December 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 14
ISSN 1530-5287

E-Book Ecstasy

~ Welcome ~

I wish all of you a safe and wonderful Christmas and a
Happy New Year.

*Featured E-Author:
Linda Bleser (Enchanted Cottage)

*Featured E-Publisher:
Jason Laseman Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine

*Behind The Scenes
Leta Nolan Childers (Best selling author of "The Best Laid

As always my special thanks to Eva and Tracy.

There is no review from Tracy Eastgate who has been ill.

**Our thoughts and well wishes for a quick recovery, Tracy!**

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Featured E-Publisher
Behind the Scene
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release

This month has been very busy, so if I missed your new release
or your announcement please email me at
and it will appear in January 15th issue. Thank you.



E-AUTHORS and E-PUBLISHERS-We are now scheduling for 2001.
If you would like to contribute an article to us, please
contact me so that we can get all the details worked out.



Subject: Indie e-Authors Celebrate the Holidays By Playing
Santa Contact: Leta Nolan Childers,;
Linda Bleser, or Jim Farris,

For immediate release.

Franklin eBookman Handhelds Selected as Grand Prizes in e-
Authors Event

A record number of independent e-authors have selected the
Franklin eBookman as the grand prize in their latest
promotional event designed to bring awareness to books in
electronic bindings and to thank those readers who have
already discovered the wealth of quality fiction and non-fiction
available in e-books. Three eBookmans will be given as grand
prizes as well as other terrific gifts. More than 85 independent
e-authors and indie e-publishers are celebrating the holiday
season by participating in the event.

"What a wonderful time to celebrate," said best selling indie e-
author Leta Nolan Childers. "It's a glorious time. Sales of our
e-books have never been better. More and more readers are
discovering the delights of books in electronic bindings.
There's a terrific new device hitting the market that will allow
readers to enjoy not only our books but music and many other
things on the eBookman from Franklin. It's the season of
sharing--and so we want to share with readers, those who
already know us and those we'd like to introduce ourselves to."

The authors represent about every venue of e-publishing
imaginable--those published with royalty-paying, non-subsidy
e-publishers, those self-published and those subsidy-published.
They also represent a wide variety of genres and subjects--from
cookbooks to classic science fiction to humor to mystery and
suspense. To date, this appears to be the largest group effort
created in the publishing world of independent authors-either
traditionally or e-published.

"We wanted to achieve several things with this event," said
Linda Bleser, author of "The Chance You Take." "We wanted
to create a game that was fun for us as well as fun for the
player. We also wanted to create a positive and uncomplicated
game that would entertain as well as introduce ourselves."

The Happy Holidays game is easy to play. The entry form is
located at
Contestants click on a participant's name. A new browser
window opens to display the participant's holiday page which
includes a game piece. On the game piece is the name of a
holiday gift. The contestant then just enters the name of the gift
on the entry form. The winners are selected from those who
have the most correct gifts identified on their entry form. The
contest begins November 1, 2000 and will conclude December
31, 2000.

"You may have seen or even participated in other holiday
events, but they all pale in comparison to this contest. It's free
to enter, easy and fun to play, and the prizes are just incredible.
The Franklin eBookman is at the cutting edge of electronic
reader technology, and will be a cherished addition to anyone's
household," said Jim Farris, multimedia author of "Pandora's

Among the other prizes offered for the promotion are a camera,
a boombox, electronic personal organizers and tons of ebooks,
generously donated by the authors and publishers involved.
More prizes will be added to the bag of prizes throughout the

More information about the Happy Holidays event can be
located at
Information about the Franklin eBookman can be accessed at

Publisher and author participants and their immediate relatives
are prohibited from playing. In the event of a tie, winners will
be selected by random drawing of those who have completed
and correct entries. Contest void where prohibited. Contest
entry forms will be destroyed following the selection of the
winners and will not be used for marketing purposes.


Wordbeams is brimming with festive holiday specials for
December. Aside from special pricing on many books, there
are numerous gifts with purchase and lots of other surprises.
Among them is a very special LETTER FROM SANTA,
(created by Santa's helper, Daisy Dexter Dobbs) complete with
coloring page and activity sheet. All ready to print out and
personalize with your child's name. Come see what else
Wordbeams has in its holiday bag of goodies in December at


A portion of the proceeds for this anthology will be donated to
The Portland Rescue Mission in Portland Oregon. This facility
ministers to a diverse homeless population that includes the
mentally ill, drug addicts, disabled individuals, and veterans.
The organization's services and programs include serving
meals, providing shelter beds, distributing clothing, supplying
shower facilities and toiletries, providing referrals to
appropriate agencies, running rehabilitation programs,
providing vocational training, and assisting with job searches.

***More details can be found in the New Release section***


And They Can Cook, Too!
In the Kitchen With Wordbeams Authors

Since 1977 battered women and children have been coming to
Raphael House for safety, advocacy, and support. Through a
myriad of programs including children's programming, a 24-
hour crisis line, case management, an emergency shelter, and
Oregon's first transitional and long-term low-income housing
programs for battered women, Raphael House has become
Oregon's most comprehensive domestic violence intervention
agency for women and children made homeless by domestic
violence. In 1999 alone, Raphael House served more than
3,500 women and children by giving them the opportunity to
build a self-sufficient life, free from violence.

