![]() |
![]() ![]() November 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 13
ISSN 1530-5287
E-Book Ecstasy
~ Welcome ~
![]() We have 3 Featured E-Authors: Dicksie Dudeney, Larry L.
Bailey, Robert Hecker. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank Crossroads Pub for the wonderful articles that they and
their Authors have been so gracious to share with us and our
Featured E-Publisher is Silke Juppenlatz of Dreams Unlimited
with another of her terrific articles.
Eva and Tracy-as always my deepest thanks and appreciation.
***From all of us at E-Book Ecstasy***
Wishing you a safe and wonderful Happy Thanksgiving.
Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Featured E-Publisher
Behind the Scene
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release
E-AUTHORS and E-PUBLISHERS-We are now scheduling for 2001.
If you would like to contribute an article to us, please contact me
so that we can get all the details worked out.
Subject: Indie e-Authors Celebrate the Holidays By Playing
Santa Contact: Leta Nolan Childers, Bstseller1@aol.com;
Linda Bleser, lbleser@nycap.rr.com: or Jim Farris,
For immediate release.
Franklin eBookman Handhelds Selected as Grand Prizes in e-
Authors Event
A record number of independent e-authors have selected the
Franklin eBookman as the grand prize in their latest
promotional event designed to bring awareness to books in
electronic bindings and to thank those readers who have
already discovered the wealth of quality fiction and non-fiction
available in e-books. Three eBookmans will be given as grand
prizes as well as other terrific gifts. More than 85 independent
e-authors and indie e-publishers are celebrating the holiday
season by participating in the event.
"What a wonderful time to celebrate," said best selling indie e-
author Leta Nolan Childers. "It's a glorious time. Sales of our
e-books have never been better. More and more readers are
discovering the delights of books in electronic bindings.
There's a terrific new device hitting the market that will allow
readers to enjoy not only our books but music and many other
things on the eBookman from Franklin. It's the season of
sharing--and so we want to share with readers, those who
already know us and those we'd like to introduce ourselves to."
The authors represent about every venue of e-publishing
imaginable--those published with royalty-paying, non-subsidy
e-publishers, those self-published and those subsidy-published.
They also represent a wide variety of genres and subjects--from
cookbooks to classic science fiction to humor to mystery and
suspense. To date, this appears to be the largest group effort
created in the publishing world of independent authors-either
traditionally or e-published.
"We wanted to achieve several things with this event," said
Linda Bleser, author of "The Chance You Take." "We wanted
to create a game that was fun for us as well as fun for the
player. We also wanted to create a positive and uncomplicated
game that would entertain as well as introduce ourselves."
The Happy Holidays game is easy to play. The entry form is
located at:
Contestants click on a participant's name. A new browser
window opens to display the participant's holiday page which
includes a game piece. On the game piece is the name of a
holiday gift. The contestant then just enters the name of the gift
on the entry form. The winners are selected from those who
have the most correct gifts identified on their entry form. The
contest begins November 1, 2000 and will conclude December
31, 2000.
"You may have seen or even participated in other holiday
events, but they all pale in comparison to this contest. It's free
to enter, easy and fun to play, and the prizes are just incredible.
The Franklin eBookman is at the cutting edge of electronic
reader technology, and will be a cherished addition to anyone's
household," said Jim Farris, multimedia author of "Pandora's
Among the other prizes offered for the promotion are a camera,
a boombox, electronic personal organizers and tons of ebooks,
generously donated by the authors and publishers involved.
More prizes will be added to the bag of prizes throughout the
More information about the Happy Holidays event can be
Information about the Franklin eBookman can be accessed at
Publisher and author participants and their immediate relatives
are prohibited from playing. In the event of a tie, winners will
be selected by random drawing of those who have completed
and correct entries. Contest void where prohibited. Contest
entry forms will be destroyed following the selection of the
winners and will not be used for marketing purposes.
A portion of the proceeds for this anthology will be donated to
The Portland Rescue Mission in Portland Oregon. This facility
ministers to a diverse homeless population that includes the
mentally ill, drug addicts, disabled individuals, and veterans.
The organization's services and programs include serving
meals, providing shelter beds, distributing clothing, supplying
shower facilities and toiletries, providing referrals to
appropriate agencies, running rehabilitation programs,
providing vocational training, and assisting with job searches.
***More details can be found in the New Release section***
And They Can Cook, Too!
In the Kitchen With Wordbeams Authors
Since 1977 battered women and children have been coming to
Raphael House for safety, advocacy, and support. Through a
myriad of programs including children's programming, a 24-
hour crisis line, case management, an emergency shelter, and
Oregon's first transitional and long-term low-income housing
programs for battered women, Raphael House has become
Oregon's most comprehensive domestic violence intervention
agency for women and children made homeless by domestic
violence. In 1999 alone, Raphael House served more than
3,500 women and children by giving them the opportunity to
build a self-sufficient life, free from violence.
***More details can be found in New Releases section***
Victorian Rose Afghan Contest
Enter now thru Dec. 15, 2000
The new Awards !!
Attention everyone!!
In the belief and hope that these Awards will soon become
industry standard.
CrossroadsPub.Com http://www.crossroadspub.com
The Fiction Works http://www.fictionworks.com
Proudly announce the First Annual Dream Realm Awards to
recognize excellence in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror in
Electronically Published Books (eBooks)
The Winners will be announced at UncommonCon
Nov. 24-26
Hyatt-Regency Hotel
D/FW Airport, Dallas, TX
You need not be present to win.
The categories are:
Science Fiction
(A minimum of three published books in the above category)
(Books that are experimental in style or construction. Judging
shall be of the book and not the experimental elements.)
Children's books
Cover Art
The entry fee will be $5 for each book or cover, payable by
credit card, netcheck or personal check in the mail. Entries and
submissions will be electronic.
Go to: http://www.dream-realm-awards.com for more
information and to enter.
IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: We need judges, LOTS of judges.
The requirements are that they LOVE to read (any of the above
genres). We would like to get people that read several books a
month, or more. Please contact: Samandi Adams at:
Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:
Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate
the changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes
education and research. (100% of the proceeds of this book
will be donated to that cause.)
(Available in download formats only)
Subscribe to BEAMINGS!
"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.
Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're
Subscribe: Beamings-subscribe@egroups.com
Unsubscribe: Beamings-unsubscribe@egroups.com
List owner: Beamings-owner@egroups.com
URL to Beamings page at egroups:
TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.
Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: TracysBookReviews-subscribe@egroups.com and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at:
mailto:teastgate2@home.com and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.
LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?
Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at:
word_of_mouth-subscribe@egroups.com or learn more at our
Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:
E-Book Of The Week
E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to: e-bookoftheweek-subscribe@egroups.com
AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at:
subscribe directly at:
AAM_in_the_News-subscribe@egroups.com You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!
E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's
world with in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!
If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!
