![]() |
![]() ![]() January 15, 2001
Volume 1 No. 15
ISSN 1530-5287
E-Book Ecstasy
~ Welcome ~
I've been asked why I don't make longer comments at the
beginning of each newsletter. My answer: This newsletter says it
all. We feature the best there is…and there's still so much more
to come.
*Featured E-Author:
Denise Agnew
Joyce Lavene
*Featured E-Publisher:
Susan Bodendorfer
As always…my special thanks to Eva and Tracy. The two
wonderful ladies that make this newsletter extra special.
Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Featured E-Publisher
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release
E-AUTHORS and E-PUBLISHERS-We are now scheduling
for 2001. If you would like to contribute an article to us, please
contact me so that we can get all the details worked out.
Subscribe to BEAMINGS!
"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.
Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're
Subscribe: Beamings-subscribe@egroups.com
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TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free to
post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as it
pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote their
sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss books,
reviews, how we feel things are going, things we would like to
see happen, help people network with new ideas, share
experiences and support each other. Email volume changes on
a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on occasion we do
post quite a bit.
Everyone is welcome to join by simply sending a blank email
to: TracysBookReviews-subscribe@egroups.com and if you
need help in changing from regular emails to digest format,
please email me and let me know. If you have any questions
about this group, please feel free to contact me at:
mailto:teastgate2@home.com and I will get back to you as
soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.
LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?
Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at:
word_of_mouth-subscribe@egroups.com or learn more at our
Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:
E-Book Of The Week
E-published authors write wonderful books. This is why I am
an avid reader of e-books. To promote the growing number of
talented authors, I created a feature on my homepage where I
highlight a new e-book every week. I wish there were more
weeks in a year. Please check out this great service for readers
and writers. The URL is:
You can sign up to my announcement list by sending a blank
e-mail to: e-bookoftheweek-subscribe@egroups.com
AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at:
subscribe directly at:
AAM_in_the_News-subscribe@egroups.com You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!
E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's world
with in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!
If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!
Marketing eBooks Newsletter: is your guide to selling more
books. With proven strategies for marketing your ebooks,
interviews with best-selling authors, Bright Ideas that really
work, e-publishing industry news and much more, this list is
the weapon you need to help you sell more books. Don't miss
any more sales--subscribe today! Send any e-mail to:
Writers Block: How To Fight Back
By Denise A. Agnew
Writers come in all heights, shapes, weights, and sizes. Yet even
writers with a multitude of ideas will find projects slowing down
and/or coming to a shrieking halt if the proverbial writer's block
bites them on the…ahem. Inspiration can start you gawking at
the computer each morning, yet get you no farther down the page
the rest of the day. Something has to keep you excited about
your work or all else will fail. The answer comes when you
learn how to fight back.
At some point in your writing career, you will notice that when
you are interviewed (no matter what media), the interviewer will
probably ask where you obtained ideas. Writer's block can
materialize like the inspiration that started the idea in the first
place. To use a cliché, easy come, easy go. One moment you
have an idea, and if you don't write it down, it may be lost
forever. Writer's block can be nowhere in sight on page two,
and on page three…wham.
What if you have looked through your idea notebook and nothing
looks appetizing? Consider the following possible causes of
writer's block and some potential cures.
Problem: Too much on the plate. More than one book coming
out in a year? Congratulations! This same good fortune can also
mean a drain on writing time and energy. Marketing
everything related to promoting a soon-to-be-released or already
released book can mean the creative well is drained fast.
Treatment: Promote on a few of the most high profile avenues,
Internet and print, then let the rest…well…rest. Do as much as
you can for each book, but do not give yourself an ulcer if you
miss an opportunity. People who do nothing but promote
themselves and their work can find inspiration has dried up like
the Sahara. Self-promotion in the writing world is necessary, but
not at the expense of friendships, family, and health. Leaving
time for the rest of life will insure a happier, more productive
writer who is chalk full `o ideas.
Problem: Lack of exciting vistas. Treatment: Travel. You
don't have to take a cruise to Alaska or a jaunt to Europe to get
inspiration for a plot or setting (though it sounds like fun).
Renting travel videos can generate ideas. If you have a
destination you have always wished to visit, then rent a video or
two on this particular area. Armchair traveling can generate an
amazing amount of ideas. Keeping contact with friends in
foreign countries (it's a snap with email) is wise. Reading non
fiction books on dream destinations can also start a flow of ideas.
