![]() |
![]() ![]() October 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 12
ISSN 1530-5287
E-Book Ecstasy
~ Welcome ~
We have a special treat for you today. We have 3 Featured E-
Authors from Crossroads Publishing and 2 E-Publishers.
Once again I would like to thank Silke Juppenlatz of Dreams
Unlimited for her help. And as always special thanks to Eva
and Tracy.
Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Featured E-Publisher
Behind the Scene
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release
Subject: eAuthors Halloween Horrors Trivia Contest
Contact: Leta Nolan Childers, Bstseller1@aol.com or Linda
Bleser, lbleser@nycap.rr.com or Jim Farris, xaa@3lefties.com
e-Authors Offer Readers Cold Cash for a Treat on Halloween
It's all treats and no tricks for readers this Halloween season,
thanks to thirty-four (34) independent e-authors. One lucky
reader is going to pick up a cool $100 for surfing the net.
Second prize is $50 and third prize is $25.
The contest is easy to play. Contestants visit the e-Authors
Halloween Horrors page
the entry form. They surf to each participating author's site to
view a trivia question. (To make it easy, the player just clicks
on a link at the Halloween Horrors page and a new browser
window will open with the author's page in it.) At the author's
page, they will find all sorts of Halloween goodies and the
trivia question. The player then selects the correct answer and
enters it on the entry form. It's multiple choice, which makes it
even easier and more fun.
"This is just another way for us to show our appreciation to
those readers who have supported our efforts," said Jim Farris,
an e-author.
Linda Bleser agrees. "One of the nicest parts of being an e-
author is the close relationships that form with our readers.
Thanks to the instant availablility of our books and the instant
communication of email, readers can communicate with
us...and it's lovely to hear from our fans. So, we like
to thank them for that support."
This is the second event sponsored by a group of independent
e-authors. A third is planned for the Christmas/Winter Holiday
The Halloween Horrors contest begins on October 1 and will
end at midnight Central time zone on October 31.
Contestants names and email addresses are not being collected
for any reason other than to award prizes. All contest entry
forms will be destroyed at the end of the contest. Participating
authors and their immediate families are prohibited from
entering. Only one entry per person. The entry with the most
correct entries wins First Prize. The second most correct entries
wins second. In the event of a tie, a random drawing will be
conducted. Winners will each receive a money order in the
amount of their prize, mailed within 14 days of the conclusion
of the contest. If the winner prefers, a gift certificate in the
amount of the prize awarded will be sent instead. All prizes
based on U.S. dollars.
Victorian Rose Afghan Contest
Enter now thru Dec. 15, 2000
The new Awards !!
Attention everyone!!
In the belief and hope that these Awards will soon become
industry standard.
CrossroadsPub.Com http://www.crossroadspub.com
The Fiction Works http://www.fictionworks.com
Proudly announce the First Annual Dream Realm Awards to
recognize excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror in
Electronically Published Books (eBooks)
The Winners will be announced at UncommonCon
Nov. 24-26
Hyatt-Regency Hotel
D/FW Airport, Dallas, TX
You need not be present to win.
The categories are:
Science Fiction
(A minimum of three published books in the above category)
(Books that are experimental in style or construction. Judging
shall be of the book and not the experimental elements.)
Children's books
Cover Art
The entry fee will be $5 for each book or cover, payable by
credit card, netcheck or personal check in the mail. Entries and
submissions will be electronic.
Go to: http://www.dream-realm-awards.com for more
information and to enter.
IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: We need judges, LOTS of judges.
The requirements are that they LOVE to read (any of the above
genres). We would like to get people that read several books a
month, or more. Please contact: Samandi Adams at:
Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:
Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate
the changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes
education and research. (100% of the proceeds of this book
will be donated to that cause.)
(Available in download formats only)
Subscribe to BEAMINGS!
"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.
Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're
Subscribe: Beamings-subscribe@egroups.com
Unsubscribe: Beamings-unsubscribe@egroups.com
List owner: Beamings-owner@egroups.com
URL to Beamings page at egroups:
TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.
Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: TracysBookReviews-subscribe@egroups.com and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at:
mailto:teastgate2@home.com and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.
LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?
Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at:
word_of_mouth-subscribe@egroups.com or learn more at our
Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:
E-Book Of The Week
E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to: e-bookoftheweek-subscribe@egroups.com
AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at:
subscribe directly at:
AAM_in_the_News-subscribe@egroups.com You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!
E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's world with
in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!
If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!
D. Lee
I'm a new author and just recently had my first book, that
I co-authored with Kammy Bonias, published by
Crossroadspub.com It is an e-book and yes, it is a 'real' book in
every sense of the word, except in the method of distribution. I
am old enough to have seen trends come and go over the years.
Kammy and I felt e-books were not a trend, but an evolution.
The more I see of e-Books and the direction they're taking, the
more I think we are going to change how we buy books and
I did a lot of research when we first decided we wanted to
publish our work. Long before I even started writing I would
buy Writers Digest or one of the other writing magazines. It
had always been a dream of mine of one day being able to put
my fantasy worlds into a book. I knew it was not going to be
easy. I had read all about how hard it was for a new writer to
get their foot in the door.
While surfing the net looking for publishers and agents
addresses, I came across an article on e-books. Curious, I
explored that area further.
I was very nervous when I first submitted to an e-books
publisher. That company didn't accept us, but the letter I got
from the editor was warm and friendly. It took me by total
surprise. The next rejection was similar and even more helpful.
We were given honest critiques and helpful tips on how to
continue. After a few rewrites incorporating the ideas given us,
we submitted 'Prophecy' to CrossroadsPub.com and it was
accepted. They have also accepted two more of our stories.
Now, we never did submit to a print publisher. Intentionally so.
We learned so much about the industry, both print and
electronic, that we decided to stay strictly e-published. We
liked the idea of being on the ground floor of an entirely new
realm of literature and entertainment, and felt it only had one
way to go, and that's up. Once a standard is established to keep
the quality high and the readers who are tired of the high priced
hard copies find us, we will all do well. I think they will be
impressed at the talent pool that is here on the net.
