
fielding her phone calls in the middle of the night was such a
pleasure, and it did wonders for my weight. Somehow, Count
On Me eventually got published, and did very well. But by
that time, I had already given birth to one mainstream novel,
and another was trying to force its way out.

I was having a recurring dream. I kept seeing the back of a
man sitting at a piano, playing. I could see his hands close up,
and hear the music and the words loud and clear. Eventually,
being the slow-witted type, it occurred to me that I had the
beginnings of another book. Diamonds was born. It wasn't an
easy birth. I was faced with moving my mother from Arizona
to a nursing home close to my house in Illinois, and all of the
resulting agony, sometimes hilarity, that accompanies her
disease. But move her I did, while I kept on working full time,
and kept on writing at night. It wasn't long before the nursing
home staff was fully familiar with my expose of my mother's
life, my treachery for selling her house, my affair with her
doctor in Arizona-my kids still call him Doctor Dad although
none of us have ever met him-and my general incompetence
as a daughter. I just kept on writing every night after I visited
with her. It was a very good escape.

Eventually, Diamonds was finished and ready to be unleashed
on the world. For anyone now writing e-books who thinks the
promotional part of it is overwhelming, let me assure you it's
the same for anyone publishing print books, and worse,
because it's more expensive. Print publishers may tell you
they're going to promote your book, but when push comes to
shove, unless you have a very smart agent and get it in writing,
you'll find yourself calling to find out when all that promo
material is going to be delivered, only to find out they decided
not to do it because their promo budget was overrun. I think I
spent most of my advance promoting my own book that time.
The photos, the bookmarks, the flyers, the ads in
flew right out the window a lot faster than it came in. Great
book. No promo. Guess what.

Right about that time two more things happened. My mother
passed away, and I decided to sit things out for a while. Oh, I
kept on writing, building my arsenal, but things were changing
in New York. The publishing industry as I had known it was
degenerating into a free-for-all over lawyer books, big name
authors, and agents running amok, not knowing what to do
with the clients they already had because most of them were
out of work. It was becoming almost impossible to get any
agent or publisher interested in anything unless your name was
Nora Roberts, and I was afraid to latch onto that one, much as
I'd like to. The big publishers were being bought out by
conglomerates overseas, big-name authors were being pushed
either up or down, depending on sell-through performance over
which they had, and still have, no control. The day of the mid-
ist author was slowly but surely coming to an end. So I just
kept on writing. Not sending anything out at that point. Just
writing. Plotting. Dreaming. Writing some more. I'd already
started Night Sounds.

My husband held up pretty well through all this. He did ask
me, one day when he came into my writing room and saw me
building a website, if I was ever going to send out the book I
was building the website for. I just smiled and said, "Soon.
Fantastic things are happening right here online. I'm keeping
an eye on it. Hang in there, I'll do something pretty soon." I
kept right on building my website. And writing.

Amazing what a little patience will do, as long as you never let
go of your dream-as long as you never stop writing. Because
wonderful things can happen, and they do-if you're ready.
Not long ago, Ari Overton, who had been watching my posts
on the allaboutmurder list, where I tend to get a little goofy
once in a while (okay, very goofy most of the time), asked me
if I had any books ready to publish, or in progress. Did I?
Remember what I was doing all that time? Writing. I sent five
book proposals to her. Two were complete, one almost
complete, one had three chapters done, and one isn't yet started,
except for the outline.

You know what happened next. Once in a while that little ol'
laid-back turtle wins the race. Cinderella finally locates her
slipper, and the person holding it turns out to be her prince. It
is possible to catch that gold ring on the merry-go-round. I just
caught it. Clocktower offered me five contracts all at once, and
I've never been happier since I started in this publication
business. I wouldn't go back for the world, because
possibilities here on the Internet are unlimited. I'm not saying I
think I'm going to become rich, but that's not why I was writing
in the first place. I was writing because I had to. I'm still
writing because I have to. And God willing, I'll be right here
on the Internet for a long, long time having the best time of my
life writing, making wonderful friends, chatting from time to
time on the lists, building my little castle with a clock tower on
top, one brick at a time. I love it. God, how I love it! The
best time in the world is right now.

Beth Anderson

My Upcoming Clocktower Books:
Night Sounds-POD, September, 2000
Murder Online-POD, .pdf & ReB, October, 2000
Second Generation-2001
Jonathan's Child-2001
Blood Sisters-2001
(There Will Be More...)