Treatment Two: Let actual events inspire. If you are thinking of
creating a story in a historical setting, contemplate which time
period(s) interest you the most. If you are contemplating a
contemporary setting, recent events can be a good place to start
for ideas. Consider how a book might be centered on the event.
Problem: Expecting too much from yourself. A classic
problem! Treatment: Writers can be some of the most self
effacing, self-punishing people on earth. As a writer you put a
big part of yourself into your work. When others don't like the
finished piece, whether it is reviewers, editors, or readers, it can
hurt like nothing else. Remembering the old adage about
different strokes for different folks applies well in writing. Take
time to remember best sellers you have read that you didn't like.
Did you assume that you were crazy because you didn't care for
the book that everyone else said was fantastic? Probably not. By
the same token, if you expect everyone to like your work, you
may be in for a rude awakening. Not everyone liked Austen,
Poe, and the Bronte sisters and look how their work is regarded
Problem: Listening to everyone else's inspiration but your
own. Treatment: Listen to advice, but follow the heart. Many
best-selling, famous authors say writing from the heart is the best
cure for lack of inspiration. If you write strictly for the market,
you may sell your work. But will you keep enthusiasm for the
project as you go along, or will it feel like the tortures of the
damned? Editors can often tell when a writer decided to design a
book after the "flavor of the month." If a writer cares about and
is inspired by that flavor, great! If not, creating a historical set in
Transylvania is fine if it inspires you to write the best book you
In the end, remember why you are a writer in the first place.
Fighting writer's block can be a rough, unhappy experience. My
methods of breaking writer's block might not work for you. All
you can do is try these steps and see where they lead. If you are
truly a writer you will come back to the page and create again
and again (probably every day). Remember that writing is in
your heart, soul, and blood. Writing is a part of your whole, and
when you put word to page you are creating worlds that others
will want to experience. Cherish that idea and watch it spur you
toward finishing the latest project.
Denise A. Agnew is the best selling author of numerous
electronic novels available from Starlight Writer Publications
and Hard Shell Word Factory. Writer's block has tried, but not
succeeded in keeping her from writing paranormal, historical,
and contemporary romance. Her latest novel, All I Want For
Christmas, is available from Starlight Writer Publications
Joyce and Jim Lavene
The Lure of the Web
"Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your
wings on the way down."
- Kobi Yamada
While some writers (including e-book authors) have resisted
having anything to do with the Internet, most can't look the
other way. We've all heard the stories about how an obscure
book was well advertised on the Internet and is no longer
For many of us, not using the Internet to some degree is like
those writers who will never use a computer. Who doesn't
want to take advantage of faster, easier, and the possibility of
greater sales? Or that Golden First Sale.
But is the Internet the wonder tool we've been led to believe?
Will we reap the benefits if we take the time to buy HTML for
Dummies and create our own site? If we spend the money to
pay a designer to create our site, what will we really gain?
First of all, most writers don't create their own web page. Most
don't consider themselves `computer literate' enough to do the
work. They pay fees ranging between a few hundred to a few
thousand dollars for original design. Then they pay for monthly
maintenance and upgrades when something has changed in
their writing career.
"I had it(her web site) professionally done, and pay a hosting
fee, and yes, feel it worth the money spent. My web mistress is
easy to work with and responds quickly to my needs. Does it
garner more interest from readers? I really don't know yet. But
it does afford me the satisfaction of knowing I have a
continuous presence so that readers can become acquainted
with me and what I write." Ruth Scofield Schmidt, The Perfect
Groom, Steeple Hill Romance.
Most writers see the Internet more as a valuable tool for name
recognition than actual sales generated from their sites. Sites
are linked to publishers and selling points like Amazon and
Barnes and Noble. Most writer's sites aren't equipped to sell
books themselves and rely on these links to take an interested
reader to an easy, fast place to make a purchase.
"I'm not sure in how many ways a web page benefits a writer,
but I do know that when your book comes out, there are
readers who actually want to know something about the author.
And the benefit to having your web page linked to other sites
(Amazon.com, Harlequin, etc.) cannot be underestimated. Any
publicity is good for a writer." Karen Young, Full Circle, Mira
We live in an information age where everyone wants to
squeeze as much into as small a space as possible. Web sites
give writers the opportunity to express beliefs, show off family,
and advertise other talents that their readers might not know
about such as jewelry making or painting. They link them to
their readers, both new and old, in a way that writers have
never experienced before.