Authors whom for one reason or another would not submit to,
or could not be accepted by print publishers are finding the net
accepting of them. Authors with amazing talent and stories at
last have an audience and medium to work with. These authors
have no lack of skill; I personally think some of Crossroads
authors rival any of the big names out there. In many cases we
are even better than the print authors. I've read plenty of bad
paper books. I haven't read one bad e-book yet.
Submitting to an e-Book Publisher is not something you do
then sit back and expect the money to roll in. It takes a lot of
work. The advantage though is you have more time. The harder
you work promoting, the better your book will do. But like the
print market, for every million-dollar seller there are hundreds
of writers who barely make ends meet. You have to write
because you love to write. But that doesn't mean you have to
stop dreaming. I think we all have the dream that a few
hundred thousand people will love your work and buy each and
every book you put out. But realistically I think we know that
is not going to happen. The future of e-books is bright. Not all
publishers will survive because the road will be rough. The
future cannot be rushed. It will take a slow and steady climb
but those that are patient and willing to work and move with all
the changes to come will succeed.
I really hope that in the quest to become acceptable by the
skeptics, the e-publisher does not become the unapproachable
monster the paper publishers became. We know how
frustrating and difficult it is to get your foot in the door, but e-
publishers are willing to look at the new author and see the
potential there. Like Crossroads did with us. What we don't
want to see, is e-publishers to become the very thing we all ran
I believe in the future, a customer will be able to walk into any
bookstore and find CD's and books side by side on a shelf. Or
order a book and get it in any format they desire, instantly. The
technology for print on demand is here, making it available to
everyone is the job the industry is trying to solve. But imagine
being able to walk into a bookstore, order a book and have it
printed in a moment while you wait. No waste, no box full of
unsold books, just one book at a time. And the new hand held
readers coming this fall. They will pay for themselves in no
time in the money saved buying e-books. Our e-book costs
$3.75 and it's a double novel. Paperbacks are going for $7.00
or more. For someone who reads four and five books a week,
(like Kammy does) this is a tree-mendous savings.
Economically, e-publishing is sound and innovative in every
sense of the word. The environmental resources saved alone
makes e-books a welcome sight and long overdue. I don't
believe the print book will vanish any time soon. Not sure even
I want that. But people want choice, quality, and variety. That
is exactly what the e-book industry offers.
D. Lee
Co Author of Prophecy
Paradise Shattered
Beyond the Horizon
D. Lee aKa Outlaw
Co-Author of Prophecy
Available at Crossroads.
Visit D. Lee's Graphics
Kammy Bonias
Co-author of Prophecy
"Be Bold, Tempt Fate!"
Epiphany: EBooks are Better
by Jonathan Fesmire
I've been writing since I was a child. Naturally, one can
always get better in his chosen profession, and after putting
seemingly endless hours of work into my writing, I believe I've
become a very good author.
I offer for consideration my ePublished novel, "Children of
Rhatlan." Readers call it refreshingly original and say that they
can't put it down. They say they're drawn in deeply by the
characters and the novel's premise. I'm also flattered to say
that "Children of Rhatlan" has been nominated for the
prestigious Frankfurt Ebook Award. I say this not to brag, but
merely to state some facts about the book and my writing.
However, here's what happened with "Children of Rhatlan"
when I pursued agent representation for it in the world of big
print publishing. Several prominent agents rejected it. The
main reason? It isn't an "epic." In "Children of Rhatlan" the
world is not in peril of being destroyed. "Children of Rhatlan"
is about a brother and sister who live in fear of society. Their
very lives are in danger, and to make matters worse, a dark
wizard is after them for a sinister experiment.
For the big print publishing world, that wasn't enough, because
they think that readers of fantasy want only epic stories,
perhaps those that span four or more books and are called
"trilogies." Now, I don't have anything particular against epics.
My current novel-in-progress centers around a world-
threatening situation. I just don't think they're the end-all of
fantasy, nor should they be.
So, at some point earlier this year, I became very frustrated
with the print world. I thought about why I write in the first
place. I love writing; it's a joy for me, but I also want people to
read my fiction. I examined what the print world offers authors
for their tremendous investment of time and energy and found
a grossly unfair industry. Yet writers don't talk about this
much, I think in part for fear of the wrath of book and
magazine publishers. (I've had friends receive threats of being
blacklisted by magazine editors.)
My friend and writing colleague Steve Lazarowitz told me
about the benefits of ePublishing, and when I ran the
information through that great processor I call my brain, I was
stunned at the understanding I gained.
In short, it was the better way to go. Read on and you'll
understand why.
I submitted two books, "Seeds of Vision," and the
aforementioned novel, "Children of Rhatlan," to
Crossroadspub.com. They accepted both, and both are now
What, then, are the benefits of ePublishing in general, and
Crossroads in particular?
Epublishers are fully open to midlist writers. With the big print
houses, if your book isn't what they think will be a bestseller,
they don't want it. When you hear about the decline, or even
death, of the midlist author, that's what people are talking
With Crossroads, my books need never go out of print.
Conversely, with a big print publisher, once the book comes
out (which can take years), the book has from one to three
months to sell big. If it doesn't, chances are that writer won't
be able to sell his next book at all.
Royalties are also much better with an ePublisher. I'm not
talking about twice or even three times better. I'm talking
about ten to twenty times better. Author royalties on most print
books are around 2% or 3%. On an eBook, they're generally
between 30% and 50%.
EPublishers tend to have more artistic respect for their writers.
If a big print publisher took "Children of Rhatlan," they would
edit it with no input from me (though I would have seen the
final edit, but probably not been allowed to suggest changes).
Then, an artist who knew next to nothing about the book would
illustrate the cover, and again I'd have no input. I've heard
quite a few authors complain about the covers on their print
books grossly misrepresenting the book's content.
With Crossroads, two editors went over both my books. Both
sent me their editing suggestions. I made the changes I agreed
with, and rejected those I did not agree with (with an
explanation of why I disagreed). This exchange can take place
numerous times. Once the book went on to the formatting
department, I got to work with an outstanding artist, Daniel
Merlin Goodbrey. It was up to me to approve or reject the
covers he came up with. I am wholly satisfied with the result
of these efforts.