Susan Bodendorfer ~ Wordbeams Publishing ~

The last time I composed an article for Glenda's wonderful
newsletter was back in April, about 15 days before Wordbeams
celebrated its grand opening. Well, let me tell you, it's been a
wild few months since then!

Three of our books made the eBook Best Seller List--and each
of those books was released on May 1, which meant they were
competing with books released as early as January 1! To say
this was a rush and that we did a lot of whooping and hollering
is a gross understatement. <vbg> Then, a few days later,
eBookConnections released a nonfiction best seller list, and
there was another Wordbeams May 1 book!

It's kind of been like that since the beginning--one good piece
of news after another.

When a publisher has extraordinarily talented writers to work
with, who produce exceptionally entertaining manuscripts-
and, to top it all off, are some of the finest people I've ever had
the pleasure to "meet" or work with--well then, how can that
publisher help but become enthusiastic and excited? The
accolades, best seller lists, and great reviews are all icing in the
cake--great, yummy, fudgy, chocolate icing! LOL

Sure, like most e-pubs I put in incredibly long hours, 7 days a
week, and holidays but, at least for me, that's perfectly fine
because this is what I love to do more than anything else in the
world. This is the dream I've been working towards since I was
a kid--and now I'm actually living it! Not everyone is so
fortunate, so when I'm sitting at the keyboard sending out press
releases and other e-mails at 3:30 a.m. and start moaning and
complaining to myself, I stop, give myself a good, swift kick in
the butt, and remind myself that I'm doing this to keep my
dream alive. And I appreciate every single minute of it. <g>

I love getting up in the morning because each day brings
something new and interesting. I really never know what to
expect. One day I'll find myself editing with a wad of tissues in
my hand because an author's words have moved me to tears (I
just went through that with New Zealand author Ross
Richdale's moving, Sandwiches and Cuckoo Clocks, an
October release), and other days I'm reaching for the box of
tissues because another author's words have me laughing so
hard there are tears rolling down my cheeks. Hmmm, why does
the name "Jeff Strand" pop into my mind at this point? LOL
(Oooh--little bit of hot off the wire news to add here--Jeff just
sent me the sequel the Graverobbers called, Single White
Psychopath Seeks Same. You thought Graverobbers was great?
Just wait!!!)

Then, there are days when I have to read a manuscript through
a slit in my fingers because the author's words are scaring the
bejeezus out of me. All I can say is, thank God I didn't read
Drew Williams horror novel submission, Night Terrors (2001),
before I went to sleep! Eeek! And when I edited Tracy Jones's
YA horror anthology, Nightales: Stories of Fantasy and Terror
(October) I never expected to get sucked into the stories and be
so eager to see what would happen. It's a chilling read and I
kind of hate to release this as a YA book, because adults will
love it!

Some days I need to be especially sharp. That's when I'm
editing books by our international authors. I was so drawn in
by Carolyn Scott's (Australia) book, Rushmore (October
release) and couldn't help being reminded of one of my favorite
movies, The Quiet Man, with John Wayne and Maureen
O'Hara. Remember how wonderfully quirky those townspeople
were? Well, Rushmore is just like that. But it did take a few e-
mails back and forth to figure out what some of the local
Australian vernacular meant. One particularly funny
misunderstanding arose when one of the characters had her
period and went rushing to the store for Tim Tams and grabbed
the last package. Well, I thought she meant some sort of
tampons or something like that, and had a great laugh when
Carolyn informed me that Tim Tams are the most exquisitely
delicious chocolate biscuits in that country. LOL

I love the times when I sit there swooning and sighing and get
all pink-cheeked because I'm reading an author's words that
have swept me off my feet in a cloud of romance and passion.
Sigh. We've got a lot of romances, and that happens every
time. And when one of those romances makes me laugh, too
(like Betty Jo Schuler's very funny, very romantic October
release, Male Wanted), I just love it. To sample some of our
romances, just send me an e-mail requesting our romance
catalog (it has sample chapters from each current romance) to and I'll be happy to send it to you. It's
in PDF.

I love editing books for kids, too, because they're all so
different from one another. Amy Bowllan's The Land of
Crayons (October) is so lovely and sweet as it touches on a
world of living crayons and how being a different color or
having something different about you can be a wonderful and
very positive thing. A great lesson for kids without a hint of
being preachy.