Marketing eBooks Newsletter: is your guide to selling more
books. With proven strategies for marketing your ebooks,
interviews with best-selling authors, Bright Ideas that really
work, e-publishing industry news and much more, this list is
the weapon you need to help you sell more books. Don't miss
any more sales--subscribe today! Send any e-mail to:
The Winds of Change
by Dicksie Dudeney
E-publishing is the future. This is not to say that books will
disappear in the next decade, or for that matter, the next
century. But there is little doubt that portable reading devices
and computers will make reading on the screen commonplace,
if not preferred.
Today, our young people accept computers and reading on the
screen as readily as their parents accepted telephones and
television. These are the readers of tomorrow. And for them,
the smell of glue and paper will never offer the sensory
delights known to an older generation. These young people will
someday attend colleges, carrying nothing more than a single
e-reading device, and having the opportunity to study from
textbooks that are updated yearly. The winds of change are
blowing, and with them, comes the spectacular New World of
electronic publishing.
I came to e-publishing by way of New York, where publishers
demand cookie-cutter formulas and cringe at the sound of a
writer with a different "voice." They demand all square pegs be
fitted into round holes. They warn that experimentation is to be
avoided at all costs. And God forbid if you want to write a
horror/mystery/love story. According to those in the know, if it
can't be pigeonholed, it won't sell.
That's true of children's literature as well. In fact, a tour of the
children's book section in most bookstores offers many books
that have been available for half a century or more. Those are
obviously great books, but they can't hope to continue to lead
the market in a world where special effects are constantly
offered to children by way of movies and video games. And
since "The Little Engine That Could" and "Green Eggs and
Ham" have already been written, the question arises, "where do
we go from here?"
When I was little, I remember my grandfather telling me
stories he called "Whoppers." I sat transfixed, listening to the
words and inflections of his voice as my imagination spun
images around them. Sometimes I asked questions that took the
story in a different direction, or added a comment that
introduced a new character, and sometimes I simply lost myself
laughing at the silliness of the tale. For my generation, this was
interactive storytelling at its very best.
But children today are far more sophisticated. They expect
images and sounds and special effects. They want colors and
songs and moving parts. And if they don't find those things,
video games and movies are an easily obtainable substitute.
Yet books present the one thing neither movies nor video
games can offer--they make the reader think.
Which is why e-books are the future.
Today, children have the option of reading books with not only
pictures and words, but also with sound, animation and
interactivity. These concepts were unheard of a decade ago,
and yet today they exist for a new generation of readers
because of the advances made by e-books.
Tomorrow, adventures with multiple endings and optional
characters will be common place as interactivity goes to the
next level. With the click of a mouse, a child will change the
hero or the outcome of the tale with each retelling.
Perhaps in the future, children will be encouraged to create the
stories they read by choosing from lists of characters, situations
and settings for their stories. Perhaps they will be able to select
the colors and music to illustrate their tales. I, for one, can
certainly think of worse ways for children to spend their time.
The winds of change are blowing. And this is only the
Dicksie Dudeney
Larry L. Bailey:
The internet is dangerous. It is dangerous the way the printing
press once was dangerous. With this new technology, strange
ideas can escape from marginal backwaters and enter the
mainstream of thought. The printing press was revolution
incarnate. The powerful hated it. No longer could they control
the flow of ideas. Any tradesman with a little money and some
ambition could publish books and pamphlets more easily than
the church hierarchy or the government bureaucracy. Those
with something to say no longer had to meekly submit to the
guardians of the status quo for a chance to be heard. New ideas
were unleashed on the world.
The renaissance was driven by technological change and the
exchange of ideas across social and cultural boundaries made
easier by that change. That great flowering of thought, art and
beauty had it's roots in machinery - machines that improved
the everyday lives of everyday people and machines that made
the world smaller and that greatest of all renaissance machines,
the great communicator, the printing press. Our current
technological revolution brings with it the promise of a new
renaissance, a time when once again the dragons who have
long guarded the means of communication must face the force
they fear most - freedom.
In the early eighties I left the Seattle area to return home to the
close-knit rural communities of Eastern Washington State
where I had grown up. I saw that nothing really had changed
to improve the struggles of the small farmers and ranchers who
built the American West. I felt compelled to write their story.
The result was a novel I called Birthright, which followed the
life of a Viet Nam vet, son of an endless line of people of the
land, as he faced the loss of the family farm and of a way of
life he had come to value above all else.
Several friends read the book and thought I should try to
publish it. One friend agreed to act as my agent and began the
process of query letters, synopses and sample chapters familiar
to all who have tried to publish through the normal channels.
The press at the State University agreed to look at the
manuscript and within just a few days sent a letter of
cceptance saying they were very excited about the project. I
was surprised because Birthright is very critical of chain banks
and Agribusiness, both groups that are very large contributors
to the agricultural program at the university. But the press
forged ahead, submitted the manuscript to their reading
committee which returned a set of laudatory comments enough
to make an author blush.
I started to get excited. Maybe there was a way for ordinary
people's concerns to be heard and their stories be told. Then
came another letter from the director of the press. The
university administration had decided they could no longer
publish fiction - that was not a proper mission for an academic
press. The director obviously was upset and soon left for a job
in another state. I was left to start over with what I now was
convinced was a very good novel. My friends felt strongly
enough about the work that they formed a small press
specifically to publish Birthright.
Even without professional editing or design, the book got very
good reviews and sold several thousand copies. It was featured
on the cover of Ag-World and I made many media appearances
including an hour-long PBS interview. Thanks to perseverance
and loyal friends a book that was not supposed to be read
slipped through the cracks.
I continued to write and finished Covenant, a sequel to
Birthright, and another novel called Wake of the Whale about
drug smuggling on the Pacific Coast. I had no better luck with
the corporate publishers despite my earlier success. In fact,
that success seemed to create suspicion - it didn't seem right
that I had sold thousands of books without submitting to the
scrutiny of the corporate publishers.
I had gotten interested in the internet and began to look there
for an alternative way to get my work published. I spent
several months waiting for one "electronic" publisher to fulfill
promises to edit my novels and produce professional covers. I
began to correspond with a couple of the other authors who had
signed contracts with this publisher and as we all compared
notes we realized that we were dealing with a scam artist.
After consulting legal advisors and agreeing that we had to do
something we moved our works to Crossroads Publishing (now
I have watched Crossroads develop into a professional
publishing house with many authors, a good staff of editors and
cover artists and a lively discussion group. Inexperienced
authors are developed in a way that used to happen with the
better print publishers but now rarely does. The entire process
of publishing a book is designed to produce the best possible
book. Many genres are represented and the place has the feel of
an artists' community.
Crossroads and other electronic publishers are responding to
the need for a renaissance in our literature. The corporate
control for the last hundred years has driven the quality and
variety down to historic low-points. It is no better for literature
when the decisions of what is to be published are based on
financial considerations than it was when they were based on
religious beliefs.
I'm excited. I think I'm living in one of those watershed times
when the whole world changes. And for me, electronic
publishing is one of the best parts of that change.