EBook sales are rising and even best-selling authors like
Stephen King are getting into the game. Sales may start
slowly, but with advertising they'll steadily increase. Currently
one can buy an eBook reader, the Rocket eBook, for about
$270. Rumor has it that by the winter holiday season this year,
eBook readers for under $100 will be available. Some say
computer screens are difficult to read from, but eBook readers
are very easy on the eyes.
I'm a writer. I want to be read, and to make a living writing.
The chances of doing so through the greedy big publishers are
slim indeed, and sadly enough many print books are just the
same tired formula stories being retold over and over. The new
eBook publishers have ushered in an era of hope for writers
and readers alike.
Jonathan Fesmire
and the short story anthology,
both available from
Laurance Pearsongreer
"Why's he doin' this e-Publishing?"
"Not so loud mother! He's watching TV right in the living
"Oh, like he doesn't know all the words to Star Trek already?"
Of course I didn't. This was an episode I'd missed: #2454
'Captain Kirk's Vasectomy'. That man was about to make the
ultimate sacrifice to protect the Federation, from Alien
Paternity suits.
"Mom, Larry doesn't just write stories, he writes novels. Now-
a-days getting a new novelist into print and clearing a decent
profit is near impossible. And jeepers, 90-95% of new authors
don't even get a contract!"
"So what!?"
"So the print people are picky. Can't your genius husband make
any money with a regular company?"
I'd have answered that question, but 'Bones' and Scotty had
figured out a way to rescue Kirk from the Pre-Op room.
Besides, my wife knew that through a Print House the profit
margin on a writers first novel, after promotion costs and the
publisher's 88% CUT (Oops! Wrong choice of words, sorry
Captain), could still leave me in the red. E-gads! the Alien
Urologists have seen them!
"The Internet is a new world of opportunities, Mom. So Larry
tried one of the new online publishing houses. That's why
Larry signed with a Publisher called Crossroads, which is
Electronic--an e-Publisher! Get it?"
"I know, I know--I heard it all before: He joined Crossroads
which is a commune of more than a hundred authors, veterans
and newbies, all working to turn out consistently high quality
but not 'cookie-cutter' fiction. God, you told me enough times!"
"That's more like a co-operative than a commune ma. Besides
one of the authors, a woman, is the owner and CEO!" "Oo-oo-
wee! So when am I supposed to sing, '…We've come a long
way baby…."
Hurray! Uhura, that magnificent woman, has blocked their
retreat by doing an ancient earth fertility dance, the 'Atomic
Dog'. Her wild thrusting movements have mesmerized them.
The Alien Urologists are totally confused.
"I thought he just wanted to write magazine stories. He can sell
his weird little stories anywhere--Reader's Digest, maybe even
one of those Angel magazines!"
"He does that to get beer money but, he wants to write novels."
"But, why?"
"He wants to tell a tale that is resolved in more than twenty
pages of type. He wants to explore his characters in more than
one situation and watch their evolution as they do. Short stories
just don't have the space for all that."
Whoa, the Urologists are trying a forced examination on
Uhura--but an Angel named Spock steps in and gives a Vulcan
nerve pinch to all of their inflated senses of profit. The
Urologists are dazed and wandering around without a purpose!
"Mom, there are a whole legion of opportunities for new
writers with these new Internet companies. The new companies
know how it is. They understand what it's like to be brimming
with new ways of doing things but being rejected because the
old way has worked in the past."
"They opened literary pathways to a readership that was poorly
served by the traditional publishers. Not just specific interest
readerships, you know... gay & lesbian, ethnocentric, industry
related, new age, etc., but the vast majority of book lovers who
were just tired of the 'same song yesterday' school of
publishing. Nothing was available that hasn't been done a
dozen times before!"
"Oh, and he thought he could fit in better with those kinds of
By Jove, I think she's got it!
Still dazed from the pre-op anesthetic, Captain Kirk is unable
to navigate the high wall around the Med-center. Bones, Scotty
and Spock help him up the wall but Kirk refuses to let them
hand him down. As a last ditch effort he must be lowered to the
ground by Uhura using his great... sturdy...
"BO-NANZA! That's Larry's word for e-publishing. He
foresees a fast, profitable, process from story concept to
delivery for a whole new sort of writing... more timely, more
audience oriented, interactive, musically scored, illustrated
with animated pages, serial novels. Maybe even a novel
directed by a readers committee--"
"Isn't an elephant just a mouse--built by committee?"
"HA-HA mom! But you get the idea now."
"What's going to happen to regular books with this new-
fangled e-publishing sucking up all the new talent?"
"Mom, TV didn't destroy radio when it came in, did it?"
"No, but radio changed a lot"
"Right! In order to compete with TV, radio became like TV! It
got localized, diversified, and more personally oriented. E-
publishing could spur some of those changes too in the next 5
to 10 years, by showing the print publishers all the new things
that they could do. I mean, even the e-book reader is just like
the TV!"
"It is? What is it?"
"It's a small portable library that can offer a broad variety of
entertainment in a little electronic box. It's like a Watchman!
You can even watch it in the dark or take it camping with you!
"How do you know that?"
"Larry's told me all about them."
"All this time I thought you married an ignorant bum--but I
guess he's not. He's a smart bum!"
Laurance Pearsongreer
Author of Through the Necromanteum: Project FAR-REACH
and of the epic novel Soul Traveler, both to soon be released
by Crossroadspub.com at : http://www.crossroadspub.com/index.htm
Author Homepage: http://hometown.aol.com/larpearson/SoulTraveler.html
"This is a really neat game!!"
By: Silke Juppenlatz
"My friend told me that this is a virus that will reprogram your
toaster! Pass it on quick, or it will reset the remote control and
obliterate all the sports channels!"
We've all seen them. We may even have passed some on.
What am I talking about? Virus hoaxes.
I have a problem with virus hoaxes. A real problem.
First, I get about 50 a week at home from well meaning friends.
Second, I get the SAME 50 in quadruplicate at work every
week as well.
Third, no one will ever warn you that there's a virus out there
and what it does.