One of our September 15 releases, Scratching the Surface: An
Anthology of Diverse Fiction, was absolutely fascinating to
edit. Murder, mayhem, hilarity, horror, romance, science-
fiction, and more--it's all in this book. It was eye-opening to
see how many of our authors could slip so comfortably and
successfully into different genres (like Tracy Jones, who wrote
the beautiful historical romance, Dare to Dream, and switches
to the macabre with her short story, Reunion). I personally love
anthologies and have many of them planned for release. This is
our very first and I'm so proud of it. A portion of the proceeds
are being donated to Doernbecher Children's Hospital in
Portland, Oregon, and will help children whose families can't
afford medical care. Each of our anthologies will have a
portion of the proceeds donated to charitable causes.

And, my goodness, we have so much more planned! December
will be especially fun and festive and we'll have lots of free
holiday gifts and goodies for our readers. Believe it or not,
we're already planning the festivities for our first anniversary in
May of 2001! Seems like a long way off, but it really isn't-at
least not in the world of publishing. <g> We're going to have a
few contests with great prizes that will just knock readers'
socks off. Our authors are busy working on a "round-robin"
novel right now. Before it's released in May we'll have a
contest to name the novel. Then, in May, it will be available
free with purchase of any Wordbeams book--with the authors'
names kept confidential. We'll have a contest for readers to
guess the identities of the authors of each chapter-which
should be great fun. After the contest, the book will be released
with the authors' names in place and all proceeds donated to

I LOVE being an e-publisher!!!

Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher



Nick Adams ~Staff Editor and Media Contact~
Crossroads Publishing Co.

Unlike the owners of, I got into this more
by accident than as a conscious decision. Like all new
enterprises, Crossroads has had growing pains. Some of the
people that were here at the conception have parted ways with
Crossroads. One of whom was the original acquisitions editor.
She and my wife were, and are, friends. She asked my wife to
help her out and make a few bucks while doing so. My wife,
being an avid reader... and loving what she can do on her own
website, said yes. (Making a grand total of two editors.) Of
course, she asked me to try my hand at editing also. (Now three
editors.) She is still working as an editor for Crossroads, and is
a much better editor than I am. Somewhere along the line, the
owners decided they needed a PR guy. They used the title of
'Media Contact'. When they approached me with the proposal, I
thought, sure why not? All I need to do is get Crossroads listed
on the major search engines and the job would be done. Little
did I know the true extent of a "Media Contact's" job. I still
edit, but my output has dropped off dramatically with the
increase of signed authors and completed books. My job as
'Media Contact' has taken on a life of its own. Now I try to get
people to review the stories written by our authors and to get
the reviews posted at various sites. Our authors still have to do
most of their own PR work, which includes all personal
appearances, book readings and self-promoting through news
releases, making flyers and book marks, just to name a few of
the ideas they have come up with, but I still assist in editing
their bios and the story synopsis. I'm finding this to be more a
labor of love than making the BIG BUCKS, but I can see a
point down the road where this could become a very profitable

Crossroads has over a hundred authors and close to two
hundred books, either in editing stages or completed. I would
like to say, without bragging, that we have some of the most
talented writers on the internet. (I hope I don't have to eat those
words after the winners are announced at the Frankfurt
Awards.) I'm smiling as I say that, but I do believe we should
win several of the awards. I strongly recommend you visit our
website (The address/link is
and click on... Tour Our Frankfurt ebook Award Nominees. I'm
sure you'll agree with me. The editing staff (all 12 of us now),
are among the best, and the cover artists are unbelievably
super. You really have to see their work to believe how good it
is. Several of the artists have sold the originals for some
sizeable dollar amounts. We are now up to 18 artists and
illustrators (for the children's books). I'm sorry to have rambled
on so. Back to how I view ebooks in general. I have had the
privilege of reading and editing some really great books. The
quality of the story lines and the writing is equal to, if not
better than, most print books. I'm not real knowledgeable on
the print industry as far as books/novels go, but from the stories
I've heard from authors, and some of the stories I've read that
were written by senior editors of major book publishers... the
print industry is in for a serious overhaul.