The down side?
Most writers feel they have no way of knowing how many
people go from their web sites to other places to buy their
books. No one can judge yet what the impact of a web site is
for a writer. Most feel it is a cumulative effect that will show
up at some time in the future. They hope.
Eric Stone, author of `In a Heartbeat', "I have discovered-it
took a microscope-- a few readers who discovered my book
through my web site or other online activities."
Writers like the convenience of a web site. It doesn't take a lot
of time away from the writing process. The challenge here is to
keep it fresh, to regularly update so that potential readers don't
come back and see the same thing time after time. Internet
browsers become bored easily. Once you've attracted them, it's
important not to let them down.
"In this era when so many books have to compete for people's
attention, I'm willing to try just about anything-that's what
prompted me to get a web site. I do find it makes a handy
reference point though, it's nice to be able to send people to
one place to get their questions answered. Plus, I'm amazed by
how many people have visited in the eight months it's been up.
So I think it's probably a good thing for my career, though I
have no way to quantify that." Laurien Berenson, The Melanie
Travis Mystery series
Is the effect the same for writers who are still struggling to
make that first sale? Has it helped further their careers or
created interest in their writing?
There have been some writers who have made contact and
managed to catch the eye of a browsing editor. More often than
not, they sit and wait, like manuscripts gathering dust on an
publisher's desk. Creative people like Ray Davies, who designs
and maintains web sites for two authors, sees this as more a
failure to understand the workings of the Internet than a failing
of the web page itself.
"I think that most authors and publishers are failing to take full
advantage of the web, not because of any technical deficiencies
in design but because the content is too narrowly focused.
Naturally you expect authors' and publishers' web sites to
provide information about writers and their books. People will
only find those sites if they are looking for information about
specific authors and titles."
Roy recommends that to use the full strength of the Internet,
don't just look at the specific product: your book or article that
you are trying to sell. Instead, look at the content of the book or
the article. Use the information to attract potential readers.
If your book is a thriller about traveling to a lost city in
Mexico, find other sites that will correspond to traveling in
Mexico. If your article is about herbs, find a way to link it to
some of the other herbal pages on the Internet. You can do this
by contacting other web sites and writing small essays that will
include your URL. Some sites are on rings that include other
sites with like thoughts.
The biggest problem anyone faces with a web site is attracting
enough people to view it. If you have a web site, be creative.
Find as many ways as you can to have your URL listed on the
If you don't have a web site yet, maybe now would be a good
time to consider it. Remember, whether you do it yourself or
hire someone else to create it, your web page is your persona
on the Internet. Make it say what you want it to say and make it
Joyce and Jim Lavene have written thirty novels and too many
short stories and non-fiction articles to count. They teach
writing work shops on the road and on the Internet. The
Lavene's are members of RWA, Carolina's Romance Writers
and the Mystery Writers of America. They do have their own
web page and they welcome readers there!
Joyce and James Lavene
The Lure of the Web
First Serial Rights
$25.00 USD
Joyce and Jim Lavene work as romance writers as well as
writing non-fiction. They have four books on the market this
year writing as Elyssa Henry and Joye Ames. Contact them at
James_Lavene@earthlink.net or visit their homepage:
A Time for Dread or Excitement?
Cutting the "Cancer" out of our Industry
Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher
Still in its infancy, the e-book industry is in flux. In fact, so much
is changing that it's sometimes difficult to keep up with the latest
developments from day to day.
Along with change comes apprehension. Sadly, we've seen e
publishers close their businesses, and will, no doubt, see many
more follow suit within the year. This is very hard on authors-
and the publishers, too. Then, of course, we've seen the major
New York print publishers bound into e-publishing--and be
hailed as the pioneers. <vbg> Add this to the relatively mediocre
e-book sales that even the best-known independent e-publishers
enjoy (compared to print sales), and the e-book community can't
help but suck in a sharp collective breath and wonder … is there
really any hope for this industry? How can we possibly hope to
compete with the big NY pubs? Are we going to be shut out?
Should we just cut our losses and throw in the towel? Can we
ever achieve our dreams through e-publishing?