That's the whole point of a virus: To get into the system
undetected and wreak havoc.
If you get a warning, please do yourself, and your friends, a
favor: Go to somewhere like www.sarc.com and look it up
their hoax list before you send it on. If it's real, send it. But
include the source for the legality of the virus, so that other
people will know you've already checked. (Other Antivirus
software vendors have similar lists. You don't have to go to
Symantec (SARC), it's just the one I tend to use.)
If it's not real…. You know where you find the trash can.
Now, let me say one thing right off the bat here: VIRUSES
EXIST. You have to take them seriously. They can do a lot of
The likelihood that you'll get one - if you run every attachment
you get, or download files from the net - is very high. Your
best protection is a virus checker like Dr. Solomon, or Norton
Antivirus, McAffee VirusScan etc. There are dozens out there.
Viruses are a big deal. Yes, they are, no matter what your
friends tell you. A virus checker is the most important
application you run on your computer. Forget Word, forget
WordPerfect or whatever programs you run. The most
important software you'll EVER buy is a virus checker, not
some fancy office package that'll cost you hundreds of dollars.
Invest a little into protecting your system.
Don't go "But I haven't needed one yet, I'll be okay."
Ask yourself instead: "What's my data worth? Can I afford to
lose it? ALL of it?"
If you don't value your own data - then at least value that of
your friends. They won't be very happy if you send them a
virus infected file and they lose their data because of it. Good
way to make enemies if something important is lost…
If you are a writer: Think about it. Would you really want to
risk sending some poor unsuspecting publisher a file that is
infected? That'll get you a contract… Not.
Everyone has seen what "ILOVEYOU" could do. Don't let it
be your system. Don't let it be your FRIENDS system, either.
But is any ole virus checker good enough?
It depends.
What you should check is that you get regular - usually free for
a year - updates. Keep it updated. It's no good installing the
thing and never bothering to update it. I update mine (I run
Norton) every two weeks. I work in IT, and anyone who has
had to clean up the mess "HAPPY99.EXE" made will tell you
the same thing: Keep the darn thing up to date, or it's worthless
as a friend of mine can attest. He didn't bother. "It takes half hour
to update the thing!"
Well. Cleaning up his system took it out of action for a day and
he lost data.
Trust me, he's updating rigorously now.
Oh, check what the renewal fees for the updates are. I know
Symantec (Norton) is around $4 a year. Now that's really not
too much to ask, is it?
Your best protection against viruses is obviously not to run
files you don't know. Files where you're unsure of their origin.
NEVER run a file if it's sent to you by some complete
How can you protect yourself against those dreaded .vbs files
(ILOVEYOU was a .vbs file) if you don't have a virus checker,
but you run Outlook, or Outlook Express?
Simple: Go to your File Viewer and tell it to open .vbs in
Notepad by default. But be aware that this will apply to any
macros you write, too, so your best option is still to invest in a
nifty bit of software that does the job for you.
If you run .exe files you receive… I'm afraid, there is no way
around it. Get that virus checker. Get it now. That "harmless"
little game you were sent? While you're playing it, how do you
know that there isn't something called a Trojan - a hidden,
embedded application - that also installed itself? A little
program called "BackOrifice" (No, I'm not kidding. That's
what it's called.) is a trojan. What does it do? Oh. Not much.
Only allow any hacker / cracker out there to gain access to your
system while you're online - without your knowledge.
"Bah!" I hear you cry, "No hacker is interested in me. I'm too
While I sat here and wrote this, I've had 5 attempts to hack my
(HOME!!) computer. I run a personal firewall that blocks it,
but I've had at least one hacker scan for BackOrifice this week.
So… do you really want to risk that the little game you got
installs something dastardly? Or are you going to go down to
the nearest store and invest a little money (usually around $50 -
$80) for a lot of security?
(For those not on Windows 2000 - check out Norton Internet
Secure. It not only has the virus checker, but also a personal
firewall. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on Win2k, so
make sure it's compatible with your operating system before
you run out and buy it.)
Okay, now that I've scared all of you down to the store… here
is a bit of good news: If you download from reputable sources,
you should be okay. (i.e. the vendors site) Most - though
unfortunately not all - files / software programs sold on the
web are virus checked before they get to you. I know ours are.
I wouldn't dare send out a book that hadn't been through the
rigmarole of going through the virus checker first. That's
taking liberties with our customers equipment and data, and we
just don't do that. You'll find that reputable sources have the
same policy, even if it's not posted anywhere.
I've never seen a virus that will reprogram your remote, or set
the toaster on fire. They don't seem to have that little feat
sorted yet.
Most viruses you'll encounter won't be "deadly" ones. Most
you'll encounter will be a nuisance, rather than destructive.
Most of the time you notice something fishy going on when
you work on the computer you'll find it's that Sherman's
Lagoon Screensaver you installed last week.
Sneezing on the monitor won't infect your PC with the flu.
(See "Aspirin.exe" for a cure. [grin])
But hiding your car keys… well, the jury is out on that one… I
swear there is one out there that knows exactly where I put
mine, moves them, and then it deletes itself from my system…
honest, it's not me!!
Oh… before I forget… That kid who is collecting "Get Well"
cards? He's 35, married with 10 kids now, and he'd really like
it if people stopped sending them….
Chainletters. Yup. Hate `em. But let's not go there….
(Put your address at the top of the letter below mine, then send this
to 15 friends in the next ten minutes and send me $10 or the
goldfish gets it!)
Silke Juppenlatz
P.P.S. The goldfish drowned.
Electric eBook Publishing
by Shannon Mobley, Acquisitions Editor/Owner
I have to admit, when Glenda first approached me back in
August about being a featured e-publisher, my heart stopped.
What could I possibly say? And being a new epublisher, would
anyone be interested? Keep in mind that our website wasn't
even close to being complete at this point . . . .
Well, two months has made a huge difference! We have
released our first two books and have started stocking the
virtual shelves of our ebookstore. It's been an extremely
exciting time.
Electric eBook Publishing was started by myself and my
husband, Terry Williams, in July of this year. We had just
come out of a very hard year-Terry working too much, a new
baby, and financial difficulties. We lived in the city and hated
the hustle and bustle; we hated the thought of having to send
our children to daycare in order for both of us to go to work.