When ebook readers drop to an unbelievably low price (like
VCR's did), down to where they can be purchased for under
$100 US, that will put the final nail in print publishers' coffins,
so to speak. There will always be print books, magazines and
newspapers. Many people will always want them and prefer
them to their electronic counterparts, no matter what the cost.
The ebook readers are the wave of the future, especially for
those of us that have to wear glasses. Reading from an ebook
reader, where you can change the font size to your own
comfort level, is so much easier on the eyes than the small print
in a paperback. For those people that like to read at night while
laying in bed, but don't like having the light bother their
partners, the ebook reader has it's own back light. This way you
can read in a totally dark room. It can store about 10 novels,
100 with memory upgrade. (Can you imagine carrying 100
paperbacks around with you all day?) Well, when they become
affordable to the masses, ebooks will become the norm. When
they become the norm, then I will finally see a monetary pay
back. Until then, I'll enjoy the great stories, and pursue my pot
of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Nick Adams
Staff Editor and Media Contact
Crossroads Publishing Co.



By: Eva Kende

When planning a dinner, keep things simple enough so that
your focus remains on the guest or romantic partner. You
mustn't let the food preparation interfere with the ambience of
the evening.

Never plan to use a new recipe. It's better to go with something
tried and true, than to be in a flap about how a new dish will
turn out. If you decided to go with your basic never fail roast,
or even resorted to buying a ready cooked rotisserie chicken, a
flavorful sauce will instantly dress it up so that it will shout:

I make impromptu sauces often. One of my husband's favorites
is when I deglaze the pan in which I fried ham steak with a
tablespoon of prepared mustard, add a tablespoon or more of
honey and a bit of white wine, whisk it all together, and reduce
it. It's a thin, but flavorful accompaniment to the ham. This
would also lend itself to fried sausages or even roast beef.

Is there a bit of dried out jam or jelly languishing in the back of
your refrigerator? Turn it into a nice sauce. Add a little wine or
apple juice, heat it slowly in a saucepan, add black pepper, salt
and any herb seasoning you wish, bring to a boil, simmer until
it's the right consistency and serve with your favorite roast or
plain pork chops.

I am sure, you can think up a dozen variations on these ideas
and create a sauce that is uniquely your own. The trick is to
think about them and plan, rather than to work like a slave over

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

Twilight Obsessions
By Charlotte Boyett-Compo, Kate Hill and
Patricia Rasey

Publisher: Dark Star Publications
Genre: Thriller Anthology
ISBN 1586970461
Release date: July 2000
Downloads are $3.95 (US) each
CD-ROM's are $9.95 (US) each

**** Excellent

TAKEN BY THE WIND: Brenna Collins wanted nothing more
that night than her migraine to go away, but that isn't how
things worked out. She was unfortunate enough to be still
working on the night 'The Gemini Killer' chose his next victim.
The victim was one of her co-workers and the murder took
place right out side her office door. To make matters even
worse, she saw the killer's face and this killer never leave's
evidence of his identity, much less a living witness. Now
Brenna is running for her life and not even the police can help
her. Every place she runs too, every place she finds to hide, the
killer seems to be able to find her. Will she be his next victim?

LOVE ON THE WILD SIDE: Luke Wilder is a member of the
elite Ultra Corps. Luke is a man that has received special
implants and medications and training to give him abilities
beyond those of a normal human male. But now those implants
have caused him to go over the edge and he is placed into
solitary confinement at the Ultra Corps Facility with no hope of
help. None of the counselors have been able to or even wanted
to break through the walls that Luke has erected around
himself, until now. Counselor Alyssa Remington is no ordinary
counselor. She is one of the best and has accomplished
successes where no others have. Alyssa is the Ultra Corps last
hope and is Luke's worst fears come true. How will he escape

FEAR THE DARK: There is a killer loose and this one is
beyond evil. His victims are locked in closet until they pass
through the following stages: fear, anger, hope and finally,
enter into the final stage of total helplessness. Then he puts one
of his pets into the closet with them, but his pets are not normal
pets, these are poisonous snakes. Detective Jack Carter is
determined to find this killer and see that justice is served. He
is even willing to once again work with Cara Banks, one of his
officers who at one time use to be his wife. Cara doesn't want
to work with Jack, doesn't want to be anywhere near him. What
Cara and Jack doesn't know is that the killer for reasons known
only unto himself has chosen Cara as his next victim.

TWILIGHT OBSESSIONS is an absolutely delightful read.
Three master authors, Charlotte Boyett-Compo, Kate Hill and
Patricia Rasey, have come together and created a book that will
terrify you, have you holding your breathe and sitting on the
edge of your seat in anticipation. They will chill and thrill you,
make you angry and then laugh. This is definitely one that you
will want to get for your bookshelf.