The Novels of Larry L. Bailey:
CrossroadsPub.com: http://www.crossroadspub.com/
Electronic Authors Guild: http://www.eguild.org/
Robert Hecker
E-Publishing attracted me like a magnet after I had signed
contracts for three novels with a hardcover publisher for
several reasons.
The first was the e-publishers willingness to accept and, yes,
read non-agented submissions. This did not mean that they
would not be added to my wallpapering of rejection slips if the
submission did not look as though anyone would buy it. But
they would consider books that did not fit the hard cover
publisher's marketing categories. Royalties and underlying
rights were also attractions. Hard cover publishers give their
authors miniscule royalties and keep all other rights. E-
Publishers give reasonable royalties and allow authors to keep
all other rights. Since I also write screenplays, this means a lot.
Okay, so e-publishers don't give advances. But neither do most
small press publishers. And the big ones only give advances of
any substance to big selling authors.
Some romance publishers offer excellent advances, but they
will not accept manuscripts by male authors, and I want to
write under my own name.
Also, hard cover books are only available for purchase for a
very short time. When that 'sales window' closes, your book is
dead. With e-publishing, however, your book is available for
years. If the author thinks that his promotion would do better
during some particular period of time, he is not restrained by a
publishers 'sales window'. This also means that the e-author
can wait for the handwriting on the wall to fulfill its prophetic
message: that e-publishing is the wave of the future. When that
happens I want to have lot of books sitting on e-surfboards
ready to ride the wave.
I get 50% royalty on every sale from Crossroadspub.com (and I
keep all other rights) Compare this with 10% from traditional
book publishers (and they keep most other rights). The e-
publisher gets the other 50%. Since they have no printing costs,
no inventory storage, no remainder losses, and a small
overhead they can come out ahead on each sale from each of
their authors. Their only real expenses are mailing when a CD
is ordered (and the iCDs will bring that cost down) and
overhead charges for the time it takes to send through a
download when it's ordered.) They do little or no promotion.
That's up to the author.
Right now e-publishers aren't making a lot of money because
there is not a huge base of people who will read books on a
computer monitor or who own book readers (like the Rocket
Reader or Softbooks). But the cost of these readers will be
coming down in a few months, and people with pocket pagers,
etc. are getting used to reading on a hand-held device.
Then, too, when POD (Print-On-Demand) really gets rolling,
sales should take off. For example, suppose a photocopy place
like Kinko's decided to put a POD machine in each shop. After
all, just because it's a book doesn't mean it has to be printed on
by Barns and Noble. (And we'll still get 50% royalties besides
keeping all the ancillary rights.) So I think that within a year, e-
publishing will be the only way to go.
Looking to the future.
Robert Hecker
The Importance of Keeping it Real
"This is Unix. I know this!"
(Kid in Jurassic Park)
Silke Juppenlatz
I've been watching movies again. One of them was Jurassic
Don't get me wrong. I like the movie. (But the book is still
What gets my goat are those "This is Unix. I know this!"
moments. Sorry girl, I don't know what you're on to suffer from
such severe delusions, but that don't look like any Unix system
I've ever seen… Let's not get me started on Die Hard 2 and the
airliner… no no no NO.
The same annoys me in books. Sure, thrill me, spin wild tales -
but please, try to keep a grip on reality. It helps to keep your
I like wild tales. No, I really do! But if I find that the time
portal that transported one character into the river where she
started out, and the very same portal transports the hero straight
into her bed… Ahem. 'Scuse me, but - why? How? Where is
the logic in that?
Give me something that will keep me reading without suddenly
going "Huh? How'd that happen?". I tend to backtrack at points
like this, to see if there is an explanation I missed. When I don't
find one… that book hits the wall. Neither will I ever
recommend it to anyone.
I want to see that the author went to the trouble of doing
research, too. So don't fob me off with some 200lb gorilla
being shoved through an airplane engine - and then have it
take off. Because I won't believe you. If, however, you tell me
that the hamster that happened to be sucked into the engine
stopped the plane dead, resulting in much shrapnel that
ultimately killed the bad guy…. I will believe it if you give the
hamster - God Rest It's Little Cotton Socks - receives a medal
for heroism. Albeit posthumously. They'd have just a little
trouble finding the hamster after this…
It shows me that the author informed him/herself about what
would happen if… Sometimes the reality makes for a far better
story than anything you can make up. Sometimes reality is
weirder than fiction. USE it.
It annoys the heck out of me when I see things that could easily
have been avoided simply by asking someone who knows
about it. Professionals aren't hard to find, and most are quite
willing to answer some questions for you. Just make sure you
tell the Homicide Detective that you're doing research for a
book, before telling him that you've killed someone (in your
book), and what will happen next? Because you'd likely find
he'd quote Miranda at you, and you get one phone call…
It kind of hampers research if you end up doing it physically,
for the next 20 years, while they try to figure out why they
can't find the body you confessed to murdering
All kidding aside. If you have your character concoct some
wild potion that involves a chemistry lab, then ask a chemist to
show you how this is done - even if it's just by telling you what
should be mentioned, and what is better left out. Your story
will have more credibility, and you will probably come across
a plot twist or two as well. You can also find students who may
be quite willing to impart some of the things they've learned.
And if they don't know - yet - then there are their teachers,
who will probably be only too happy to impart some of their
knowledge to you.
I - with a shudder - remember doing research for a vampire
book. I needed to know about what happens to a body after
death, how it shuts down, etc. Off I went to find a pathologist
who would tell me. (Note, I said TELL not SHOW.) I got more
than I bargained for. The man I spoke to was a forensic
pathologist. He didn't just tell me, he made me look (at
pictures). Reason? He didn't want me to walk away taking any
of this lightly. Trust me, after that, I never will. But at the same
time, I learned a lot and as a result had several publishers tell
me that "It's just too realistic". So yeah, you can overdo it. ;-)
Oh yeah, the guy invited me to attend an autopsy. Guess who
declined….? I had it explained in graphic detail and I now Y
Section the Christmas turkey instead of carving it… (Hey, it
works to my advantage. It leaves more turkey for me when
they all run from the table in horror…)
Dreams Unlimited
Behind the Scenes
Christine Thomas
Acquistions Editor Dancing Willow Publiscations
A good friend of mine, Glenda Tudor, has asked me to write
this little column. It took me a good 24 hours to decide if I
really wanted to come out of the closet. I am known by most as
Goldie, but as you have probably guessed, that is not my real
name. So please let me introduce myself. My name is Christine
Thomas and I am the Acquistions Editor for Dancing
Willow Publications. Glenda thought that you all would be
interested in how I became involved with e-books. It all began
ith several fruitless trips to the bookstore. I have always been a
very avid reader, but found myself at a point in my life where I
just could not find a thing to read. Folks, let me tell ya, being in
a bookstore surrounded by thousands of books, and being
unable to find one single book that interested me. Well, it was a
very depressing situation to say the least! E-Books were a
revelation to me. I was searching the Web, and lo and behold, I
found e-books. It was love at first site.