We knew there had to be a way for us to earn an income and
accomplish the things in life that were the most important to
us-being together, working as a team, and being available to
our children. Self-employment was the obvious solution.
On February 12, 2000, Terry and I packed up everything we
owned and moved to my hometown of Powell River, BC.
Powell River is approximately 100 kilometres north of
Vancouver and is best known for it's pulp and paper mill. It's
really quite ironic that we started a "paperless publishing
company" in a paper town! I can actually see the mill from my
kitchen window!
Originally, we had planned on going into traditional print
publishing. The funny thing was, every time we went onto the
internet to do research we were faced with e-publishing! The
more we researched print publishing, the more we knew it
wasn't the right venue for us. It just didn't seem right that the
authors received such a small piece of the revenue pie. We
were looking for a business which could utilize Terry's vast
sales and marketing experience and my journalism/writing
experience. Most important, we wanted to help writers.
Electronic publishing presented itself as the perfect
Needless to say, we are thrilled to be one of the first Canadian
epublishers in this innovative and dynamic industry. We pride
ourselves on being more than just a publisher. Our goal is to
assist both new and experienced authors in producing quality
electronic books. We have been extremely fortunate to have
received submissions from around the world, from authors of
all experience levels. We are doing our best to be accessible,
interactive and responsive to both our authors and readers
We want to help writers make the money they deserve. As a
writer myself, I know the hours and passion that go into a good
piece of writing. With this thought in mind, we recently added
a pay-per-click section for authors of poetry and short stories.
We know that paying for advertising is a must, so why not pay
the people who deserve it the most-the writers! We are also
going to be announcing the details of poetry and short story
contests within the next few weeks. And I haven't even
mentioned our 50% royalty rate . . . .
Although we currently have only two of our own titles now
available for sale, our ebookstore is growing daily. We are very
pleased to be offering the works of Joan Bramsch, Janet
Privett, and Linda Krueger. Our ebookstore is open to any
author looking for a new venue to sell their ebooks.
Our upcoming titles list is growing daily! We are thrilled to
now be working with the Canadian award winning author,
Anne Cameron. Cameron's newest novel, "Driving to Tofino",
is set for release on November 1st, 2000. Other books set for
release in the next six months are Peter Uhlmann's "Flowing
the Tai Chi Way", Jeanie duGal's "Stray Cats", and Sue
Crawford's "Spirit of Love".
Well, what else can I say? I LOVE my work, I LOVE the
people I work with, and I LOVE eBooks! I have received so
much help and support from people already in the business, I
hardly know where to start with my thank-you's. I have to say,
the response has been staggering! What other industry can you
find people who are actually willing to help? And to all of you,
your cyber-cheques are in the mail!
Shannon Mobley
Acquisitions Editor
Electric eBook Publishing
Clocktower Books
Butterflies and Moths
By: Ariana Overton
Senior Editor, Clocktower Books
How many epublishers are on the Internet right now? Does
anyone really know for sure? I know I don't have a clue. But, I
can tell you that there is one that stands head and shoulders
above the rest when it comes to professionalism: Clocktower
I started out in epublishing just like anybody else. I had a
dream of finally trying my hand at that great novel. After years
of being in the workforce, I got my chance. For the first time in
over thirty years of writing, I found myself on unemployment. I
decided to go for it and wrote my first book, Trapdoor. It was
contracted three months later by Twilight Times Books, which
quickly became Dark Star Publications. It is joined by Starlight
Writers and Pulsar Books under Romance Foretold's umbrella.
Since then, I've written five more books and gone through four
publishers. What I have found out in the last three years is that
not all epublishers are what they are cracked up to be. Some of
them contract for any book that comes their way, pump them
out on the net, without editing or, what is usually the case,
`editing' done by an amateur volunteer, and then they sit back
collecting the money through sheer numbers alone. The authors
are not served, they are used, just like breeders in a puppymill
they crank out the titles and add to the numbers. Unfortunately,
some of these types of epublishers are still thriving.
However, there are those epubs that are genuine, professional
and truly want quality work by professional writers. They
deliver real editing, marketing and more that even traditional
`hardcopy' publishers do not. Clocktower Books is one of them
and I am very proud to be one of their authors and the Senior
Editor there. John Cullen has proven himself the consummate
professional in ebooks for many years now, through
Sharpwriter and a host of epub magazines. The experience
Electronic book selling is still in its infancy, no doubt about it.
But, it is growing and growing fast. It won't be long before
epublishers are a real threat to paper publishers. We're already
seeing it start to happen. When authors like Stephen King and
Michael Crichton start selling books electronically it's time to
sit up and take notice.
Hopefully, new authors, ones with real talent, determination
and the drive to succeed, will persevere over the `inside the
business' sabotage and literary rape of new talent that takes
place, even now. I know that it won't be long before the so-
called `New Age Publishers' will be gone, just like their `doing
business out of a warehouse' counterparts. In the meantime,
search for the real butterflies in this Garden of Eden that very
talented authors, editors, epublishers, and organizations like
EPIC are building. Don't settle for the moths that only fly by
night, go for the gold.
Ariana Overton
Senior Editor, Clocktower Books
By: Eva Kende
Romance doesn't always mean a gourmet dinner with
candlelight and soft music. Sometimes, Corned Beef and
Cabbage or Chicken and Dumplings will do. Most people have
very definite comfort foods. They may be an old childhood
favorite or a reminder of a special time and place. The sight
and aroma of this comfort food, conjures up a happy time and a
feeling of security. Food memories can have an amazing effect.
Don't underestimate the power of comfort foods. As humble as
they may be, presenting an old favorite can earn you accolades
far beyond the complicated gourmet meal. If you can tap into
your partner's sentiments, you have it made.
My husband, for instance, can be "bought" with a bowl of Pea
Soup. For this reason, I always have a container or two of
homemade Pea Soup with Ham Bone in the freezer. When life
gets him down or I just want him mellow, I serve his favorite.