Review by:
Tracy Eastgate

Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



Author: Betty Jo Schuler
Publisher: DiskUs Publishing,
ISBN 1-58495-527-9 E
$3.50 download, $6.50 diskette (s&h included)

Tripp Andrews is the first boy Keely's been attracted to since
her boyfriend was killed drag racing, but why is he moving in
with Mark's mother? Tripp has a second chance at life, thanks
to a new heart, but what would Keely say if she knew it was


A Taste of History ~Quick Picks~
Glenda D. Tudor
DiskUs Publishing
Download only $1.00


River of Dreams
Romantic Adventure
Sharon K. Garner
Hard Shell Word Factory
September 2000

A friendship that catches fire, a conquistador's gold medallion,
an act of atonement that goes horribly wrong, a rain forest trek
they might not survive.


Lokelani Nights
Romantic Suspense
Sharon K. Garner
Hard Shell Word Factory
June 2000

A big, handsome Hawaiian cop on the emotional and physical
injured list, a private paradise threatened by a malicious
prankster, a restless shark god who makes regular appearances-
-nobody told her Hawaii would be like this!


Title: Della
Author: Julie Getty
Publisher: Avid Press
ISBN: 1-929613-43-1
Release: September

"Della" is the story of a young woman who unwittingly
becomes involved in a deception that nearly derails the lives of
five people. It is a love story, the dark side and its joy.


Title: A Suitable Father
Author: Patricia Crossley
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
Publisher's URL:
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Read and excerpt:
Release date: Sept. 2000

Kurt Rainer left his hometown with a bad reputation and
bitterness in his heart. After twelve years he's back-and
involved in a murder. He never was a suitable father for a boy,
and even less so now Maggie wants passion and integrity,
strength and independence. Can she find these qualities in
the man who once abandoned her?


Title: The Doctor's Dilemma
Author: Janet Lane Walters.
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing.

Take Neal McKay MD who's made a career of temporary
positions. Add Nora Harte RN who dreams of the security of a
settled life. Stir in twins bequesthed to him by his dead foster
sister. Pour into a small Texas town that wants the doctor to
stay and you have a recipe for the doctor's dilemma.


Title: Looking for the Summer
Author: Robert W. Norris
ISBN: 1 74053 030 6
Genre: Expatriate fiction/adventure
Publisher: Jacobyte Books

"'Looking for the Summer' is a novel that we are proud to
publish. Anyone who lived through the upheaval of the 1960s
and 70s will recognise themselves and their past in this quest
for self-knowledge and identity. To those who know this period
only as history to be read about or studied--or ignored-Norris
offers illuminating insights." -- Meredith Whitford, Director
and Senior Editor of Jacobyte Books


Title: Entangled
Author: Karin Huxman
Publisher: New Concepts Publishing
ISBN 1-58608-145-4
Frankfurt Ebook Award nominee

A ghostly romance of revenge, redemption and the power of
love. "Karin Huxman brings a ghost hero to life so vividly you
can feel his passionate kisses. Filled with a touch of
spookiness, quirky characters, and enough sexual tension to
melt chocolate. ENTANGLED will drag the reader in until
it's almost impossible to come up for air." - Karen Fox, author


From Wordbeams:

Title: The Pirates of Solomon's Toes
Author: Josh Hardin
ISBN: 1-58785-023-0 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-075-3
Genre: comedy/adventure
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Approximate Word Count: 63,420
Approximate # of Pages (at 300 wpp): 211
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

Tim Sparrow sets sail from Solomon's Toes on board the
Empyreal Treasure with a surprising crew that includes a
brawling Irish midget first mate and an Italian gourmet chef.
Adults and children alike will be swept along by the romance,
mystery, adventure and zaniness of this adventurous pirate


Title: Dare to Dream (FRANKFURT NOMINEE)
Author: Tracy Jones
ISBN: 1-58785-027-3 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-076-1
Genre: Historical Romance
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Approximate Word Count: 56,500
Approximate # of Pages (at 300 wpp): 188
Price: Disk $7.55 (s&h incl.) Download $4.75
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

Maggie McCarty has fled Ireland to avoid a loveless marriage;
Benjamin Driver is a grief-stricken wood sculptor, who could
use a bit of chipping away on his own gruff exterior. Can these
two people see beyond the past, and find love and happiness


Title: Camp Cheer
Author: Betty Jo Schuler
ISBN: 1-892745-05-4
Genre: Young Adult Mystery
Formats: HTML
Approximate Word Count: 29,000
Approximate # of Pages (at 300 wpp): 97
Price: Disk $6.55 (s&h incl.) Download $3.75
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Short Description:

In this well crafted Pick-a-Path interactive mystery for young
adults, YOU make the decisions. As Stacy stumbles into
danger, it's up to you-the reader to lead her to safety. This
book can be read again and again with varying choices leading
along new paths to eleven different endings.