***More details can be found in New Releases section***


Dream Realm Award Winners:

Horror category :
Graverobbers Wanted (No Experience Necessary) by Jeff Strand

Demon Lake, Luna Lake by Joel Shaper (CrossroadsPub.Com)

Children's Books:
Under a Bear Moon by Carrie Masek (Hard Shell Word Factory)

Cover Art:
Darkers by Denise Ruzich (Hard Shell Word Factory)

A Creative Edge: Tales of Speculation by Steve Lazarowitz

Science Fiction:
Heroes Need a Captain by Sharon L Reddy

Guardian of the Continuum by Joey Hill (Dark Star Publications)


A Special Announcement From: Tracie Clark

I'd like to offer an invitation to submit your unpublished novel
To Starlight Writer Publications, Dark Star Publications and
Pulsar Books.

Starlight Writer Publications

We are actively looking for Gothic (Gothic Mansion Imprint),
Regency (StarSapphire Imprint), Historical (StarDust Imprint),
Historical Mystery (BlazingStar Imprint), Romantic Comedy
(Sunlight Imprint), Romantic Thrillers (DeadlyKisses Imprint),
Romantic Mystery (MoonShadow Imprint), Fantasy (MoonStar
Imprint), Romantic Science Fiction (StarFarer Imprint),
Paranormal and Time Travel (StarryNight Imprint) AND our
two new Imprints of StarShine - Older heroine love story and
our new Anthology group - Tales of the Spirit and Hope, Love
and Redemption.

Authors can send a detailed query letter and synopsis to for any of the above Imprints at
Starlight Writer Publications.

Pulsar Books is open for submissions for all of it's General
Fiction genres of Action, Espionage, Military, History, Western,
Horror, Fantasy, Mystery and Suspense and Thriller. All
submissions to Pulsar Books are to be sent to Please include a detailed query letter
and synopsis.

Dark Star Publications

Dark Star Publications is looking for submissions in the
following categories:

Dark Science Fiction/Fantasy (includes Sword & Sorcery)
Dark Futuristic/Fantasy (SFR'S--Includes Dark Romantic
Futuristic/Fantasy) Dark Romantic (Includes Romantic
Paranormal and Romantic Time Travel) Thriller/Suspense
Horror Anthologies

Please send all submissions with a detailed query letter,
synopsis and the first chapter of your submission in the body of
the email to

Our current guidelines for books being submitted are:


Single spaced
No page numbers
No Footer
ALL underlined words or phrases changed to ITALICS
Cover page to include in the Upper Left Hand Corner:
Author's Name
Author's Address
Author's Phone Number
Author's FAX Number, if available
Author's E-mail Address
Cover Page to include Centered vertically and horizontally:
Title of Manuscript
Word Count
In addition there should be no white space at the top of the first
page of each chapter. It's not needed in e-publishing. CHAPTER
(NUMBER) should be centered at the top of the first page of
each chapter. A hard page break should be at the bottom of the
last page of each chapter. For ease of reading use TIMES NEW

Please do not use HTML.
Word 6.0/95 or above
Word Perfect 6.0 or above
Rich Text Format

We prefer that the book not be too gory or have graphic
violence. We especially loathe books which victimize women
and children or feature cruelty to animals.

We ask that the level of sexuality be appropriate to the material.
SWP/DSP and Pulsar rates its books for its readers, following
the classic motion picture scale from G to R. We do not do X-
rated books or erotica. This is not to say that an author can't get
fairly steamy, but it must be appropriate for the material, not
forced into the narrative just to make the book more saleable. It
won't. At least, not here it won't.

Write the kind of love scenes you feel comfortable with -
anywhere on that G to R scale and the odds are we'll be fine
with it, too!

We break a lot of rules about content and theme and plotting
here at SWP/DSP and Pulsar, but we still believe in love, happy
endings and the triumph of good over evil. And that is what we
want to see!

Because of the greater freedom with enovels, our word count is
Generally 50,000-150,000 words, though we will look at longer
books when the story warrants the length. The MINIMUM
length is 50,000. The exception being for young adult and
middle reader books.

You may pass this email on to anyone that would be interested.
Please contact me with any questions.

Tracie Clark
Director of Marketing
Romance Foretold, Inc.
Starlight Writer Publications
Dark Star Publications
Pulsar Books


Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate
the changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes
education and research. (100% of the proceeds of this book
will be donated to that cause.)

(Available in download formats only)



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're

List owner:
URL to Beamings page at egroups:


TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.

Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at: and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at: or learn more at our


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:


E-Book Of The Week

E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to:


AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at: or
subscribe directly at: You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!


E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's
world with in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!

If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!


Marketing eBooks Newsletter: is your guide to selling more
books. With proven strategies for marketing your ebooks,
interviews with best-selling authors, Bright Ideas that really
work, e-publishing industry news and much more, this list is
the weapon you need to help you sell more books. Don't miss
any more sales--subscribe today! Send any e-mail to:



Before and After "The Call"

By: Linda Bleser

(Originally published in "The Inside Track" newsletter of the
Saratoga Romance Writers)

It happens overnight. After working for many months or years,
you get THE CALL. Suddenly you've moved into the rarified air
of the published author. You don't feel any different. Inside
you're the same person you were yesterday, but now the world
perceives you in a new light. Your words have more weight,
your opinion is sought out, your advice is more valid. You are
now the Keeper of the Secret Knowledge. It doesn't matter that
you're not completely sure what that secret knowledge is, or that
there's a treacherous voice in the back of your mind insisting it's
all a fluke. You wake in a cold sweat convinced that someone
somewhere will discover their mistake and the next phone call
will be, "Oops, sorry. You're not the Linda Bleser we were
looking for."

