March 15, 2001
Volume 1 No. 17
ISSN 1530-5287

E-Book Ecstasy

~ Welcome ~

Here is yet another terrific issue.

E-Author's include:

Robert W. Norris
Beverley Bateman
Allene Frances

Featured E-Publisher:

Shannon Mobley, Acquisitions Editor
Electric eBook Publishing

We are fast approaching our 1st year anniversary and with it will
come the closing the E-Book Ecstasy. April 15th will be the last
issue. I would like to thank all of you for your support and your
dedication that you've showed me. For that you have my most
heartfelt gratitude.

My very best to Eva and Tracy…two wonderful ladies who are
the heart of this newsletter.

***Note*** This issue is without a book review from Tracy
Eastgate who is still recovering from her illness. Well wishes are
sent to her for quick recovery.

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release



Subject:  Authors Cook Up Free Recipes
Contact:  Eva Kende, project coordinator,
Contact:  Kristie Leigh Maguire, publicity director,
Date: February 21, 2001
For Immediate Release

Authors Cook Up More Than Good Books

Forty-three internationally known authors share more than a
hundred recipes in a simple and fun cookbook you will enjoy for
years! From simple dishes prepared in a few minutes to exotic
dishes from around the world, this cookbook will become a
treasured addition to any kitchen! And best of all, it's free!

While these authors tempt our imaginations by creating
entertaining and informative books, they tempt themselves in the
kitchen with everything from homey, comfort food to exciting,
innovative recipes. Now, they've decided to share their culinary
secrets with you as a thank you for supporting them and their

"Now We're Cooking - 43 Authors in the Kitchen" is a
cooperative effort of authors whose books are published in
electronic bindings. Representing every genre, these authors
prove they are just as talented in the kitchen as they are at a

Eva Kende, project coordinator, says "This cookbook composed
of contributions by a community of authors is like the cherished
and collected church and community cookbooks of yesteryear.
The recipes are as diverse as the authors' usual genres are. The
Internet made it easier for the contributing authors from various
corners of the world to get together in this cooperative effort and
technology made it possible to offer this exciting collection free
as an ebook to readers and collectors."

Available in a variety of formats "Now We're Cooking - 43
Authors in the Kitchen" is a cookbook that deserves to grace
your bookshelf and offers a glimpse into the kitchens of some of
your favorite authors. Those who wish to download a free copy
of this cookbook can visit:
Instructions for using and viewing the cookbook are available at
that site.

Contact: Available for telephone, radio and television interviews.
To make arrangements please contact
Eva Kende at
Kristie Leigh Maguire at

Authors who contributed to "Now We're Cooking - 43 Authors
in the Kitchen" include:
Moni Draper
J.M. Dubry


Beth Anderson
Karen Beck
Elizabeth Bennefeld
M. D. Benoit
Linda Bleser
Lauralee Bliss
Charlotte Boyett-Compo
Joan Bramsch
Diana Lesire Brandmeyer
Amy B Crawshaw
Patricia Crossley
Kathleen Culligan Techler
Lanette Curington
Elizabeth Delisi
Christine Duncan
Jim Farris
Pat Fredeman
Denise Gasta
Judith B. Glad
Sandi Haddad
Lauryn Hale
Valerie Hardin
Rita Hestand
Elaine Hopper
Eva Kende
Gail Kennedy
Mary LaBranche
Jim and Joyce Lavene
Dee Lloyd
Maureen Mackey
Kristie Leigh Maguire
Tara Manderino
Michelle Marr
Gregory Michel
Bonnie Napoli
Leta Nolan Childers
Janet Privett
Hannah Rowan
TL Schaefer
Mary Taffs
MacKenzie Raye Van Cleef
Juliet Waldron
Chris Williamson



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're

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URL to this page:


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at: or learn more at our
Brought to you by:


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:


Mystery author Christine Spindler announces:

"E-books keep getting better. The more I read the more I like
them. I have set up two new review sites for e-books only. The
response by publishers and readers is overwhelming."
E-Books for Kids: reviews of picture books in several categories
plus a publisher spotlight.
Sexy CyBooks: reviews of erotic quality fiction. Caution: Not
suitable for under 18-year-olds.


AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at: or
subscribe directly at: You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!


E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's world
with in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!

If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!