It speaks volumes of my consideration, caring and
thoughtfulness. I have often said, that I probably could ask for
a diamond ring after that.
So don't neglect, the obvious. You may still put fresh flowers
and flickering candles on the table, but don't forget to think
about what your partner loves to eat. Presenting an all time
favorite, can create the kind of intimacy, that will make the
evening more romantic, than if you slaved all day folding
doilies just like Martha Stewart. Might even make the filmy
lingerie redundant!
As they say: "It's the thought that counts!"
Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at
By: Tracy Eastgate
by Patricia Rasey
Publisher: Dark Star Publications
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
ISBN 1586971043
Release date: November 2000
Downloads are $3.95 (US) each
***** Outstanding
KC Tanner is a man some call 'Stone Cold' behind his back and
rightfully so. As McCreary County's only Homicide Detective,
he can't afford not to be. But he also has personal reasons for
shutting down the emotional side of him, reasons he has never
shared with anyone and isn't about to start now. Because right
now he needs his 'Stone Cold' side more than he ever has
before. There has been a murder in McCreary County and this
murder was not a normal homicide, this was torture, pure and
Someone is killing people, one at a time and each on a Friday.
Each victim is put to death in a horrifying manner. Torture.
Each torture is different and represents a different reason as to
why the victim was punished for their crime. KC has to find
out what it means and why they were chosen, then maybe he
can figure out who is behind this. Time is against him though
and the body count is rising. KC has found some clue's and the
answer it is pointing to is completely unacceptable, it is
pointing towards his best friend, a man that he has known and
worked with for about 15 years, Sheriff Mike MacArthur.
Once again author Patricia Rasey has given her numerous fans
and readers a book that has definitely been worth the wait.
Filled with action and suspense, thrills and chills, FAÇADE
will grip you from page one and not allow you to put it down
until the final page is read and then you will yell for more. This
book goes beyond just a Suspense/Thriller, Ms. Rasey has also
filled it with love and betrayal, joy and heartbreak. Characters
so vivid they seem real and bring you there in the book with
them. This is a 'must have' for your private book collection.
Review by:
Tracy Eastgate
Tracy's Book Reviews
Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate
Colorado Spitfire
by Glenda D. Tudor
Publisher: First Publish
Genre: Historical Western Romance
ISBN 1929925239
Release date: Nov. 2000
Trade Paperback $19.95 (US) each
***** Outstanding
Peaceful, Colorado, rarely has much trouble--until the day
Dwayne Ingham rides into town. Dwayne isn't your ordinary
drifter, he is a gun for hire. His name, looks, and reputation
make grown men tremble in their boots and run in the opposite
direction. Dwayne should have known when he was offered so
much money for a supposedly simple job; there is more going
on in Peaceful than appears on the surface. When he meets
Billy Jo Sander, he wonders if he has bitten off more than he
can chew.
Billy Jo Sander is a mystery. Billy has lived in Peaceful all her
life, but the town knows little about her, except that Billy is a
she, and one of the fastest guns in the West, with a mouth to
match. Billy doesn't back down for anything and fights for
what is hers. Someone tries to scare her off the ranch her dad
left her, and she is determined to fight for it, to the death, if
When Ingham rides up looking for work, Billy Jo is cautious
and suspicious. She needs the extra hand and wants to keep an
eye on Ingham, but is she allowing a traitor into their midst?
COLORADO SPITFIRE is an absolute must for your personal
collection; one of those books you can't put down until you
reach the last page. Author Glenda D. Tudor has created a
work of art. Listed as Historical Western Romance, this book
overflows with danger, thrills, and excitement. From racy love
scenes to explosive tempers, Ms. Tudor has brought her
characters to life, given them their own personalities and styles,
so you feel like you have known them forever. A fantastic
book. I definitely look forward to reading more from this
Review by:
Tracy Eastgate
Tracy's Book Reviews
Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate
Author: Robert W. Norris
Publisher: Dead End Street Publications
Genre: Psychological Drama, Expatriate Fiction
ISBN: 1929429630
Release Date: Sept. 30, 2000
A wonderful novel about that last love/lust journey some of
us take before we segue into middle age, acceptance and
stability. It is a dangerous journey, not for the weak of heart.
Along the way are demons lying in ambush, and false trails
which can lead to madness, suicide and even murder. Robert
W. Norris has created characters we will grow to love, despite
their many flaws, characters who, we hope and pray, will make
it through, characters we will always remember. Be prepared to
stay up nights as you follow their progress. A number one read!
-- Paul Clayton, author of "Calling Crow"
Murder Online
Author: Beth Anderson
ReB, .pdf, POD
ISBN: 0-7433-0068-8
Release Date: October 2000
Night Sounds
Author: Beth Anderson
ISBN: 0-7433-0097-1
Release Date: October 2000
Redemption, Book IV of the Shadow Dwellers
Author: J.C. Wilder:
Dreams Unlimited
ISBN: 1-892520-39-7
To avenge her sister's murder, Maeve must arm herself with a
magical spell rumored to have the ability to immobilize her
prey, but the price could be her soul.
Quinn has seen the dark side of magic and he wants no part of
Maeve's revenge. His hand is forced when the leader of the
witches throws down the gaunlet and threatens the lives of
many innocent people.
Can he stand alone, one man against an army of witches, in
order to save the woman he loves...
Mask of the Stranger
Authors: Joyce and Jim Lavene:
Romantic Sci-fi/Suspense
ISBN: 1-5874-9002-1
Release Date: October 2000
Kelsey Lloyd is carrying a secret that her shattered mind
refuses to recall. In only a few days, that secret will be laid
bare when the man who has stalked her from the street comes
for her and the man she thought she could trust with her life,
proves to be her true nemesis. Because Kelsey is not who she
believes herself to be. The secrets of another world are locked
inside of her and the love of her life is waiting.
Secret `Til We're Grown
Author: Betty Jo Schuler
DiskUs Publishing
ISBN: 1-58495-737-9
Release Date: October 2000
Children's Chapter Book
The boys on Greenwillow Lane have an out-of-this world
camping experience. If their dads found out, they'll come
along next time. If the moms knew, they wouldn't let them
camp out again. If the girls learned what went on, they'd snoop
even more. Is it any wonder that Alex, Max, and their cul-de-
sac buddies decide to keep a secret until they're grown?