Title: Scratching the Surface: An Anthology of Diverse Fiction
Authors: Christina Crooks; Daisy Dexter Dobbs; Aaron
Emmel; Marianna Heusler; Tracy Jones; Celia Ann Leaman;
Leronia Rawls; Ross Richdale; Carolyn Scott; Lori Shimer;
Jeff Strand; Drew Williams
ISBN: 1-58785-052-4 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-077-X
Genre: assorted fiction
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Approximate Word Count: 50,555
Approximate # of Pages (at 300 wpp): 170
Price: Disk $7.75 (s&h incl.) Download $4.95
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Book Blurb:

A dozen Wordbeams authors have cooked up a baker's dozen
of scintillating fiction delights guaranteed to satisfy readers
who crave something a bit different. Just the right number of
cooks in the kitchen came together to take one vial of murder,
mystery and mayhem; sift in a pound of suspense; drizzle
amply with paradox; whisk in a few crimson droplets of horror;
and add a grating of science-fiction. They greased the pan with
speculation, poured in the lively mass and let it rise until rife
with appeal. Baked until just the right cutting edge was
achieved, the final product was glazed with a wry sense of
humor. And now we proudly serve their joint effort to our
readers on an electronic platter.

A portion of the proceeds for this anthology will be donated to
Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland Oregon. This
facility, affiliated with the Oregon Health Sciences University,
provides medical care and treatment for children regardless of
the family's ability to pay. All monies donated by Wordbeams
will benefit the children directly.

The stories--alphabetically by author:

Her Sharp Little Straw by Christina Crooks
Rupert, the Devil-Dog from Hell by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
The First King by Aaron Emmel
Murder on the Emerald Deck by Marianna Heusler
Reunion by Tracy Jones
It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming by Celia Ann Leaman
Gossip by Leronia Rawls
More Than an Orphan by Ross Richdale
Wreckage Point by Carolyn Scott
Search for a Sanctum by Lori Shimer
Everything Has a Purpose by Jeff Strand
Wasting Grandpa by Jeff Strand
The Bottom Line by Drew Williams


Knyght & O'Day
Author: Brian Lawrence
Publisher: Gemini Books
CD: 0-7443 0016-9
Diskette: 0-7443 0017-7
RocketEdition: 0-7443 0018-5

Genre: Mystery

Small blurb: Over the last eight years, St. Louis Detective
Francis O'Day has pulled his life back together. Twelve years
ago, he put his older brother in prison for slitting the throat of a
young woman. The resulting tailspin cost him his wife and his
job with the Minneapolis police department. Since moving to
St. Louis, he's been able to put his past and his gruesome
family history behind him and start fresh...until a woman is
found murdered in her apartment, her throat slashed. The case
seems open and shut. A suspect is apprehended immediately,
however, O'Day alone feels they have the wrong man. The
suspect is released on bail posted by a tall, mysterious man
named Damien Knyght. The next night, the suspect's girlfriend
is brutally murdered and the suspect disappears. Again, the
evidence points to the same man...except for the murdered
woman's necklace O'Day finds around his own cat's neck.
Then, when a police detective is murdered with whom O'Day
has had two public fights, he finds himself the prime suspect in
all three murders. Working with his best friend, Detective
Richard Bodner and the department psychologist, Angela
Gregory, O'Day hunts for the mysterious Damien Knyght. And
when he finds him, it costs him dearly.


Crossroads New Releases

The Wormhole Device
Dennis Meier


Beatle Rhett
and Other Stories
Walter Rimler


Days Between Seasons
S. A. Gorden


Faces of Doom
S. A. Gorden


Sacred Fire
Carly Corday


The Disappearing Girls
Darrell Bain


Through the Necromanteum:
Project Far-Reach
Laurance Pearsongreer


Ultimate Suggestions
Darrell Bain


Westchester Station
Patrick Welch


Jennifer Calas


Forest Child
Sharon L Reddy


Seeds of Vision
Jonathan Fesmire


Abby the Troll Publications, LLC

Title: "Hoodwinks on a Crumbling Fence"
Author: L. Joseph Shosty.
Availability: CD & Electronic file, ($9.50/$3.50 respectively)
Release: September 1st
Genre: Single author collection, predominatly fictional
literature, with a few fantasy short stories