Here were books featuring new and interesting story lines.
Cross-genre romances. I was in Heaven! Well, after reading
my first e-book, I decided that this was where I wanted to go
with my life. To say that e-books have changed my life, is a
drastic understatement. I have met so many wonderful people
who feel the same way I do about e-books. The biggest
influence for me had to have been Charlee. She is also known
by many as Charlotte Boyett-Compo. Her dedication and
talent, were what really helped to steer me in the right
You all may be wondering, how I became the AE for Dancing
Willow. Well, I attribute it to perserverence. I knew Lea, the
owner of DWP, and also knew that she was opening up her
own e-pub. Several e-mails later, Lea consented to let me try
my hand at Acquistions. Every day is a new experience.
Learning to work with so many types of personalities, and
temperments has been a challenge. I am extremely proud of,
Dancing Willow. I made a decision when I first began to
acquire books for DWP. Basicly, Dancing Willow focuses on
the quality of our books. We do not have a very large volume
of books for sale at this time. But, I can guarantee that every
one of our books is of the highest quality.
I have a vision for e-books. Being the AE for Dancing Willow
is just the first step for me. I am currently on a lifelong quest
with one goal in mind. At one point in the near future, I plan on
walking into a bookstore where I will find, not thousands, but
hundreds of thousands of books to choose from. Hardback,
paperback, e-books, cds, you name it. Glenda, thank you for
allowing me to come out of the closet. It has been a privilage to
share my experiences with you all.
Christine Thomas
Acquistions Editor Dancing Willow Publiscations
By: Eva Kende
"People ask me: Why do you write about food, and eating
and drinking? Why don't you write about the struggle for
power and security, and about love, the way others do?
They ask it accusingly, as if I were somehow gross, unfaithful
to the honor of my craft."
"The easiest answer is to say that, like most other humans,
I am hungry. But there is more than that. It seems to me
that our three basic needs, for food and security and love,
are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot
straightly think of one without the others. So it happens
that when I write of hunger, I am really writing about
love and the hunger for it, and warmth and the love of it
and the hunger for it...and then it is all one."
---- M.F.K. Fisher
I love this quote from one of the doyens of food writing. Since
food preparation and serving expresses love and security,
confining it to that special-few-times-a-year romantic dinner is
an injustice to the power of the cook. A cook has in his or her
hands the means of creating family cohesion, bonding friends
and business associates, as well as, subtly reaffirming love to
their mate, several times a year and in fact almost every day.
This is just a complicated way of saying that I'd like to expand
the scope of this column in the New Year to include everyday
tricks that will help the cook to quickly and easily express the
love of family, mate and friends. My next column will
naturally be about coping with the cooking and baking
pressures of Christmas.
Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at
By: Tracy Eastgate
Far From the Warring Lands
by Stephen C. Davidson
Publisher: Pulsar Books
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN: Pending
Release date: November 2000
Downloads are $3.95 (US) each
**** Excellent
Merric is a young 16-year-old Condhrui, but he has absolutely
no idea of what that means nor what it entails. His father Dahn
is the local blacksmith and has the difficult task of raising
Merric alone. Merric's mother passed away when he was only
five years old. Merric was raised to believe that it was wrong to
kill or to take the life of any living thing unless it was strictly to
put food on the table. So when Merric made the decision to
sneak his fathers bow and arrow's out to target practice one
day, he had absolutely no idea that in doing so would begin a
chain of events that would change his life forever.
Naree is a young Desri girl that was raised by an Aln man that
had kidnapped her mother while she was pregnant. Her mother
had died while giving birth to Naree and the Aln man had kept
and raised her as his own, but he was an alcoholic and very
abusive towards her. Finally, she could not take any more and
chose to run away late one night. Now she is desperately trying
to reach her mothers people in the Gravin Forest while crossing
a land that is in the midst of a war. On her journey, she has the
misfortune to be captured by some Aln soldiers that fortunately
does not know that she is a runaway and a female. Little did
she know that in the one split second in which she had been
unable to think clearly enough to evade being captured, that the
'Fates' had stepped in as they had a different path for her to
travel. A journey that heavily involved Merric, regardless of
how she felt.
What happens to this pair is a journey that won't be forgotten
by anyone soon. Together, Merric and Naree are trying to
survive while at the same time keep themselves from being
killed. They are also trying to deal with what it means to
become adults and the adjustments they must make within
themselves and the new things they must learn in order to
Far From the Warring Lands is a book that will capture your
heart from the very beginning. Author Stephen C. Davidson
has taken fantasy and adventure, suspense and danger, then
added a dash of romance and brought these characters to life.
This is a book in which you will find the same magic that you
expect to find in books from David Eddings, Robert Jordan and
Terry Goodkind. Lets hope that Mr. Davidson can be
convinced to continue Merric and Naree's story as it is truly a
tale worth telling.
Review by:
Tracy Eastgate
Tracy's Book Reviews
Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate
The Bronze God
Author: Sheryl Ellis
Crossroads Publications
ISBN: 1-58338-307-5
Based on an actual sex scandal! Witty, provocative and
sensual! "The papers reported, "... letters describing graphic
sexual language and scenarios... intimate details... fantasy
sexual encounters... blackmailed by another inmate...
relationships between prison staff and inmates are considered a
serious breach of security..." What happens when there's 'love
on the rock'? A gripping tale of survival, corruption and erotic
Spirit of Fear
Evelyn Gale
Contemporary Christian Mystery Novella
Hot Fudge and Peppermint
Mary Taffs
Contemporary Romance
This is the third book to Mary Taffs Second Chances Trilogy
(Celtic Knot and Martha's Madness)
Nik Harding can't fit any man into the balancing act between
her career and a chronic illness, much less a guy like Bill
Adams. He's sexy as the devil and changes women about as
frequently as she changes the sheets on her bed - to say nothing
of the fact that he broke her heart eight years ago. But Bill
won't take "No" for an answer, and Nik soon surrenders to the
heat of their passion. Can her love satisfy his wandering spirit,
or will he shatter her heart again?
Journey's End
Author: Patricia Crossley
New Concepts Publishing
Time Travel Romance
ISBN: 1-58608-166-7
Can a doctor from the twentieth century find love and
happiness with a maverick historian from the future when they
meet in Tudor England?
After The War
J. L. Navarro (an e-book novel, 231 pp, 1MB) is now available
for download from http://www.mightywords.com. It is a
surrealistic, unconventional novel in the tradition of Carlos
Castaneda and Rod Serling. The adventure takes place in a
remote Mexican village inhabited by gunfighters and
magicians and other strange and bizarre characters. It's a quick
and easy read. Very entertaining for fans of fantastic fiction.
Due to adult themes, this book may not be suitable for younger
On the Edge
Author: Mary E. Tyler
Private Ice Publications (an imprint of SporsFics)
Mainstream, Coming of Age, Contemporary Romance
Trade Paperback POD and Ebook
Puberty stole Elayne Smith's chance for Olympic gold. Can a
troubled man steal it back? Can true love survive the attempt?