But that never happens. Before you can catch your breath, you're
catapulted onto a publishing roller coaster that convinces you this
is real. It has to be real, otherwise why are you spending 23
hours a day working on cover art, bios, interviews, marketing
and promotion? And that's when you realize that you have
changed. It's a subtle psychological change. You've gone from
having everything to gain, to having everything to lose. There
are people whose livelihood depends on your book -- editors,
agents, artists, publishers and booksellers. Your book. That
sacred, secret repository of all your hopes and dreams which
you've clutched protectively to your heart, safe from the slings
and arrows of reviewers and disgruntled readers. Your book.
Only it's no longer yours alone. It belongs to the people who
have put their faith in you, and to those readers that trust you to
entertain them and hold them enthralled from first page to last.

There's more. These same people now expect you to write
another book. Easy enough, right? You're a writer. That's what
you do. But suddenly your available writing time has dwindled,
encroached upon by marketing time, promotion time, galley
reading time, book-signing time, ARC-making time...not to
mention all the lists you feel you have to belong to in order to
keep up with this business which has now become your career.
You begin to long for those carefree days when you could write
at your leisure, without the pressure of looming deadlines.

Worse yet, there's a devil of doubt squatting on your shoulder.
He snickers in your ear that you can't possibly do it again, that
you'll never be able to pull all those random stray thoughts and
story ideas into a fully-formed cohesive plot, that the words will
never flow as effortlessly, that you'll never come up with an idea
as compelling. He taunts you mercilessly, predicting that you'll
never make a second sale. It took ten years to sell the first one,
didn't it? What makes you think you can sell the second one any

But you can. How do I know? I'm the Keeper of the Secret
Knowledge, remember? And that knowledge is simply this -
trust the process. The same magical, mysterious force that pulled
all the tenuous threads of your story together into one beautifully
woven tapestry still smolders inside you. Yes there's more
pressure now, but you have an army of supporters who have
invested their time and effort into your success. They want you
to succeed as much as you do. You also have the benefit of those
five, ten, or fifteen years of experience. You have the benefit of
what you learned during those endless revisions. So trust the
process. You can do it again, and you will do it over and over
and over again. Because you're a writer -- the same writer you
were before you received the call. Well almost. You're a little
more frazzled, a little less dewy-eyed, and a whole lot more
experienced. Oh yes, and you're also the Keeper of the Secret
Knowledge. Pass it on.

Linda Bleser
Author of: Enchanted Cottage



What Next?

By: Jason Laseman
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine

In late 1992 and early 1993, the Internet became a commercial
success. We started with simple html and graphics. Sound files
quickly entered and animations came alongside. These basics
tools set the foundation for what has blossomed (okay, maybe
exploded) into today's web. While there are an infinite number
of new tools and capabilities, some fun and helpful, others just a
pain in the butt, the foundation is still the same.

We can browse with any number of simple browsers and read to
our hearts content. Graphics make a pleasant accompaniment,
and occasionally a sound file or two spice things up. It takes a
creative combination of accenting tools, together with the
basics, to produce an enjoyable and attractive website.

In the electronic publishing business, we have created some
very basic tools and devised a simple platform for an alternative
reading experience. Ebooks are produced in a variety of easy to
use formats, two popular formats being html and PDF. A
number of practical reading instruments have been invented to
accommodate these formats, one of the most common being the
Rocket Ebook.

It would seem that between common ebook formats and handy
reading devices, a new and comparable reading experience
would have been presented. But is the new reading experience
better than the old?

Most people will say no, for a variety of reasons. One reason is
cost. Most of the new hand-held reading devices are too
expensive for the casual reader. Let's not kid ourselves about
this, if we want ebooks to take off, we have to attract the casual
reader-the person who walks into a bookstore once every few
months and picks up something to kill a few hours a week.
While one person spending $25.00 a year on books is not too
impressive, several million casual readers add up quickly. Why
would a person spend $150.00 on an electronic ebook reader,
only to read four or five ebooks a year with it? They won't.

That's one problem. Luckily, some answers are on the way. The
year 2001 will see the introduction of several more reasonably
priced reading devices. While $80.00-$100.00 is still expensive,
the fact that the cost will be dropping by 50% in one year is
impressive, and shows we are making progress.

Something that is in the favor if electronic publishing, is the
variety of original novels available in electronic format. While
New York publishers are stuck producing the same novel with a
different author's name on the cover, time and time again,
epublishers are taking the risk of producing off-the-wall
manuscripts that never would have been considered for
traditional publication. Not to say that everything available in
electronic format is of the speculative nature, there are many
novels that fit into traditional genres, written by talented people
who didn't want to squeeze themselves into the mold of print,
and instead made the decision to stick with their vision and
opted for the electronic format. Simply put, readers have more
choices of what kind of literature they want to read when
dealing with electronic publishers.

Assuming that the problem of cost is dealt with over the next
year or two, and hand-held readers become something many
people can afford, and news of ebooks continues to grow, we
could be looking at an even playing field in a few years. It will
become a realistic expectation that people can choose between a
print book, and an ebook, for roughly the same cost.

But will this make the average reader switch from print to
electronic publications? Not necessarily. Some with switch for
the novelty of something new. Others will switch because of the
variety of literature available. But most will not be swayed until
they are shown a definite advantage.

That's where our creative thinking becomes invaluable. It's up
to us, the writers and publishers, with help from readers, to
continually push for advancements in the field of ebooks.
Writers write because they enjoy it. Publishers publish because
they think they know what others will enjoy reading. But lets
face it, readers are the people who spend their money on our
products and allow us to continue chasing out dreams. We
always need to keep the reader in mind, constantly thinking of
ways to improve the reading experience for them.