L. Joseph Shosty, creator of "The Mad Account", a monthly
column in The Wandering Troll, has written what could be
described as a literative emotional catharsis. His unique style
and perspective of human emotion brings together a series of
stories that manage to reach out and pull the reader in, taking
them on an emotional ride that truly makes the reader reflect on
the world around them-the world in which they have helped
create. While at some times the reader falls into the depths of
the darkness that can be humanity, the overall book will leave
the reader truly inspired to appreciate the lives they have, and
the lives of others. This is a beautiful collection.


Title: The Lives of Ghosts and Other Shades of Memory
Author: Loren W. Cooper
Availability: CD & Electronic file, ($9.50/$3.50 respectively)
Release: September 1st
Genre: Single author collection, fantasy/science fiction

As the author describes it "this is a theme anthology-more
ways exist to be haunted than the obvious". As the publisher
describes it-"blur". This collection of stories blurs the lines of
reality, genre, emotion, and truth. The stories cross genre so
smoothly it truly can't be isolated to any one literary catagory.
While the preponderance is of a fantastic nature, it can't be said
to be a fantasy collection. Magic, might, the sword, and a
persuit of justice strongly influence the stories, many of which
demand that the reader take a stand and decide for themselves
what is right, and what is wrong, if such simple labels can truly
be applied in life. This is a fantastic read, full or action,
suspense, drama, and truth.


Clocktower Books:

Night Sounds
Author: Beth Anderson
Publisher: Clocktower Books
Available in September in POD
~The Rocket Book and .pdf versions will follow shortly
thereafter. Reviews for Night Sounds can be found at

A young jazz pianist in Chicago meets a beautiful woman on
the night of his greatest success. He goes home with her to her
luxurious Lake Shore Drive Condo, spends three days and
nights with her, and only at the end of that time discovers she's
the prime suspect in the brutal knife slaying of her former
lover. Chicago detectives working the case don't believe he just
met her, so he becomes a suspect himself. During the ensuing
investigation, he's drawn into the world of the rich, famous,
and greedy, where money means everything, and any one of
the corpse's friends and business partners could have
committed this murder.


Author: Ariana Overton
Publisher: Clocktower Books
Genre: SF


This Shoal of Space
Author: John Argo
Publisher: Clocktower Books
Genre: SF


Lightning Play
Author: N.D. Hansen-Hill (3rd of Light Play Trilogy)
Publisher: Clocktower Books
Genre: SF


A Small Journal of Heroin Addiction
Author: Robin Marchesi
Publisher: Clocktower Books
Genre: Nonfiction (autobiography)


Dark Star Publications:

The Windseeker, Book Two of The WindLegends Saga series
Author: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Author website:
Publisher: Dark Star Publications
ISBN is 1-58697-196-4
Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance


Enemy Mine
Author: Jewel Dartt
Author website:
Dark Star Publications
Genre: Dark Romantic Fantasy


I Did it for Jennifer
Author: Zane M. Smith
Author website:
Publisher: Dark Star Publications
Genre: Dark Suspense


Brentley House
Author: Dorthy Kent
Author website:
Publisher: Pulsar Books


Awe-Stuck E-Books:

Title: Bound by Blood
Author: Maureen Mackey
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books
Kathryn D. Struck and Dick Claassen
Genre: romantic-mystery suspense (for Hallowe'en!)
ISBN 1-58749-006-4
Release date: September 28, 2000

Francie Steele struggles with raising a child alone, working at
the pizza joint, and attending college part-time. Enter one
somewhat crusty, but curious English professor with who
seems to like Francie. She can't figure out why. Second
entrance: one dead body in her apartment. Now murder stalks
Francie Steele. Spurned by her family, she has only her wits,
and her reluctant professor-turned-champion, to defend her. To
stay alive, Francie must learn the same ties that bind can also

**This book will be sold in serial form (five parts) on the Awe-
truck site beginning in late September, 2000, and concluding
on Halloween! After that it will be offered as a full volume.
Maureen Mackey writes a fast-moving, suspenseful story,
perfect for Halloween suspense reading!