Change of Plans
Author: Dee Lloyd
LTD Books
Romantic Suspense
ISBN: disk 1-55316-008-8
ISBN: Rocket - 1-55316-985-9
Release Date: October 2000
Everyone on the romantic Caribbean cruise has an agenda. Sara
plans to use the time to consider a marriage proposal. Mike
plans to find a fun-loving woman for the empty half of his
honeymoon bed. Someone plans to kill Sara. No one intends to
fall in love. But under the tropical moon, the best-laid plans....
The Bronze God
Author: Sheryl Ellis
Publisher: Crossroads Publishing
Genre: Romance/Suspense/Erotica
Ice Picks
Author: The Iceman
Beginning October 1st, the techno thriller/murder-suspense story
will be released in monthly installments (paid subscription)
The 1st installment is FREE
The suspense begins with the discovery of a body outside one
of the hotels on the Las Vegas strip. Cause of death - freezing.
The action then moves to a new government task force on
cybercrime stationed in Las Vegas, working on Operation
E-Virus. Throw in an unscrupulous billionare in a Quebec
chateaux, and you have the makings of a suspenseful story
combining computers, politics, and snowmobiles!
Night Tales: Stories of Fantasy and Terror
Author: Tracy Jones:
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/n-tales.html
Genre: Horror Anthology (YA-and up)
ISBN: 1-58785-035-4
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-107-5
Release Date: 10/1/00
In her breathtaking historical romance, Dare to Dream, multi-
talented author Tracy Jones sweeps us off our feet and
envelops us in a memorable and passionate pairing. In Night
Tales: Stories of Fantasy and Terror, the same author manages
to have us pulling the blankets over our heads and shaking
with fright. This extraordinary anthology is geared for young
adults and older.
Male Wanted
Author: Betty Jo Schuler
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/male.html
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy
ISBN: 1-58785-031-1
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-109-1
Release Date: 10/1/00
When Taylor Gayle advertises in The Town Crier for a male to
date, Max Stuart misprints her ad to indicate she's looking for a
"sadomasochistic male to mate" and includes her address. To
atone for his mistakes, Max becomes her live-in protector.
Now, who's going to protect this high school librarian from the
unbelievably sexy newspaper editor? And who's going to save
Max from this feisty Plain Jane's charms?
Author: Carolyn Scott
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/rushmore.html
Genre: romantic mystery/suspense
ISBN: 1-58785-024-9
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-108-3
Release Date: 10/1/00
Liz escapes from the city and her emotionally cruel husband to
a small country town, only to become embroiled in a dangerous
smuggling ring and the lives of the quirky locals. Rushmore is
at times hilarious, frightening, poignant and passionate. With
twists and turns in every chapter, it will keep you guessing
until the final page. If you loved the richly drawn, quirky
townspeople of The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen
O'Hara, then you'll be swept away by the author's depiction of
the town of Rushmore and its eccentric inhabitants.
Sandwiches and Cuckoo Clocks
Author: Ross Richdale
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/sandwiches.html
Genre: romantic suspense/action/adventure
ISBN: 1-58785-026-5
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-111-3
Release Date: 10/1/00
A note from Wordbeams' publisher: "Trying to edit one of
Ross Richdale's manuscripts is trying at best. It took me twice
as long to edit Sandwiches and Cuckoo Clocks because I
became too emotionally involved with the striking realism of
his characters and their situations--and went through half a box
of Kleenex before I even finished editing the first chapter!
There's just no way for me to describe this action-packed
novel--other than to say that it's utterly incredible."
The Land of Crayons
Author: Amy Bowllan
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/crayons.html
Genre: Children's
ISBN: 1-58785-025-7
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-110-5
Release Date: 10/1/00
Imagine if crayons could speak. The Land of Crayons focuses
on the challenges crayons face in their day-to-day lives.
Ironically, people face the same perils. Bowllan introduces us
to Pearl, a crayon who is the "fairest in the land" until one day
she pops in two (breaks) and decides she 's not worth anything
anymore, until she meets "Mrs. Brown " who shares her
wisdom, explaining to Pearl, "even the smallest crayon leaves a
mark." These crayons are motivational learning tools, for
children young and old sending the message of hope through
Jackie's Week
Author: David G. LaGraff
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/jackie.html
Genre: romantic suspense/action
ISBN: 1-58785-019-2
Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-112-1
Release Date: 10/1/00
Against a sprawling Los Angeles background, from the valley
flatlands to the Hollywood Hills, Jackie's Week takes you on
an unforgettable journey into the heart and soul of love, evil,
despair, and triumph. As readers follow these seven memorable
days in Jackie's life, they'll find themselves breathless with
anticipation; rooting for the heroine; and exhausted as they
experience the non-stop pacing and satisfying climax.
Food, Spirits, Lodging (YA Horror Thriller)
Author: Edward Stack
Publisher: RoxyBooks
13 year-old twins Linda and Lucas are tired of being treated
like kids. When they become trapped in a haunted Inn they
must become grown-up, if they live long enough.
Wizard, Wonder & Worry (A collection of speculative fiction)
Author: Edward F Stack
Publisher: Roxy Books
Stories to make you shiver, smile, sigh and squirm. Some of
these stories have previously appeared in StoryTeller
Magazine, Bardic Runes, the Ultimate Unknown, The 13th
Story, Dragons and Vampires, Dimensions, and Twighlight
Times but others are available here for the first time.
Double Dare
Author: Elaine Hopper
Publisher: Awe-Struck
Genre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN 1-58749-008-0
Heather Dare doesn't mind being a single expectant mother, but
when her mother, Senator Dare shows up on her doorstep and
starts having chest pains when she learns of her daughter's
condition, Heather does the only thing she can do. Invent a
Murder of Dreams
Author: Carolyn R. Scheidies
Publisher: Atlantic Bridge Publishing
Genre: Mystery/Murder
ISBN: 0-9700930-8-9
Release Date: October 2000
When Rachel wrote a novel based on her sister's murder ten
years earlier as a catharsis for her pain, she had no idea it
would be picked up as a TV movie. She had no idea it would
draw so much attention to her, or that she would become victim
to a pathological stalker.