Elayne is living On the Edge.
Dark Star Publications
Author: Patricia A. Rasey
Dark Star Publications
ISBN# 1-58697-104-3
The Windkeeper: Book Three of The WindLegends Saga
Charlee Compo
Dark Star Publications
Dark Fantasy Romance
ISBN: 1-58697-197-2
Wordbeams November Releases:
Author: Mel Savoie
Author's Website: http://www.melsavoie.com
Published: 11/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-029-X Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-089-3
Genre/Category: mystery/action/suspense
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams http://www.wordbeams.com
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/pracktl.html
Short Description:
A sinister group of high-powered Atlanta citizens threaten the
great city of Atlanta. Unrelenting and emotionally charged, this
engrossing thriller is a fast-paced test of wits and wile.
Author: Pandora Dash
Author's Website: http://www.seaside.net/~paradise
Published: 11/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-028-1 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-113-X
Genre/Category: humorous adventure
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams http://www.wordbeams.com
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/unraveled.html
Short Description:
"I can't and won't believe that a bunch of rocks in the universe
can influence my life!" says a radio announcer, when a Salt
Spring islander calls in to tell him that Uranus and Pluto are
having a cosmic event. But what does he know? Why,
suddenly, does Millicent Snood on Gale Island reach a crisis in
her life? Why is a WC ferry taken astray for three days? And
why are people having flashbacks to past lives?
Authors: Judy Bagshaw; Daisy Dexter Dobbs; Rita Hestand;
Jim & Joyce Lavene; Celia Ann Leaman; Dave Pratt; Leronia
Rawls; Betty Jo Schuler; Lori Shimer; Jeff Strand; Glenda
Tudor; Drew Williams
Published: 11/01/00
ISBN: 1-58785-036-2 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-114-8
Genre/Category: collection of holiday-themed short stories
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $7.75 (s&h incl.) Download $4.95
Publisher: Wordbeams http://www.wordbeams.com
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/musings.html
Book Blurb:
Wordbeams' first anthology of holiday-themed stories features
a varied collection from twelve gifted writers. Readers are
treated to a broad range of tales, fourteen altogether, focusing
on different aspects of the season. So much is explored and
expressed in this compilation: the merriment, joy and mirth;
traditional family values; recollections that tug at the heart; and
yes, even the dark side of the season is examined-with
heartrending results. Romance lovers needn't fear--there's
plenty here to make them swoon. And what would a holiday
offering be without a liberal sprinkling of humor to lighten
holiday stress? You'll find all that and more in Merry Musings:
A Holiday Anthology--and your purchase will be helping those
in need at the same time.
A portion of the proceeds for this anthology will be donated to
The Portland Rescue Mission in Portland Oregon. This facility
ministers to a diverse homeless population that includes the
mentally ill, drug addicts, disabled individuals, and veterans.
The organization's services and programs include serving
meals, providing shelter beds, distributing clothing, supplying
shower facilities and toiletries, providing referrals to
appropriate agencies, running rehabilitation programs,
providing vocational training, and assisting with job searches.
The stories--alphabetically by author:
Belle's Jingle --by Judy Bagshaw
Saint Nic --by Judy Bagshaw
Hark, the Harold Angel --by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
The Tin Man Gets a Heart --by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
A Special Present for James --by Rita Hestand
Always and forever --by Jim and Joyce Lavene
No More Regrets --by Celia Ann Leaman
Santa and the Magic Chimney --by Dave Pratt
Christmas Twice --by Leronia Rawls
Love and Mistletoe --by Betty Jo Schuler
O Tannenbaum --by Lori Shimer
Howard, the Tenth Reindeer --by Jeff Strand
More Than a Memory --by Glenda Tudor
Second Chance Snow --by Drew Williams
***Title: And They Can Cook, Too!
In the Kitchen With Wordbeams Authors
Author: Edited by Susan Bodendorfer
Published: 11/15/00
Genre/Category: cookbook/recipe collection
Formats: PDF/HTML
Download $4.95 (All proceeds donated to charity)
Publisher: Wordbeams http://www.wordbeams.com
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/cook.html
Book Blurb:
Uh-oh--waist watchers watch out. Scrumptious recipes from
more than two-dozen Wordbeams authors have been
sandwiched into this little gem of a recipe book. Our authors
hail from all parts of the U.S. as well as several other countries,
so you can just imagine the taste-tempting variety of appetizing
recipes! Mmmm. The bad news? You're going to gain weight--
no doubt about it. I know I did while editing this collection of
delectable edibles. I mean--after all, what kind of editor would
I be if I hadn't meticulously tested each recipe for taste and
The good news? Your purchase will be supporting battered
women and children in their quest to gain independence from
domestic violence and get their lives back on track. The entire
proceeds for this book will be donated to Raphael House in
Portland Oregon.
Since 1977 battered women and children have been coming to
Raphael House for safety, advocacy, and support. Through a
myriad of programs including children's programming, a 24-
hour crisis line, case management, an emergency shelter, and
Oregon's first transitional and long-term low-income housing
programs for battered women, Raphael House has become
Oregon's most comprehensive domestic violence intervention
agency for women and children made homeless by domestic
violence. In 1999 alone, Raphael House served more than
3,500 women and children by giving them the opportunity to
build a self-sufficient life, free from violence.
So, even though you might be gaining a little bit of weight if
you purchase this book, you won't have to feel too guilty-
because every pound is for a most worthy cause!
Awe-Struck Books
A ByteˆMe Teen reader edition
Gracie C. McKeever
Miles to Go is a sensitive but explicit character portrait of one
persevering young couple facing the difficulties of surviving
teen romance and sexuality while coming of age amidst an era
of AIDS, date-rape, drug proliferation and partner abuse. Chris
Casanova is a rising young track star who wants to make it to
the nationals and break world records. He'll get both if he can
shake the specter of his crack-addicted older brother and
contend with, not only the more clear and present threat of a
steroid-enhanced teammate with a mean score to settle, but his
own over-protective father, Malcolm.
The Enemy Inside
A ByteˆMe Teen reader edition
Debra Brown
Marc Owens, aged seventeen, has been raised by his father, an
abusive man who is bitter about the death many years before of
his wife at the hands of a Black man. Marc's high school life is
in turmoil: he is uncertain of the future and has fallen for a
Mexican girl who goes to school with him. Frightened of
taking her home to meet his father, he sees her secretly-all
the while talking about the superiority of Whites. His carefully
constructed reality begins to crash as Teresa realizes that he is
living a double standard. After Teresa breaks up with him he
joins a White Supremist group and tumbles closer and closer to
a life of crime. His only hope is to claw his way back to
Lord Peter's Page
Maureen Mackey
Regency romance
When the Baron and Baroness Finbury pledge their spirited
daughter to an elderly earl, they expect her obedience, willing
or not. But Charlotte decides to run away rather than submit to
her parents' wishes. Disguised as a boy, she finds her escape
exhilarating until a street urchin robs her of the money she
intended to use for coach fare to her aunt's house in Bath. She
spends the night hidden in the stables of the coaching yard,
frightened but determined to proceed.