Title: In the Shadow of Death
Author: Stephan Vucak
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books
Kathryn D. Struck and Dick Claassen
Genre: SF
ISBN 1-928670-98-9
Release date: September 5, 2000
Formats: html, rocket, palmpilot, pdf by request
PRICES: downloads 4.30 and diskettes: 7.50 postpaid

TERRLLSS-RR (POV), a First Scout in the Serrll Combine
Scout Fleet, completes an assassination mission that starts him
questioning his work and the misuse of the power given to him
by the god of Death. He returns to Taltair to tell ANABB
KARR, head of the Diplomatic Branch, that he was through,
nly to be told that he and his Wandered brother DHARAKLIN
are going to Salina to meet a delegation from the Orieli
Technic Group, whom TERR met five years before. TERR
wanted to go home to his partner TEENA, but always obedient,
follows orders. On Salina, ANABB was told that the Orieli,
originating from a globular cluster some twelve-thousand light-
years above the galactic plane, wanted to set up a base on
Earth's Moon -- a last chain of twelve observatories stretching
from the Moanar Nebula. The observatories were early
warning stations against the invading artificially constructed
lifeforms, the CELI-KRAN.

This new base tips the delicate balance among the galaxy's life
forms as the Orieli appear to be amassing power. TERR has a
long way to travel before he can go home again, if home even
exists. Cross the galaxy in a maze of political intrigue, betrayal,
and the terror of destruction for the civilizations that inhabit the


Title: Mary's Child
Author: Celia Leaman
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books
Kathryn D. Struck and Dick Claassen
Genre: Historical "Regency-style" Romance
ISBN 1-58749-000-5
Release date: September 15, 2000
Formats: html, rocket, palmpilot, pdf by request
Downloads and diskettes in the mail

When Mary Jay is sent to the workhouse she loses her ability to
speak. Thirteen years later she is apprenticed out to a farm on
Dartmoor, where she is ravished by the local squire. She gives
birth to a daughter, Kitty, and then takes her own life. Kitty
does not discover the facts of her parentage until she becomes a
young woman, when she courageously overcomes the
challenges that face her and claims the heritage denied to Mary.

Mary's Child is written in the Regency style, but spreads over
two generations in the early 19th century. It's strong plotline
lays bare the victimization of women, their helplessness, and
yet final triumphs over their stations in life. Romance,
bitterness, and realistic story-telling combine to make this a
haunting tale.


Title: WYSIWYG-What You See is What You Get
Author: Renee Austin
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books
Kathryn D. Struck and Dick Claassen
Genre: Inspirational Romance/Ennoble Line*
Release date: August 25, 2000
Formats: html, Rocketreader, PalmPilot, pdf (on request)

Serena Gregory conducted an on-line affair full of love and
laughter with Air Force fighter pilot Zachary Elias Kane.
Calling herself "Songstress", Serena bewitched "ZackAce"
with her on-line magic. Together they saved the universe,
climbed cyber balconies, and explored their deepest fantasies
while exposing their innermost souls--except for one or two
teensy weensy lies. In a wheelchair, ashamed of her
appearance, and scarred to her soul by the auto accident that
killed her fiance, Serena uploads her beautiful older sister's
picture to Zack's computer, misleading him to believe she has
long cornflower blond hair, china blue eyes, and a flawless
face. After all, she knows they'll never meet face to face--he's
at the top of the world in Iceland. When Zack shows up on
Serena's doorstep without warning, persuades her sister to trade
places with her until she finds the courage to reveal her true
identity. Once the deception starts it rolls downhill like a
snowball, plowing everything in its path, taking on a life of its
own. Serena, a normally ethical and honest person, is so deeply
embarrassed that she set out to deceive Zack, she fears he will
never forgive her. Zack's love and that of her family and
friends show her the way back to God and her faith in this
inspirational romance that is part of Awe-Struck's Ennoble Line.*

*has a central character who is disabled



Rita Hestand: Pretend Mom is on sale now at:


6" X 9" Soft-cover
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information visit:


COMING SOON from Awe-Struck's ByteMe Line the YA Romance MILES TO GO -
A talented and rising young track star and an intelligent non-
conformist skirting the fastlane...together Chris and Tori will
discover that they have miles to go... Gritty coming-of-age
urban serial --"West Side Story" and "Boyz in the 'Hood"
meets "Chariots of Fire" -- First Installment starts 11/00


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"


Thank you for subscribing. If you know of someone that
might like our Newsletters then please pass it on.

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All rights reserved


This site owned by: Glenda D. Tudor
(c) Copyright 2000