Finally, that trepidation translates into something akin to: This
industry sucks big-time and has no future.
And that's when the cancer begins. It starts with fear and
pessimistic thinking, which soon becomes negative discussion,
and then gossip and rumors strengthen the disease until it rapidly
grows and spreads until a thick, ugly cloud of depression and
negativity has contaminated the minds of all concerned. From
this point on the cancer is fed--and productivity suffers.
The good news is that we CAN indeed cure this rapidly
advancing intellectual cancer. We can focus on the positive; take
time to research the facts; and refuse to become trapped in the
muck and mire of those who insist on being doomsayers and
harbingers of negativity and pessimism. There are always people
who are most comfortable when being negative and who enjoy
bringing other people down so that they can commiserate
together. Don't enable them--and don't let them ensnare you in
their web of misery.
PLEASE--don't let yourself become caught in that unhealthy
trap. When you hear negative talk about our industry, counter it
with an affirmative thought or a positive fact. Sometimes that
doesn't work, because groups of negative people are more
common than groups of positive--and there is strength in
numbers. If you find yourself surrounded by a flurry of
pessimism, do your best to extricate yourself from it. Refuse to
be a part of it--because, I guarantee you, it's not doing anything
to help you or them. Pessimism and negativity are not productive
or healthy in any way.
More important than anything else, we must all continue to work
tirelessly in our pursuit of e-success and we must have
PATIENCE. I think being patient is probably the most difficult
thing to do. Those of us who have removed ourselves from
tunnel vision and the negativity trap have, instead, focused on the
reality of our industry and the exciting, although bumpy, path it
will take in the near and distant future. I can tell you,
unequivocally, that the future for e-publishing, e-authors, and e
books is dazzling and electrifying. The caveat is that it's going to
take TIME--and it's not easy to be patient.
But, my dear e-friends, your patience and hard work WILL pay
off and you WILL reap the rewards that you so richly deserve--if
you spend this time being productive rather than searching for
things to worry about.
I like to tell my authors that they (as well as Wordbeams) will be
"discovered" and become an "overnight success" … but that
won't happen for a year or maybe two. <vbg> Yup, that's
generally how it works, for any industry. People who've been
working hard all their lives FINALLY make it big and everyone
just shrugs, saying, "Gee, aren't they lucky. They've got it easy."
LOL We know for darn sure that's NOT the way it happens.
Patience, persistence, time, and hard work are the main
ingredients for becoming an "overnight success."
Yes, I know, that waiting another year or two might seem like an
eternity--but it will pass in the blink of an eye. Only those who
are the optimistic realists--the ones who are determined to keep
the faith, believe in the future of our industry, and work towards
its success--will be here to enjoy the bountiful treasures when e-
books and their authors finally become recognized and
appreciated by the average guy on the street. When e-books are
considered "real" books, and e-authors are considered "real"
Will e-books fail? Hmmm, let's see … what are some of the
things that have been vastly ridiculed throughout time and said to
be a "flash in the pan" or something to that effect? These are all
Wrist watches (why when there are clocks on every wall?); radio
(why--when you could read a newspaper instead?); televisions
(why when there are movie houses?); home computers (who's
going to be rich enough to have one of those?); paperback books
(they're not "real" books: Alfred Hitchcock said they were only
good for doorstops!); flushing toilets (I'll leave that to your
imagination); e-mail (there'll never be enough people using it);
cell phones (the cost would be prohibitive--and who'd want to
talk while driving?); automobiles; air planes; fast food
restaurants; cake mixes in a box; frozen dinners; well … you get
the picture, right? That's where e-books stand right now. But just
I want ALL of us to reach that elusive pinnacle of success
together. Please don't become dejected or depressed or--worst of
all--lose your self-confidence. We're on the brink of great things
-an industry that will blossom into a magnificent flower. Believe
in it, and be one of the petals of that bloom.
Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher
By: Eva Kende
As I mentioned in November, starting this month, I will focus on
cooking tips, tricks and techniques. Understanding just what
happens to the food in the pot may give your cooking a whole
new scope and confidence.
In my opinion, one of the most important, and often
misunderstood, cooking factor is temperature. If you have water
in the pan, no matter how high you crank the control knob on the
stove, you are boiling the food. The temperature is never higher
that 220 F (100 C). The taste of boiled is distinctively different
from sautéed or fried. Frying starts when the temperature is over
the boiling point and continues until the fat in which the food is
being cooked gets to it's smoking point, a temperature that differs
for different fats. At the smoking point the fat is beginning to
break down and the resulting flavor changes again, usually for
the worse.