I would propose initiating a dialog with readers of ebooks to
find out what they enjoy about the experience, and what they
don't. Then take it even further and discuss what they would
like out of the experience. I think the reader is often left out of
the development process, a critical mistake.

You can create a hand-held device that screams, shouts, dances,
and gives of odors to accompany the story, but what good is it if
the readers don't want a smelly, loud, obnoxious break from reality?
As a comparison, I'm not implying that java script is
inherently unpleasant, but I personally find that it is often
sluggish and annoying. Sure, neat things can be done with it,
but when it gets down to it, I really don't care, I don't want it
displayed, it's a waste of my time.

By continuing to develop tools that enhance the readers reading
experience, while not being overly burdening, we can develop
the electronic experience into something that will not only rival
the print reading experience, but will offer so much more that it
won't even be a question as to whether to buy a book, or an
ebook. This will be the value added that takes the electronic
reading experience above and beyond the print experience,
giving casual and skeptical readers reason to switch to ebooks.

If you are a writer, continue to pursue your dream and write the
novel that you want to write. If you are a publisher, keep
pushing forward, looking for ways to improve your products.
And if you are a reader, please, let publishers know what you
like and don't like about their products. Don't be afraid to fire
off that email. We have the basic foundation in place. Now it is
a matter of tweaking things, making subtle changes, and finding
the perfect combination of literature and electronics.

Jason Laseman, December, 2000
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine



Leta Nolan Childers

The holiday season is my favorite time of the year, and I truly
enjoy including this time of year in the fiction I write. I've
discovered that quite by accident many of the traditions my
family has enjoyed for years find their way into my
well as some of the more colossal foibles that have occurred.
Hey, it's why I write comedy.

This year one of the books near to my heart is being released.
Called "The Ornament," it is the story of an heirloom passed
from one generation to the next. It begins at the turn of the
previous century, 1899, and progressively follows each
generation right through to the next of this past century, 1999.

While each of the stories included in "The Ornament" are
fictitious, the foundation of the story is based in reality. In fact,
thought of this story as I was sorting through Christmas
ornaments and came upon one that has been handed down from
my great-great grandparents to me. It's the same one that will
eventually go to my son.

At the same time, I was thinking about just why Christmas and
the holidays were such a special time of year for me. Of course,
I love the reason for the season, the celebration of Jesus' birth.
And I enjoy giving and receiving presents, though quite
honestly there are very few I remember from year to year. I
enjoy the music and the bright lights on the tree. I enjoy the
special food and the cards I exchange with family and friends.
All of it is quite wonderful.

But, I discovered there was another reason, almost as important
as the celebration of Jesus' birth, that made this the most special
time of the year for me. As I carefully caressed the cut glass
prism that was created more than a century ago, it came to me.

This time of the year, most people tend to celebrate their
holidays in much the same way that they did as children. The
traditions carry from one generation to another. It is a sublime
way to celebrate the past and hope for the future. Of course,
with each generation the traditions change a bit. A wife brings
one thing to the holiday while a husband might bring another.
Together they might even create entirely new traditions.

For me, it's oyster stew and crackers for Christmas Eve supper.
For my husband, it's the annual creation of divinity, the only
time of the year he has that candy. And as we decorate our tree,
there are ornaments from his family, ornaments from mine,
ornaments we've selected together and those created by our son.
It's a continuation of our family history, a way to remember
those who brought us into being. In fact, one way that we
remember our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents
is to place a tradition candy cane for each one on our tree, the
final ornaments to be placed there. We remember and honor
them by making a special place for them in our holiday

And isn't that much about what Christmas is all about? The
celebration of a family, a Holy family. A family that reaches
down to touch each of us who believe even today, a couple of
thousand years since that little family celebrated the first
Christmas in a lowly manger.

From our family to yours...have the best holiday season ever.

Leta Nolan Childers is the best selling author of "The Best Laid
Plans." Her holiday books, "Belles of Christmas," "Cat Tales: A
Christmas Story" and "The Best of Presents" are currently
available from DiskUs Publishing. "The Ornament" will be
released later this month, also from DiskUs Publishing,



By: Eva Kende

It is the season to be jolly or when many homemakers drive
themselves crazy? Let's face it, the holidays are full of
pressures, unrealistic expectations, rush, unforeseen problems
and, often, financial worries.

If you are to have the best possible Holiday Season, you must

· family and friends come first --- office, school and other
social demands have to be kept in their place

· retailers create unreasonable expectations to make you part
with your money --- you don't have to fall into their trap

· must set time aside to get rest --- a harried person can't
emotionally identify with the real meaning of the Holiday Season

The way you can keep your cool is to keep it simple:

· Resolve not to try new recipes during the month of
December. New recipes take time and energy. February is a
good time to add to your repertoire.

· Clean the fridge before you start to shop. Move all seldom
used items to the back lower shelf so that they don't interfere
with your focus.

· Have as many make-ahead dishes as possible in your menu plan.
Include in your plan a list of serving dishes and linen
you will need and get them ready early, as time permits.