She certainly didn't realize that both her sister's husband Scott,
the officer who investigated the murder, and Robert, the man
convicted for the crime, would converge on her hometown.
As the media spotlights the murder, Rachel is forced to deal
with the truth of the past. But with the stalker moving ever
closer, will she be able to escape the past before the past buries
her forever?
Cry The Night
Author: Glenn Miller
Publisher: Atlantic Bridge Publishing
Genre: Murder/Thriller
ISBN: 0-9700930-3-9
Release Date: October 2000
It was an unexplored wilderness in a remote part of Australia.
The terrifying ordeal started as a weekend trip into the country.
Four young men and one teenage girl. A sexy tease. Then the
horrifying discovery. Someone evil was among them.
Within the tomb-like hidden place, his most dreadful secrets
remained safe. Or so it seemed . . .
Cry the Night takes the reader on a tour into a world of
delusion and darkness - with a story that delves into the
mysterious depths of insanity.
Blood Born
Author: Christine DeLong Miller
Publisher: Atlantic Bridge Publishing
Genre: Horror
ISBN: 0-9700930-8-X
Release Date: September 23, 2000
Deep in the hills of Tennessee, down in the hollows where the
night comes on early, dark secrets are quietly kept.
In the hollow in the shade of Big Hoary Mountain those secrets
are kept by Anna Caine.
When Anna sets her sights on Seph Mayhew, she uses everything in her
power to lure him under her spell. But Anna
soon finds that Seph can't be controlled so easily.
And the battle begins
Late for My Plane: Confessions of an ordinary mystic
Authors: Michelle Senjem and Rebecca LeTourneau
Publisher: Twilight Times Books
ISBN: 1-931201-06-4
"Late for My Plane is the amazing true story of a woman with
incredible abilities who generously shares her experiences and
her knowledge so that others can learn and grow. As I read this
work, I nodded my head often and said, "Yes, that has
happened to me." or "Yes, that is so true. Why didn't I think of
that sooner?"
Over the years, I have found that I can learn lessons from life.
If I didn't "get it" the first time around, then the lessons grew
progressively harsher. In sharing examples from her own life
experiences, Michelle shows us we all have the power to
overcome negative influences in our lives. She instructs us to
pay attention to our instincts and listen to an inner voice. I
came away from this work with the feeling a woman has the
power of the universe, if only she would choose to use it.
Debonair Rhymes: An Anthology of 90 poems and 30 illustrations
By: International acclaimed, prize winning poet
Roy Gaveston Knight
Publisher: Regent Books
Genre: Nature, people and places
ISBN 09535927 7 4
Release Date: October 2000
5 Stars---Roy Gaveston Knight is an amazingly prolific poet
This volume alone contains 90 new poems and the range of
subjects is vast.
But his prodigious output does not mean a production line.
These are hand-crafted verses of constant quality.Roy
Gaveston-Knight's poems do not require much licence. He uses
words, rhythms, even that somewhat outdated, almost outlawed
skill - rhyme - with great precision, affection, invention and
facility. Here is a poet with the kind of flowing rhythm, rhyme
and respect for the appropriateness of word choice that all will
Whimsical, wise, penetrating, lyrical - this anthology has many
ingredients and is seasoned with a philosophy, nostalgia and
human insight developed during a lifetime exceeding man's
allotted span. The poet tunes each one to give his chosen
subject a suitable pace and pattern and enhances his anthology
with beautifully executed illustrations.
Review by: John Dunne
Copyright (c) 2000 John Dunne
The Parson's Daughter
Author Sharon Watson
Publisher Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre Regency (StarSapphire Books)
ISBN: 1-58697-087-9
Charles, Lord Whitley, thinks Waterloo is behind him until he
meets Edith, the Parson's Daughter.
Bride in Training
Author: Michele R. Bardsley
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre: Contemporary Romance/Romantic Comedy
ISBN: 1-58697-164-6
A woman trades love and romance for a marriage of
convenience--then she falls in love with her fiance's best man!
Conner's Back
Author: Irene Estep
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre Romantic Suspense
ISBN 1-58697-022-4
Detective Marleen Avoni must overcome her personal feelings
and protect Conner Brenningan who walked out on her three
years ago.
Silence Knight
Author: Irene Estep
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre Romantic Suspense
ISBN 1-58697-044-5
Claire Barlow wants her life back to normal. Ryce Knight, the
neighbor who mistakes her for a hitman, just wants to stay
Aughor: Jamie Winn
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre: Romantic Suspense/Deadly Kisses
ISBN: 1-58697-128X
Two teachers on a Native American Pueblo in New Mexico
fight against menacing masked impersonators of the Spirits and
their growing attraction for one another
Hanne's Farewell to Juarez
Author: Sara V. Olds
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre: Children's/ Historical/ Middle reader
ISBN: 1-58697-113-1
Hanne enjoys a simple life in Colonial Juarez, until things
begin to change with Mexican Revolution.
The Keeper
Author: M. Ford
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre Young Adult Suspense
ISBN 1-58697-048-8
Welcome to Lindsay Welks' life where nothing is what it
Author: Roberta Olsen Major
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre: Star Dust (historical)
ISBN: 1-58697-110-7
Bess and Ben are bound to brawl--and Texas will never be the
Touch of Fire
Author: Barbara Clark
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Genre/subgenre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 1-58697-102-6
An ex-warrior protects a gentle psychic from enemies out of
his own past.
Rita Hestand:
Check out her beautiful web site at:
in Paperback
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information:
COMING SOON from Awe-Struck's ByteMe Line
http://www.awe-struck.net, the YA Romance MILES TO GO -
A talented and rising young track star and an intelligent non-
conformist skirting the fastlane...together Chris and Tori will
discover that they have miles to go... Gritty coming-of-age
urban serial --"West Side Story" and "Boyz in the 'Hood"
meets "Chariots of Fire" -- First Installment starts 11/00
From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of
Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"
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