If you don't believe me, try sautéing mushrooms and/or green
peppers in a couple tablespoons of oil. Heat the oil to a high
enough temperature where the first piece of mushroom or pepper
that hits the pan sizzles. Then add the rest of the sliced veggies,
bit by bit, making sure the temperature is high enough to
evaporate the juices as they form and never collect in the pan.
Season with some black pepper during cooking and when the
veggies are slightly wilted, add salt and either a few drops of
balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and serve. The reason salt is not
added until the end is that salt encourages liquid to form in the
pan, lowering the cooking temperature.
You have just created an aromatic dish that brought out the best
taste in the mushrooms, peppers and the black pepper. If you
would have cooked it at a lower temperature, salted or covered it,
the flavor would have been noticeably different.
Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at
By: Tracy Eastgate
Moonlight Legacy
by Jewel Dartt
Publisher: Dark Star Publications
Genre: Dark Romantic Fantasy
ISBN 1586971530
Release date: January 2001
Downloads are $3.95 (US) each
CD-ROM's are $9.95 (US) each
***** Outstanding
Miranda Slate is a young and beautiful woman with her whole
life ahead of her, at least that is what she thought until the day of
her wedding to Hadden McNeal. A horrifying thing begins to
happen to her, a thing people only read about in books and see in
horror movies, she is entering the transformation stage to become
a loup-garou, a shape-shifter and her legacy is in the form of a
werewolf. Miranda is devastated when she finds out that she is
half loup-garou and half-human and there is nothing she can do
to stop this transformation.
When Miranda sends her grandmother to Hadden with a note
saying she won't marry him and calling the wedding off, Hadden
knows something is terribly wrong. He is determined to find out
the truth regardless of what Miranda wants. When he finally
learns the truth, Hadden is both horrified and disbelieving at the
same time, this kind of thing just doesn't happen, this is what
kids tell each other to scare themselves. But it is the truth and he
is determined to help Miranda in any way he can to either get
through this or overcome it and reverse the transformation.
What neither of them counts on though is Drake Guignard, a full-
blooded loup-garou. He has vowed that Miranda will be his and
honor the oath her mother had broken many years ago.
Struggling in a battle of good versus evil that is as old as time,
Hadden isn't prepared for what is happening and doesn't know
what to do. Miranda is too weak from fighting against the
transformation to help and Drake is determined that this will be
one battle that he will win.
Author Jewel Dartt has created a masterpiece. A book that grabs
you immediately takes you on a journey, not allowing you to
escape until you have reached the conclusion. MOONLIGHT
LEGACY is well written, fast paced and flows smoothly and
quickly without giving you the sense that you are losing
something. It is hard to achieve just the right balance so that you
are there with the characters sharing their pain, going through
things with them but at the same time not over doing it, this
author has found that balance and has worked magic with it. This
is an author that you will want to add her book to your TBR list.
Tracy's Book Reviews
Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
The Wandering Troll Fantasy Webzine
Cast Away The Works Of Darkness and Other Stories
K.G. McAbee
Single author anthology, predominantly fantasy
CD $9.50
EFile $3.50
Release Dec. 1
Abby the Troll Publications, LLC
In this collection of short stories, K.G. McAbee introduces you to
many new characters, as well as several that have appeared in
various other works of hers. Fans of her novel,
"A Fine Impersonation", will appreciate the stories featuring Commander
Ravyn Maliker. It's fast-paced, exciting, inventive, and a fun
No Other Resource
Eddie Price
Elwood eBooks
ISBN: 1587320169
Available Now
Fiction- Thriller
Who is killing abortion providers and their advocates? How far
will people go to defend their beliefs? FBI Agent Brad Curry is
sent undercover to find out.
Brenda Smith-Beagley w/a Amy Leigh
Chance of a Lifetime
ISBN 1-58697-123-9
A Starlight Writer Publications DreamStar Book
Available Feb 2001 in PDF/HTML Download
Available Spring 2001 in trade size paperback
The Blue Flame
Barbara M. Hodges
Hard Shell Word Factory
January 2001
The Windhealer: Book Four of The WindLegends Saga
Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Dark Star Publications
sword & sorcery romance/dark fantasy
out in download and POD
Conar McGregor: A man forgotten, an identity erased.