· Don't get carried away with making just one more dish for
the festive dinner. Make a simple menu plan and stick to it.
Stick the plan on the fridge or on the inside of a cupboard
door and keep checking it to make sure you didn't veer off

Have a Joyous Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine

Cast Away The Works Of Darkness and Other Stories
K.G. McAbee
Single author anthology, predominantly fantasy
CD $9.50
EFile $3.50
Release Dec. 1
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC

In this collection of short stories, K.G. McAbee introduces you to
many new characters, as well as several that have appeared in
various other works of hers. Fans of her novel, "A Fine
Impersonation", will appreciate the stories featuring Commander
Ravyn Maliker. It's fast-paced, exciting, inventive, and a fun


Title: Double Trouble (Book Two of the Hawkman Series)
Author: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
Author's e-mail:
Author's url:
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Ebook or print book: Ebook in PDF and for the Palm
Publisher: E-Pub2000
Publisher's url:
ISBN: 0-9-706622-1-1
Release Date: December


Title: Make Her Dreams Come True
Author: Joey W. Hill
Publisher:Dreams Unlimited
Genre: Sensual Romance

Meg is in the mall. It is her first "solo" outing since her nervous
breakdown from her divorce. She stands before a dress display,
dreaming of the things that might have been, when a stranger
tells her to try on the dress. The mysterious Daniel then asks
Meg to submit to his control for the rest of the day. When Meg
agrees, Daniel takes her on an erotic journey, using all the
treasures the mall has to offer to help her rediscover her
sensuality and self-confidence, her sense of herself.


Title: First Love (Book 2 of the Angelfire Trilogy)
Author: Karen Wiesner
Publisher:Hard Shell Word Factory
Mainstream Romance
To be released in electronic and print formats December 2000

She was expecting...anything but him!


Title: Sweet Dreams
Author: Karen Wiesner
Publisher: Avid Press, LLC
Paranormal Romance
ISBN: 1-929613-61-X (disk/download); 1-929613-62-8 (Rocket edition);
1-929613-60-1 (print)
Coming December 2000

Someone has unleashed an ancient evil bent on destroying
Cassidy Christopher by eradicating the women he loves, one by


Title: Byte Me
Author: Pauline Baird Jones
Publisher: Hard Shell Word Factory

Deputy U.S. Marshal Matt Kirby's (The Last Enemy) little
brother Jake has followed him into the U.S. Marshals Service.
Their top tracker, Jake always gets his fugitive. Now he's hot on
the trail of a gang of cyber-thieves with an unusual agenda.

That trail takes him to Colorado and a country western bar
managed by sexy, mysterious Phoebe Mentel. Instant attraction
quickly complicates this high tech chess game between two
people who don't know how to lose and are afraid to love."


Title: Valkyrie
Author: Lindsay McKenna
Publisher: Hard Shell Word Factory
Type: trade paperback (POD) $14.95 and disk $5.00 (dl) and floppy
disk $7.00
Genre: Romantic suspense
ISBN: trade paperback (POD): 0-7599-0005-1
floppy disk: 1-58200-625-3
Pub Date: 12-1-2000

Blurb: Women in combat? Corporal Cat Fremont finds herself a
lynchpin in the middle of a political storm and ground combat.
And only one man wants to protect, love and save her: Captain
Jim Boland. Will he be able to sve her life? Both sides want to
see her destroyed in this hot-button issue.



Author: Betty Jo Schuler
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-033-8 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-145-8
Genre/Category: Contemporary Romance
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


Merett Bradmoore walked into Gracie Singleton's life her
freshman year of high school with a heart full of hope and
changed Christmas forever. Fifteen years later, Gracie is
determined to return the gift of hope to her disenchanted hero.
Dreams can come true, and do, in this heartwarming romance.


Author: Amy Bowllan
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-078-8 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-143-1
Genre/Category: Children's
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $5.95 (s&h incl.) Download $2.95
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


Sir Knight Black is a crayon who's feeling so forlorn about his
lack of worth at the brightest, most colorful time of the year,
that he takes desperate measures--and almost manages to stop
Santa from making his journey on Christmas Eve night!


Author: Wendy Callaghan
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-032-X Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-144-X
Genre/Category: children's
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $6.55 (s&h incl.) Download $3.75
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


Durgles Imps and Jitterbees is a tale of courage, friendship and
tolerance. Showing that, with a touch of each, all obstacles can
be overcome. This wonderful story provides young readers with
a charming fantasy tale full of nonstop excitement, adventure,
and a fascinating glimpse into another, magical world.


Author: David Halliday
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-060-5 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-140-7
Genre/Category: children's
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $5.95 (s&h incl.) Download $2.95
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


The needles of the Christmas tree had begun to fall off. All the
Wrapping paper was strewn across the floor. The Christmas
turkey had been eaten. It was the day after Christmas and
Raymond Chocolate learned that there might not be another
Christmas. Join Raymond and his invisible dragon in this
charming tale.


Author: Jennifer L. B. Leese
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-015-X Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-148-2
Genre/Category: children's
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $6.25 (s&h incl.) Download $3.25
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


The sequel to BEETLE BUG ADVENTURES, this enchanting
fantasy follows the two mischievous beetle-bug boys and their
ongoing quest for excitement and adventure. Join Poppy and
Hue as they boldly embark on an expedition into a spider's


Author: Jennifer L. B. Leese
Published: 12/1/00
ISBN: 1-58785-062-1, Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-142-3
Genre/Category: children's
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $6.25 (s&h incl.) Download $3.25
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:


Mason's starting pre-school in the fall. He's already had his
physical-and that means he still has to have a dental checkup!
Children will readily relate to Mason's experience and enjoy the
delightful story. They'll also learn about their teeth, dental
instruments and procedures, and explore links to dental-related