Lord Peter is the handsome younger son of the Duke of
Randolph, on his way to the family manor at the summons of
his mother. The Duchess has yet another matrimonial prospect
for him to meet. When the curricle snaps an axle halfway to
Bath, Lord Peter is surprised to find a grubby boy amid his
jumbled belongings. That grubby 'boy' is Charlotte.
Charlotte quickly concocts a story to explain her presence, and
Lord Peter is moved by the "boy's" sad tale and agrees to keep
"Charlie" on hand as a page and take him the rest of the way to
Bath. He is puzzled and exasperated by the boy's soft manner
and hilarious ineptitude for his duties. And so begins this
delightful Regency romp of mistaken identities and not-so-
clever disguises as Charlotte finds her adventure a bit more
complicated than she had thought.
The Cowboy's Shadow
Marty Voght
Contemporary western romantic/suspense
Unemployment, a rare virus, a kidnapped woman, a stricken
child, a hidden marijuana farm. Threats, disease and death.
This is a vacation? Kyla Rogers visits her sister in the mining
town of Augentia, Nevada, expecting a quiet two quiet weeks
to unwind after her first year of medical school.
Instead of relaxation, Kyla finds a town in ferment, and at the
center of this turmoil a ranch owner who features all the
stereotypes of an old Randolph Scott movie. True-any city girl
might misjudge T. J. Whitaker. Tall, rangy, with Justin boots
and a Stetson hat, he looks the typical cowboy. But beneath
the rough exterior lurks a wealthy college graduate who
understands the ins and outs of computers, who poetically
named his ranch Plum Sky, and has spent six years mourning
the woman who was to have been his wife.When Whit's
assistant, Rod Harris, dies of a mysterious illness, Kyla
suggests it might be hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a rare
disease endemic to the desert west, carried by mice. Kyla,
anticipating an experience that will add a line to her resumé,
agrees to help Whit find the source of the Rod's infection.
What she does not anticipate is intrigue, lust, and love.
Following Rod's trail, they visit isolated ranches and ghost
towns, looking for an abandoned building, home to generations
of mice. Instead of hantavirus, they turn up a mystery that goes
beyond a physical disease...
The Coiled Serpent
Noormala Morthey
ISBN 0-7433-0181-1
Unorthodox Proposal
Martine Jardin
ISBN 0-7433-0103-X
Screams From Spirit Lake
Barbara Lakey
ISBN 0-7433-0092-0
N.D, Hansen-Hill
ISBN 0-7433-0076-9
Electric eBook Publishing
Driving to Tofino
by Anne Cameron
genre: Contemporary Fiction
ISBN: 1-55352-002-5
Dahlia Cassidy drove back from Tofino in her '57 Chev in a
foul and bitter mood. She felt as if she'd been driving out of
Tofino, one way or the other, all her life. She knew it was a
dumb thought. There wasn't a choice of one way or another
when you drove out of, or for that matter into, Tofino. There
was THE road -- you either took it or stayed where you were.
Driving to Tofino is a contemporary look at the life of a single
mother trying to make ends meet. This is the first eBook by
award winning Canadian author Anne Cameron.
Flowing the Tai Chi Way
by Peter Uhlmann, MD.
genre: Non-Fiction/Sports/Philosophy
ISBN: 1-55352-004-1
In the fall of 1968, while walking their dogs in New York's
Riverside Park, Peter Uhlmann and his wife, Ronnie, happened
upon an unfamiliar sight. Two men were practicing tai chi, a
Chinese martial art. Fascinated by the graceful movements,
Peter and Ronnie soon began their own tai chi voyage. Their
journey eventually took them to Taiwan, where they were
introduced to Wang Hui-Juin, a tai chi master. Flowing the Tai
Chi Way chronicles the unfolding relationship between Master
Wang and his disciple, Peter. Initially, Peter is only interested
in learning the classic movements. However, he is soon
captivated by Master Wang's martial abilities and intimate
knowledge of "chi". Peter begins a life of study, learning to
incorporate chi energy and spirit into his physical activities,
utilizing Master Wang's seven principles of tai chi. In his
friendship with Master Wang, Peter learns more than the tai chi
form. He realizes that tai chi can guide him in daily routines
and relationships. He learns about Chinese culture and
traditions and the unique and sometimes difficult master-
student relationship. Eventually he becomes Master Wang's
senior student, and a strong bond develops between them. The
tai chi principle of "letting go" becomes a major theme in
Peter's life, especially when facing a life threatening illness.
Flowing the Tai Chi Way will provide readers with important
insights into master-student dynamics and proper martial art
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine
Hoodwinks on a Crumbling Fence
L. Joseph Shosty
Release: November 1, 2000
Genre: single author short story collection, primarily literary
ISBN: 0-9702839-1-1
Cost: CD $9.50 EFile $3.50
20% off the CD-Nov. 1,2, & 3
Hoodwinks is an incredibly introspective collection of short
stories. By truly making us feel a diverse range of emotions,
through various literary techniques and styles, Joseph teaches
us a lesson in life. One that we often neglect to notice in our
day to day lives. Laugh, cry, celebrate, and mourn, live with
these characters and enjoy this phenomenal read.
I'll Take My Stand
Lawrence Barker
Release: November 1, 2000
Genre: historical fantasy
ISBN: 0-9702839-3-8
Cost: CD $9.50 EFile $3.50
20% off the CD-Nov. 1,2, & 3
The Civil War has just ended, and life has returned to normal,
for most of the nation anyway. Aided by carpet bagging
demons, powerful people are trading their souls for success,
everyday people are raising their deceased relatives from the
dead (to become animated corpses), and despite being
assassinated once, Lincoln is still the President. The only man
with enough power to stop the demonic hordes of Old-horny
foot is an ex-confederate soldier, Rile Fouts. Armed only with
a fiddle, a pouch of tobacco, and a demon-turned-mule, Sinner
Man, Rile is out to save the South from the jaws of Hell.
Ebooks On The Net
Vacaciones Illuviosas ...
Y que? Las aventuras de Hickleberry Fun y sus amigos.
Por Stefan Hogn
Cubby is grumpy. As soon as his summer vacation started so
did the rain .... every single day! Could his vacation be saved?
This colorfully illustrated book is also available in English,
French, German, Italian and Portuguese. Media: PDF Ebook
Devil's Paw
By Marie Prato
Emily Divico faces her summer vacation with dread of staying
with relatives she hardly knows in a strange country she's never
seen. On top of that, she's sure she caused her parents' divorce
by betraying her father. And she will be the last one he wants
to see. She's right about that but not for the reasons she thinks.