Broken beyond the limits of mortal endurance, he rises
again from the ashes. Will he ever again find love?
Dakota Dawn
Marion Marshall
New Concepts Publishing
Historical Romance
ISBN: 1-58608-173-x
Will be available in Word, HTML, Palm Pilot, Rocket
A case of mistaken identity leads to love and betrayal
in Custer's cavalry when a scandalous woman and an
honorable man discover forbidden love while on a collision
course with destiny."
Race Into Love
Ann Patrick
New Concepts Publishing
Once in what had seemed like another lifetime they had known
each other intimately. For three days they had shut the world out
and basked in their young love. But now things were different.
He was famous and so was she. Anger and denial was the only
thing bringing them together. Could they get over this. Start a
life together again. Cas said no way, Lindy said the same. They
had hurt each other in the worst kind of way. They had no future
together, no hope of mending bridges. But fate has a way of
stepping in. Taking over and saying "you'll do this my way or
else." From the world of Formula One motor racing to the world
of publishing these two people travel across the hard road of
life. As diverse as chalk and cheese, Lindy and Cas were
nevertheless destined to be together. How they do this is the
subject of this book.
Rita Hestand
ISBN: 1-58785-156-3 REB ISBN: 1-58785-181-4
Contemporary Romance
PDF/HTML/REB/MSReader--coming soon
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
On a trip back home to Texas, Dixie collides with Mike Dalton,
her childhood adversary--and brother of Kevin, the man she's had
a crush on since childhood. The sexy rancher has plans for
Dixie's love life--that most certainly don't include Kevin.
Patricia Crossley
ISBN: 1-58785-054-0 REB ISBN: 1-58785-134-2
Paranormal Romance
PDF/HTML/REB/MSReader--coming soon
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
A past love, which ended in murder, brings together a
disillusioned woman and a steel hearted Mountie. Sarah and
Pierre are drawn together to solve the mystery surrounding their
ancestors and to heal their own wounded hearts.
Tracy Jones
ISBN: 1-58785-037-0 REB ISBN: 1-58785-127-X
Science Fiction
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The unexpected discovery of an ancient Egyptian mummy sends
an astronaut and a scientist on a journey--not only through space,
ut deep into their own minds. Together, they search for the truth,
while racing against time to stop the destruction of their home
An Anonymous Mother and Son
ISBN: 1-58785-121-0 REB ISBN: 1-58785-122-9
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This concise report is neither an in depth documentation nor an
attempt on the part of the authors to convince readers that the
way in which they chose to handle their crisis is correct for
anyone else. It's simply one family's story, clearly told from the
heart. Both mother and son hope that by sharing their story,
others experiencing a similar family crisis may be spared some
of the agony that's so common in these situations.
Outback Magic
June Ann Monks
New Concepts Publishing
Jan 2001
Cattle grazier and Kindergarten President Matthew Mitchell
refuses to employ Fiona Findlayson as a teacher until his chosen
candidate becomes ill and he has no choice. Fearing Matthew's
disapproval Fiona keeps her previous career as an actor a secret.
Drawn into Matthew's family turmoil Fiona falls deeply in love
with him. The exposure of her previous career destroys her
hopes for the future causing her to leave the outback. Matthew's
strength and love restore her faith when he follows her to tell
her their future is together.
Karen S. Wiesner
Electronic Publishing The Definitive Guide, 2000 Edition
Avid Press LLC
December 2000
ISBN: 1-929613-95-4
Shadows of the Eclipse
Bonnie Szantyr
Publisher: Starlight Writers Publications
Genre: Paranormal/Historical
Can a white woman whose family has been slaughtered by
Indians, and a Crow warrior who despises the white man, find
love and peace with each other, thereby rectifying mistakes of
another lifetime? Are sacred visions and predictions enough to
overcome hatred and fear of foreign cultures? Elisabeth Ryan
and Arakashe, captive and captor, conquer these obstacles, only
to find their love thwarted by the scheming and jealousy of
others who seek to drive them apart again.