Authors: Judy Bagshaw; Daisy Dexter Dobbs; Rita Hestand;
Jim & Joyce Lavene; Celia Ann Leaman; Dave Pratt; Leronia
Rawls; Betty Jo Schuler; Lori Shimer; Jeff Strand; Glenda
Tudor; Drew Williams

Published: 11/01/00
ISBN: 1-58785-036-2 Rocket ISBN: 1-58785-114-8
Genre/Category: collection of holiday-themed short stories
Formats: PDF/HTML/Rocket
Price: Disk $7.75 (s&h incl.) Download $4.95
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Book Blurb:

Wordbeams' first anthology of holiday-themed stories features
a varied collection from twelve gifted writers. Readers are
treated to a broad range of tales, fourteen altogether, focusing
on different aspects of the season. So much is explored and
expressed in this compilation: the merriment, joy and mirth;
traditional family values; recollections that tug at the heart; and
yes, even the dark side of the season is examined-with
heartrending results. Romance lovers needn't fear--there's
plenty here to make them swoon. And what would a holiday
offering be without a liberal sprinkling of humor to lighten
holiday stress? You'll find all that and more in Merry Musings:
A Holiday Anthology--and your purchase will be helping those
in need at the same time.

A portion of the proceeds for this anthology will be donated to
The Portland Rescue Mission in Portland Oregon. This facility
ministers to a diverse homeless population that includes the
mentally ill, drug addicts, disabled individuals, and veterans.
The organization's services and programs include serving
meals, providing shelter beds, distributing clothing, supplying
shower facilities and toiletries, providing referrals to
appropriate agencies, running rehabilitation programs,
providing vocational training, and assisting with job searches.

The stories--alphabetically by author:
Belle's Jingle --by Judy Bagshaw
Saint Nic --by Judy Bagshaw
Hark, the Harold Angel --by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
The Tin Man Gets a Heart --by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
A Special Present for James --by Rita Hestand
Always and forever --by Jim and Joyce Lavene
No More Regrets --by Celia Ann Leaman
Santa and the Magic Chimney --by Dave Pratt
Christmas Twice --by Leronia Rawls
Love and Mistletoe --by Betty Jo Schuler
O Tannenbaum --by Lori Shimer
Howard, the Tenth Reindeer --by Jeff Strand
More Than a Memory --by Glenda Tudor
Second Chance Snow --by Drew Williams


***Title: And They Can Cook, Too!
In the Kitchen With Wordbeams Authors
Author: Edited by Susan Bodendorfer
Published: 11/15/00
Genre/Category: cookbook/recipe collection
Formats: PDF/HTML
Download $4.95 (All proceeds donated to charity)
Publisher: Wordbeams
Book Page:

Book Blurb:

Uh-oh--waist watchers watch out. Scrumptious recipes from
more than two-dozen Wordbeams authors have been
sandwiched into this little gem of a recipe book. Our authors
hail from all parts of the U.S. as well as several other countries,
so you can just imagine the taste-tempting variety of appetizing
recipes! Mmmm. The bad news? You're going to gain weight--
no doubt about it. I know I did while editing this collection of
delectable edibles. I mean--after all, what kind of editor would
I be if I hadn't meticulously tested each recipe for taste and

The good news? Your purchase will be supporting battered
women and children in their quest to gain independence from
domestic violence and get their lives back on track. The entire
proceeds for this book will be donated to Raphael House in
Portland Oregon.

Since 1977 battered women and children have been coming to
Raphael House for safety, advocacy, and support. Through a
myriad of programs including children's programming, a 24-
hour crisis line, case management, an emergency shelter, and
Oregon's first transitional and long-term low-income housing
programs for battered women, Raphael House has become
Oregon's most comprehensive domestic violence intervention
agency for women and children made homeless by domestic
violence. In 1999 alone, Raphael House served more than
3,500 women and children by giving them the opportunity to
build a self-sufficient life, free from violence.

So, even though you might be gaining a little bit of weight if
you purchase this book, you won't have to feel too guilty-
because every pound is for a most worthy cause!


Starlight Writer Publications

Title: Enchanted Cottage
Author: Linda Bleser
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Available: December 2000
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications

Liz Riley is a widow who feels the most important part of her life
is behind her. When her car breaks down on a deserted road in
the Rocky Mountains, she discovers an enchanted cottage where
time stands still. She wakes up to find her youth restored and her
passion ignited by the owner of the cottage, a man haunted by
ghosts of his past.


Title: The Dragons Of Mere Odain
Author: JennaKay Francis
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-067-4

Title: DragonMaster
Author: JennaKay Francis
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-066-6

Title: For The Love of Dragons
Author: JennaKay Francis
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-072-0


Title: Death Awaits
Author: Beverley Bateman
ISBN: 1-58697-255-3
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications

Walking in on a contract killing has Susan T. Brown and her son,
running for their lives. The only person she can turn to for help
is the man who slammed the door in her face five years ago and
told her to get out.

When New York cop, Mitch Pellagrino, realizes his material
witness is a woman he hates, he also knows the only chance she
and her son have is if Susan and Mitch work together. Can they
overcome their past, outsmart a killer and keep their hearts


Title: Wild Nature
Author:Christine Janssen
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications, Deadly Kisses Imprint

After a devastating secret shatters a man's soul, an auto accident
thrusts him into the chaotic life of a widow with three headstrong
teenagers. Too late, he will learn the meaning of family. Too
soon, she will learn the meaning of sacrifice.