Dad's in danger up to his neck and before long Emily will be
the only one who can save him. Her determination to save her
gambling-addicted father from the clutches of loan sharks takes
her through the bequiling and bizarre city of Palermo, Sicily. In
a land where police cannot be trusted, Emily recruits aid from
the most unlikely candidates of all. Can wits and broomsticks
take on the illegal underground and hope to win? Unwrapped
corpses in catacombs and criminals might be enough to
frighten off most detectives but, with only days to save her
father's life, Emily can't give up. Media: PDF, PDB or HTML
Ebook ($4.50) PAPERBACK ($7.95)
I'm With My Mom On Sunday
By Valerie Hardin
An ideal way for parents to help their children deal with
divorce and the separation of family, Valerie Hardin's sweet
story shows divorce from a child's perspective. In this
enchanting tale, little Lucy learns to deal with the separation of
her parents and the new life the family has now begun. A
positive, up-lifting story, "I'm With My Mom On Sunday"
teaches that the love divorced parents have for their children,
and vice versa, can endure a break-up. Lucy discovers not only
that she is still loved as much as ever by her mother and father,
but also loves them both equally. Media: PDF Ebook ($6.95)
Kids & OCD
By Constance H. Foster
The touching stories of four diverse OCD children. Fully
illustrated. Media: PDF Ebook ($4.00)
New Hope Rising
By Bonita D. Evans, Ph.D.
An ocean of black humanity is flowing toward the North. It is
young, strong and most of all optimistic. The time, the 1910s.
The South is groaning under the weight of change--most of it
negative. Sharecroppers have lost their bid to survive on the
land, yet they hold on to the old ways with a knuckle busting
grip. Bernard Scruggs and his family are sharecroppers who
can still identify with those who suffered under the whip. But,
there is new hope rising, it comes in the form of the Chicago
Defender, the railway, and the African-American youth who
are willing to take the giant step into the unknown and seek
their fortunes in the North. In order to do this, they must
overcome their fear of the future and employ the hatred of the
past as a catalyst. The hardest part, is leaving friends, relatives,
and most of all, parents behind. New Hope Rising employs
optimism, defeat, murder and even voodoo, to relate the story
of how our grandparents and great grandparents made the
journey as young people in their late teens and early twenties.
Media: PDF or PDB Ebook ($5.50)
By William Stewart
Margaret Allen, an artist, and Donald Lyle, an environmentalist
at Stirling University meet and marry. Margaret delays starting
a family until she is assured of success. When she is seven
months pregnant, her father dies. Jamie is born and dies of a cot
death. Margaret shows signs of mental instability,
something which has been simmering away since their
marriage. She believes that Jamie was kidnapped; counselling
does not shift this delusion. Visiting her mother for the first
anniversary of her father's death, Margaret abducts baby
Matthew from a store in Southampton. Although the remainder
of the story is about the snatch, and the trauma of the parents
and grandparents, and how they cope during that week, it
concentrates more on what is happening within and to the
abductor and her husband and those involved in her life.
Media: PDF Ebook ($8.99)
Coyote, Singing
By Robert Shimer
Chris Olds, a fledgling missionary to the Nez Perce, looks
forward to leaving the avarice and complication of civilization
and achieving spiritual elevation in his work with the renowned
evangelist, Parson Cushing. Instead, he finds confusion,
contradiction and conflict. Only love for In-who-lise, a woman
accused of murder, satisfies his quest for the sublime. The
fallout from the murder, the pull of "Wisni", the old buffalo
hunt, and theological tyranny threaten even that. Media:
HTML, PDB & PDF Ebook ($4.50)
Raw Nerve
By Tim Rees
:An assassin lies in wait… Jan Mathias is the Governor of
Georgia. Currently placed well ahead in the polls, she appears a
sure bet to be the next president of the United States of
America. She also happens to be black. Gideon is a man who
makes the difference when he tears the dark veil from the face
of white supremacy! Allan Dexter is the CEO of Plax
Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Corporation. He is also the
Imperial Wizard of a new and deadly splinter group of the Ku
Klux Klan. But why is the South African geneticist, Professor
Balthazar Verwoert - a man known to collaborate with the
Afrikaner Resistance Movement - working in his labs? And
why are they holding three black prostitutes prisoner?
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.50) PAPERBACK
(453 pages-$12.95)
Web Of Deception
By Hugh Carter Vinson
Hank Gordon's carefree high school days abruptly end when he
meets drug runners, cartel boss Alfonse Folini and shady
judges. Media: HTML, PDB & PDF Ebook ($5.50)
By Arlene Stadd
She was a movie star, adored by millions -- and then she got
dumped! How do you spell million dollar puss? C.A.T. Media:
HTML, PDB & PDF Ebook ($6.50) PAPERBACK ($12.95)
I Remember Valentine
By Liz Hamlin
When the Great Depression of the 1930's forced the narrator's
middle class family to take a giant step down from the
respectable neighborhood she had lived in for the first eleven
years of her life, they moved to a different side of the tracks in
their small Ohio town. For her parents, the transition from the
pristine white two-story house complete with spacious attic,
brick fireplace, and wrap-around veranda, to an unkempt three-
room walk-up flat complete with vermin and dust, was a
nightmare which simply had to be endured until such time as it
might be cured by an upturn in the nation's economy. Their
world was no longer defined by the orderly fences which had
stood friendly guard around their little girl and her carbon-copy
playmates from the day she was born. Media: HTML, PDF or
PDB Ebook ($4.50)
KIT: The Cyber_Blood Chronicles
By Jonathan H. Amsbary
Flush from her adventures with a handsome vampire hunter Kit
joins the organization known as The Committee and begins
learning to hunt the undead. Her training is harder than she
anticipated but she soon learns and grows as an agent. Her
actions impress her superiors but also attract the attention of a
sadistic vampire who is determined to make her his own. Kit
will be plunged into a world that blends dreamlike horrors with
real world terror. Armed only with her wits and the help of a
madman, Kit must fight a terrible struggle for her life and her
soul. Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.50)
Night Shift
By Lisa Marie Brennan
An interesting and thought provoking collection of bizarre
short stories. Media: HTML, PDF or PDB Ebook ($4.50)
Cheatin' Hearts, Broken Dreams, and Stomped-on Love
By Jim McMullan
Here for your amusement and pleasure is a collection of the all-
time funniest country music titles .... fully illustrated. Here's to
the down-home truth about broken hearts and love gone sour,
cheatin' women, lovesick ladies, empty beds and tearstained
pillows, mended ways and lonesome cowboys, lies and
heartaches, guilt and pain, honky-tonks and empty arms, hell
and heaven, saints and sinners. Media: PDF Ebook ($5.00)
You Kids Just Wait
By Joan Bramsch
You Kids Just Wait Till I get over Being Pregnant, Am I
Going To Straighten You Out! is the rollicking misadventures
of a young woman and her husband, who had five babies in
five years .... and lived to tell the story. Media: PDF Ebook
Mikki's Song
By Jude Morris
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.50)
Serenade Of The South
By Louise Ulmer
Who could resist an antebellum mansion by such a name? Not
Ariel. She's there to write the family history for her great-aunt,
the owner of the house and benevolent ruler of all therein.