Betty Sullivan La Pierre
Crossroads Publishing
Jan. 2001
Maryann Miller
Clocktower Fiction
The Scottish Thistle
Cindy Vallar
Pulsar Books
ISBN: 1-58697-312-6
January 1, 2001
Historical Fiction
ISBN: 1-58820-320-4
Summary: Funds for Writers - The Book, helps fill a void
in the writer's world. Too many writers struggle to put
word to paper only to be disappointed and deterred from
fulfilling their dreams due to lack of funds. Now writers
have a solid funding introduction to supplement and aid
their writing careers.
Awe-Struck Books
Devolution Degrade: Book Two of The Psychogenesis
Trilogy that started with The Divine Suicide in 1999
Author: John Tannock
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books, Inc.
ISBN: 1-58749-045-5
January 5, 2001
Devolution Degrade chronicles the journey of several new
characters introduced to the Psychogenesis Trilogy. Kirin
Asibov, Exeel-7 addict and Mrozainian Spiral traveller, accepts
a contract from the Dinathian Mind Wizards of Recant Boris.
Kirin's assignment: Track down the dismembered pieces of
Brother Mrozain Connor Rile and bring them back together.
Only as a whole will Rile's body provide the information
required to keep alive the Dinathian Dream of complete
Universal Psychological cohesion and the reforming of the
Mind of God. Kirin and an unusual cast are set against the
Malevolent incarnation of Process and all of the Universal
Power he can bring to bear. Process is determined to insure that
evolution is kept off track and that the cycles of suffering
brought about by his purposeful stagnation remain forever
intact. And to do this, he knows he must not only stop the
unification of the body of Rile, but also must keep Kirin
and company from learning about the Miracle awaiting to
unfold within the Dark and Secret Heart Of G.B.Cee...the
Flagship of the Dinathian Dream, and the seed to the creation of
the 'Final Machine'.
With Shadow and Thunder (Part II of his "Shadow Trilogy" of
sci-fi novels)
Stefan Vucak
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books, Inc.
ISBN: 1-58749-049-8
January 19, 2001
The Orieli are the first aliens to confront the Serrll Combine in
two thousand years. But the Orieli are at war and the Serrll now
faces invasion by creatures out of nightmare. On the Moon,
caught in a web of Serrll power plays, First Scout Terrllss-rr is
betrayed by his Wanderer brother Dharaklin. His ship is
sabotaged an he crashes to Earth. Escaping, he now has
American security forces after him and the secrets his crashed
ship holds. Above the Moon, Serrll and Orieli forces face each
other for the control of the Solar System. Rescued, his soul
scarred, Terr returns home, only to find his loved one kidnapped
- by Dhar. With the god of Death in his hands, revenge is the
only thing now left to him.
Old Man from the Stars
Glenn Devlin
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books, Inc.
January 26, 2001
ISBN: 1058749-029-3
The Old Man from the Stars chronicles the sole survivor of the
1947 Roswell crash, 'Luke', and his struggle to elude capture
from shadowy government forces to reach the safety of the
Vatican. In the decades that follow, with the ability to morph
into human form, Luke blends into modern society as a Catholic
priest. Father Luke, as he is known, befriends the Gordon
family, who are later subjected to a horrifying alien abduction
that leaves behind young Thomas Gordon. When Thomas
becomes of age as a young priest, Father Luke is forced to let
his own protegee search for the answer behind his parent's
abduction, a search which sets off an incredible chain of events
that personify the struggle between good and evil.
The Raphael Experience
Alan McGregor
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books, Inc.
January 12, 2001
Sci Fi with romance
ISBN: 1-58749-017-X
Trill falls in love with Raphael, but when he is brutally
murdered before her eyes, she vows never to love another.
But love another, she does, although not without complications.
Trill makes her way to Harbor Town, a city on the humanoid
reptilian planet, Twain 4. And there she meets another man to
whom she is attracted. This new human she has found on Twain
4 desperately needs her help. He has suffered at the hands of a
brutal extortionist who slaughtered his family outright, and now
he's terrified the extortionist will kill others close to him if he
doesn't sell his magtrain factory for almost nothing. The only
way this man will allow Trill to do help him is if he can protect
her while she is with him. He disguises her as a half-human,
half-reptilian being, a mixed species; despised by both human
and reptoid alike. Through this experience, Trill learns to
respect all beings-- not just human beings...
Rita Hestand: check out her beautiful web site at:
Author: Glenda D. Tudor
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From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of
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