Title: Physical Evidence
Author: Sandi Haddad
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications Deadly Kisses Line
Romantic Mystery
ISBN: 1-58697-143-3
December 2000 release

When PI Jake Carlucci is sent to investigate Florida horse ranch
heiress Julie Graham, he expects to solve a mystery. But by the
time he proves the widow didn't have anything to do with her
husband's accident, he realizes she could be the next target for
murder. While working to solve the case, they discover
something even more exciting -- love.


Title: A Matter of Destiny
Author: Bonnie Drury
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
Available as download and POD
Download ISBN: 1-929034-86-5
Paranormal Romance
Release Date: December 2000

Guardian Angel Joseph is summoned for a special mission to
earth. He reluctantly agrees because he has trouble dealing with
human emotions. When he falls in love, he knows it's forbidden.
But isn't true love, after all, a matter of destiny?


Title: All I Want For Christmas
Author: Denise A. Agnew
Publisher: Starlight Writer Publications
December 2000

Abby Manners wants the traditional Christmas she's never had.
Nick Claussen wants Christmas without all the trimmings.
Despite their differences their wildfire attraction threatens to
burn out of control when Nick arrives to play Santa to Abby's


Awe-Struck Books

December 7: Hot Fudge and Peppermint, by Mary Taffs; part III
of the Second Chances Trilogy. (Book one: Celtic Knot-1999;
Book two: Martha's Madness-2000)

Meet Bill Adams: that bad-boy womanizer at a crossroads in his
life. To Bill, a 'crossroads' means he's without female
companionship, and he's on the prowl. When Nik Harding, a
former college sweetheart, gets a job at the same company, his
testosterone levels spike: his radar hones in-his memories of
her sweetness drive him wild. Ah yes, here's the next woman for
his pleasure.

But Nik Harding can't fit any man into the balancing act between
her career and a chronic illness, much less a guy like Bill Adams.
Ohyes, he's sexy as the devil and changes women about as
frequently as she changes the sheets on her bed - to say nothing
of the fact that he broke her heart eight years ago. But Bill won't
take "No" for an answer, and Nik soon surrenders to the heat of
their passion. Can her love satisfy his wandering spirit, or will he
shatter her heart again?


December 16: Reluctant Angel, by Cassandra Bella; a
contemporary romance about angels and the people who love
them--just in time for Christmas!

Jack Cullar is not finished with his training as a guardian angel
when he is sent down from the Heavens to help his widow, Gabi.
He is told nothing of what he is supposed to do. He is only told
that he will know the answer when the time comes and that there
will be a lesson for him and Gabi in the end. He is restricted to
hover on the edge of her awareness where his presence will not
be known. Enter Chase Winters, a New York Homicide
detective on personal leave, who enters Gabi's peaceful life after
she discovers a woman by the name of Hillary Carter murdered
in one of the guest cabins on the Cullar Resort. His dark,
handsome good looks toss her into a turmoil of the heart as she
battles with the love she feels for two different men. Each time
Gabi finds herself affected by Chase's mere presence, her anger
toward him grows and her patience thins...she doesn't have time
for a new love, a new life...and someone is out there...helping?
Or hurting?


Ebooks On The Net


(Bach, Bellou, Ouzaki ki) Entelecheia
by Vasilis Afxentiou
A tale of love, remorse and hope.
This is a bilingual novel in English/Greek
Media: PDF Ebook $5.50



Miss Julies Weihnachtsbuch
Von Stefan Hogn
A heartwarming Christmas story. Available in English, German,
French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish
Media: PDF Ebook ($6.95)

Merlin's Return
By Patricia Uletilovic

A story based on several Arthurian myths that state both Arthur
and Merlin will return to save England in its greatest hour of
need, Merlin's Return is the legend of King Arthur transported
to modern times. It is essentially the story of the forces of good
against evil. Merlin returns to the world after many centuries to
find and awaken King Arthur, in order to defeat an evil wizard
from Merlin's own time, by the name of Marcus Huxley. The
modern day Huxley is a charismatic politician, who is on the
verge of becoming the country's next Prime Minister. Merlin
must prevent Huxley from gaining power, for beneath the
charming façade lies a wizard, who feeds on other people's
misery and despair. Huxley would destroy Britain if he ever got
into power. Merlin recruits young Tom Huxley to help in their
battle against the evil Huxley. Through this adventure, Tom
learns the qualities of loyality, courage, and friendship, but most
important of all, he learns how to believe in himself.
Media: PDF, PDB or HTML Ebook ($4.50)


Bless The Beasts
By Marie Prato
Media: PDF, PDB or HTML Ebook ($4.50)



Screwjack: A Short Story
By Hunter S. Thompson

From the author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, comes the
short story Screwjack. A searing and unnaturally poignant love
story, as only Hunter S. Thompson could write it. Screwjack is
simultaneously eerie and feverish, debauched and affecting.
Never before - and perhaps never since - has modern man's
melancholia been so vividly revealed in all its wanton glory.
Media: PDF Ebook ($5.00)


The Scythian Stone
By Jon F. Baxley

Presents 1999's Best Novel On The Web* The Scythian Stone
won the *SFWA's BEST NOVEL ON THE WEB award for
good reason. Complete with full color graphics that enhance the
characters and story locales, this eBook is a must read for lovers
of fantasy, magic, sorcerers and the medieval period. Share this
fast moving, PG rated fantasy adventure with your kids, then
watch for announcements about the next episode in this exciting
five book series entitled The Blackgloom Bounty, coming soon
to a computer near you.
Media: PDF Ebook ($14.95)