Elderly Aunt Belle still runs the place without electricity,
determined to keep it exactly as it was before "The War."
Never mind. Even the heat and mosquitoes can't dim Ariel's
love for the time and place. Aunt Belle's passion for history
isn't the only passion flaming behind those white columns. One
of Belle's two bachelor great-nephews will inherit the
plantation, but only if they keep it the way Belle wishes, right
down to marrying the wife she picks. And the wife Belle has
picked out for Chad, her favorite, is the adored and mysterious
Gloria Ratherwood. Ariel hates her on sight and the battle for
Serenade is on, with everything stacked in Gloria's favor. But
Ariel has an ally, a lovely woman in a long gray dress, whom
no one else can ever remember having seen. And someone
leaves four leaf clovers where only Ariel will find them.
Clearly, someone wishes her luck and she's going to need it as
things turn ugly and someone is trying to hasten Aunt Belle's
departure to the cemetery out back. Then, suddenly, all the
fingers of guilt point right at Ariel herself. Media: HTML, PDB
or PDF Ebook ($4.50)
Delivery Road
By Jay Hughes
Down in the valley, next to Easter Creek, runs Delivery Road,
a place with a past that can make your skin crawl, even the
parts they make up. And when the town fool is run down by
cold-blooded killers, a new brand of terror begins to engulf the
sleepy little town of South Gate. Katie Alexander, who
emerges from "Kaluga's Killing Grounds" with a bewildered
sense of purpose, drives innocently into town one night, past
the intrigue ... straight toward a future she couldn't begin to
imagine. Remember, Katie, it's safe near the campfire, even if
there are killers in the darkness. Media: HTML, PDB or PDF
Ebook ($4.50)
As Big As The Sky
By Jan Springer
Using her investigative skills, private eye, Jocelyn Brady
locates missing Daniel McCullen in a private Miami, Florida
transplant hospital. According to his medical charts, Daniel
McCullen is BRAIN DEAD. But why does he have a cast on
his wrist? And why is he breathing on his own? Her first
instinct is to leave the louse in the hospital to rot. After all, he's
horribly betrayed her in the past. Media: HTML or PDF Ebook
The Unsinkable Spirit: In Search Of Love, Adventure & Riches
By Boris & Shirley King
The authors bought a ship and sailed off to the South Pacific
eager to discover new adventures. Does it pay to live your
dreams? Media: PDF Ebook ($14.95)
The Choice Is Yours
By Shirley Dicks
Written and aimed at adolescents, this gut-wrenching book
allows us a long look inside prison. The stories are told by real
death row inmates and family members.*This title may not be
appropriate for all ages. Media: PDF Ebook ($6.50)
EaZy Editing: How to Eliminate Manuscript Rejection
By Wononia Meeks
Have you ever wondered why editors reject most manuscripts?
In this easy to read reference book, you will find the answer to
this question and more. Media: PDF Ebook ($8.95)
Wedding Bells: an eGuide to Wedding Planning
By April Aguren
Take advantage of wedding planning in the internet age.
Wedding Bells is one of the first ebooks offered on the web for
brides and grooms. This comprehensive eGuide to Wedding
Planning sets you on the right path. It offers timelines and
checklists to keep you organized, details about etiquette,
budget tips to save you time and money, and valuable internet
URL links to wedding service providers. Media: PDF Ebook
A Nugget A Day: Meditations To Inspire Your Year
By William Stewart
Meditation is a art of spiritual contemplation practised by
members of many religions as a means of becoming one with
God or the universe, finding enlightenment, achieving
selflessness, and other virtues. Media: PDF Ebook ($5.99)
Teach Me, I'm Yours
By Joan Bramsch
This is an ideal way for parents to help their child grow in
many areas - physical fitness, body awareness, physical
perception and mental alertness. A well-designed, effective
program for your preschool and primary school-age child.
Media: PDF Ebook ($19.95)
Pigswill & Caviare
By William Stewart
An introspective and delightfully honest autobiography.
Media: PDF Ebook ($8.99)
A Passion Aflame
By Robyn Chawner
Media: PDF or HTML Ebook ($4.50)
The Stallion Man
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
With No Reservations
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
Second Fiddle
By Arline Chase
Second Fiddle is the tale of twin sisters who both marry the
same man -- at different times of course. One twin learns from
her mistakes, while the other falls victim to jealousy and envy.
Is the bond of blood stronger than that of matrimony? Media:
HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.50)
The Light Side
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
A Kiss To Make It Better
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
Alison's Legacy
By Toby Heathcotte
Alison MacPhearson, a Scottish immigrant in eighteenth-
century England, struggles for acceptance as an independent
innkeeper. Such scandalous behavior for a lone and pregnant
woman could result in exile to the streets of London. When the
Jacobite Rebellion brings an English lieutenant to the inn door,
Alison falls in love. Then, a diviner reveals that Thomas is no
other than the Celtic lover to whom Alison owes a centuries-
old karmic debt. Will Alison choose career, her townspeople,
and the safety of her child, or will she save the life of her
beloved enemy? ALISON'S LEGACY is the first of a soon-to-
be-released series called THE ALMA CHRONICLES.
Media: PDF Ebook ($7.00)
Hang Your Head Over
By Terry L. White
When Caroline Potter visits Barclay Mountain to work on her
new book she brings a suitcase full of heartaches and more
questions than she knows how to answer about her own life.
Her vacation suddenly becomes a quest for truth when she
hears about an old mystery and uncovers shocking secrets
hidden years before. Media: HTML or PDF Ebook ($4.50)
The Sophisticated Mountain Gal
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
At Nightfall
By Joan Bramsch
Media: PDF Ebook ($4.95)
By Thomas Mizaras
Media: HTML, PDF or PDB Ebook ($4.50)
Crossroads Publishing
Rogues Together
by Ed Turner
Signs of the Times
by Paul Roper
Party of the Year
by Tonya Ramagos
Fanged Justice
by Patricia White
The Bronze God
by Sheryl Ellis
A Creative Edge (Tales of Speculation)
by Steve Lazaeowitz
The Cry of Gloriana
by Ed Chavez
Honorable Intentions
by Terri Spaugh
Pet Plague
by Darrell Bain
Cousin Feely
by Jan Jones
The Price of Freedom
by Alexander Domokos
The Artemesian Mandate
by Kate Saundby
The Awareness Chronicles
by JG Holley
A Trophy with Wheels
by Tabatha Jean
A Circle of Arcs
by Kate Saundby
Rita Hestand: check out her beautiful web site at:
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information:
COMING SOON from Awe-Struck's ByteMe Line
http://www.awe-struck.net, the YA Romance MILES TO GO -
A talented and rising young track star and an intelligent non-
conformist skirting the fastlane...together Chris and Tori will
discover that they have miles to go... Gritty coming-of-age
urban serial --"West Side Story" and "Boyz in the 'Hood"
meets "Chariots of Fire" -- First Installment starts 11/00
From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of
Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"
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