The Last God
By Jim Farris

Jim Farris subtly draws the reader into his literary world with
the finesse of Richard Adams in Watership Down and takes us
on a classic fantasy quest as breathtaking as Tolkien's.
Characters with depth and dimension struggle against internal
and external odds, and soon we realize this is not a child's tale.
Have you ever wanted to be swept away? If you have then you
are destined to love The Last God : Book One of the Oerth
Cycle. A rare adventure complete with original MIDI
soundtrack composed by author Jim Farris.
Media: PDF Ebook ($14.95)


By William Stewart

A war-time story of Hamish, evacuated from France in October
1944, mute, and thought to be suffering from a schizophrenic
breakdown. Hamish's healing reaches a climax with the end of
the war. His memory takes several more months to fully
recover, as he struggles to come to terms with devastating
revelations about his parentage. A love relationship develops
between Hamish and Jenny.
Media: PDF Ebook ($8.99)



The Iron Maiden: Chapter One
By James R. Musgrave

The Swedish inventor of the U.S.S. MONITOR, John Ericsson,
is driven by love and the need for money to bring his young
wife back home from England, so he hatches a clever scheme to
trick the Union Government into buying more MONITOR class
ships, and this plan involves recruiting a young executive
officer, whose father was also an inventor, to serve aboard the
ironclad and make certain it does not defeat the enemy.
Meanwhile, a British blockade runner and spy for the
Confederacy has agreed to assassinate the inventor and torpedo
the MONITOR before it reaches its redezvous with the C.S.S.
VIRGINIA (MERRIMACK) at Hampton Roads, Virginia. The
characters converge, in a strange twist of fate, and the
MONITOR sinks in a storm off Cape Hatteras. Enjoy this
adventuresome serial tale of the Civil War. Chapter One is
being offered now.
Media: PDF Ebook ($1.50 per Chapter)



Ride A Crooked Trail
By James L. McKinney
Media: PDF or HTML Ebook ($4.50)



The Golden Rose
By Donna Fortune

Raised in wealth with every imaginable privilege, Rose Marie
Le Sant seemed to have everything that a woman could want
except for one thing. She had never believed that her beautiful,
carefree parents had really loved her and she had grown up with
a terrible void in her life, a void she knew would be filled by
only one man. The captain of the Raven was captivated as well
as frustrated by the beautiful, impetuous Rose Marie. From the
moment that he found her stowed away aboard his ship, he had
desired her. But would he ever be able to give her the one thing
she really wanted? A monster within drove Count Francious De
Vallier to possess Rose Marie. The Count wanted to control her
massive fortune as well as her body and would follow her to the
ends of the earth to achieve his sinister goals.
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.95


Love's Lasting Promise
By Donna Fortune

After her parents are killed by raiding Osage warriors Krista
Svenson finds herself alone in the world. She is rescued by Jack
Frazier, a wealthy fur trader and owner of Willow Bend, a vast
estate that stretches for miles along the Mississippi River. But
Jack Frazier won't be the only man who will come into Krista's
life. Storm Cloud, a powerful Sauk war chief, is smitten from
the first moment he sees her. Both men will move heaven and
earth to win Krista's love, but only one man will win her heart
and with it Love's Lasting Promise. *Book #1 in the Trilogy: the
love story of Storm Cloud and Krista
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.95)


Just Knowing You Care
By Donna Fortune

The love story of Storm Cloud and Krista continues. . . . In the
second book of the trilogy, Krista is once again thrust into
Storm Cloud's world. The war chief will take her into the land
of the Black Hills where Victor Bennet will pursue them and
where Krista will be forced to learn the meaning of love all over
again! *Book #2 of the Trilogy: the love story of Storm Cloud
and Krista
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.95)


Heart Of The Hawk
By Donna Fortune

The love story of Storm Cloud and Krista continues. . . . It's
1832 and the Upper Mississippi River Valley is facing a deadly
conflict. The Black Hawk Wars are about to begin. Krista and
Storm Cloud will be drawn into the Black Hawk War where
they will be forced to struggle for survival. They will also be
forced to deal with Victor Bennet's obsession, an obsession that
has turned deadly. *Book #3 of the Trilogy: the love story of
Storm Cloud and Krista
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.95)


Belle McKeever
By Donna Fortune

Beautiful, willful, flaming red hair and a temper to match,
Chauncey McKeever is as wild and untamed as the rugged
Arizona Territory in which she lives. In Jason Morgan, she will
find a man who is more than a match for her fiery nature, a man
who will tempt her as well as torment her. When her sister,
Belle is kidnapped by the Comanche, both Chauncey and Jason
will be drawn into a life and death struggle for survival.
Media: HTML, PDB or PDF Ebook ($4.95)


Crossroads Publishing

THE Luck o' the Werewolf
Author: Bill Dunbar

Wolf Winter
Author: Patricia White

Deeply Canadian
Author: Julie Ferguson

Freedom Rider
Author: Victor Knox

Cry of Gloriana
Author: Ed Chavez

Rogues Together
Author: Ed Turner



Rita Hestand: check out her beautiful web site at:


Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information:


COMING SOON from Awe-Struck's ByteMe Line, the YA Romance MILES TO GO -
A talented and rising young track star and an intelligent non-
conformist skirting the fastlane...together Chris and Tori will
discover that they have miles to go... Gritty coming-of-age
urban serial --"West Side Story" and "Boyz in the 'Hood"
meets "Chariots of Fire" -- First Installment starts 11/00


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child..."


Thank you for subscribing. If you know of someone that
might like our Newsletters then please pass it on.

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All rights reserved


This site owned by: Glenda D. Tudor
(c) Copyright 2000