Marketing eBooks Newsletter: is your guide to selling more
books.  With proven strategies for marketing your ebooks,
interviews with best-selling authors, Bright Ideas that really
work, e-publishing industry news and much more, this list is
the weapon you need to help you sell more books.  Don't miss
any more sales--subscribe today! Send any e-mail to:


Books From The Heart
Allene Frances
Home page



E-Publishing Saved My Books
by Robert W. Norris

I'm an expatriate teacher and author who has lived in Japan since
1983. If not for e-publishing and the Internet, my two novels
Toraware and Looking for the Summer might have suffered early
deaths. My publishing story is a bit unusual, but I think it may
provide some inspiration to writers who have the patience to

Back in 1993 I began submitting Looking for the Summer, the
story of a Vietnam War conscientious objector's adventures and
search for identity on the road from Paris to Calcutta in 1977, to
various publishers in the U.S. The rejection slips piled up. In
1995 I managed to interest a small British publisher in the book.
I corresponded with them for about six months, made the
revisions they requested, and was close to getting published
when the publisher suddenly went bankrupt. Frustrated by years
of getting nowhere, I decided to look into the possibility of self-
publishing in Japan. I managed to talk Touka Shobo, a small
independent publisher, into doing a print run of 500 copies for
free if I did the editing, layout, and English promotion.

We had a modicum of success with Looking for the Summer. In
1998 Touka Shobo published Toraware, my psychological study
of the obsessive relationship of three misfits from different
cultural backgrounds in 1980s Kobe, Japan. Toraware got good
reviews in The Japan Times, Mainichi Daily News, and Kansai
Time Out magazine. A nice break came when Marginal
Distribution, an independent distributor in Canada, read the
books, liked them, and listed them in their catalog. As a result,
we were able to place both books on (In order to
be listed, foreign publishers must have a North American

In the end, however, the combination of the distributor's cut and
the cost of shipping books from Japan proved too much for
Touka Shobo to justify the expense of further printings. I began
investigating the possibility of e-publishing. In the beginning of
2000 I spent two months researching the different e-publishers'
home pages, sample contracts, book covers, and other
information. I narrowed my choices to two I thought would be
receptive to my novels: Dead End Street Publications and
Jacobyte Books.

Dead End Street accepted Toraware, but rejected Looking for the
Summer. I sent Looking for the Summer to Jacobyte, who
responded enthusiastically. Contract negotiations went smoothly
with both publishers. Within six months all the editing, rewriting,
formatting, and cover artwork was completed and both books
were published. Jacobyte also started producing print-on-demand
paperbacks of all its titles in November 2000. My novels were

The real work, however, was just beginning. The first thing I did
was join some e-author lists in order to learn from other e-
authors how they were promoting their books. I bought Leta
Nolan Childer's Electrify Your Sales and Karen Weisner's
Electronic Publishing: The Definitive Guide. Both books are
packed with invaluable information on promotion for an e
author. I started sending out press releases and review queries,
registering with search engines and specialty directories, putting
messages on message boards and online classified ad sites,
writing to newsletters, you name it. Promotion is a time-
consuming process that takes away from creative writing time,
but it is worth doing. I feel as if the fate of my books is entirely
in my own hands. With every positive response I receive, I
experience that special thrill of having made a connection, that
joy that comes from knowing my books are surviving. Author
Douglas Clegg writes, "You have to build your readership one
reader at a time." Believe it.

If there is any advice I can give to an author new to the e-
publishing world, it's this: (1) Believe in your work, (2) be
prepared to hang in there for the long haul, (3) target your
promotional efforts, and (4) don't expect to make much money-
at least not for the time being. Competition is stiff for a still
limited, but growing audience.You have to keep plugging away.
I try to send out at least one promotional letter, listing, query,
excerpt, press release, or message somewhere on the Web every

It's also crucial for an author to understand who his potential
readers are, where his particular niche lies. Romance, science
fiction, and horror seem to be the most popular e-fiction genres,
but there is also an increasing readership of other kinds of books.
E-publishers know this and are receptive to books that cross
genres or are difficult to categorize. My own books--which I call
a combination of "expatriate fiction" and "psychological drama"-
-don't fit neatly into any particular slot, but they are being read.
In the beginning of my promotional efforts, I was sending
material out to every media source I could find and getting few
responses. When I wised up and focused my efforts on "baby
boomer," "hippie," "Sixties," "Oriental," "Japanese culture,"
"counterculture," "multicultural," "peace," and "antiwar" sites, I
began to see much better results.

I'm glad I've joined the world of e-publishing. Although I live in
a country far away from the major publishing centers of English
books, I don't feel isolated. The Internet is a powerful tool that
allows an author to interact with the outside world with speed
and efficiency that were unheard of just a few years ago. I
correspond regularly by e-mail with readers, editors, publishers,
and authors from many different countries. I find that stimulating
and exciting.

Nobody at this point knows exactly where the e-publishing
revolution is headed, but I'm optimistic about its future. A lot of
authors will tell you the same thing. Do you have a manuscript
you've poured your heart into? Give it a chance to find a
readership. Do your homework and submit the book to an e-

Copyright (c) 2001 Robert W. Norris
TORAWARE, Dead End Street Publications,

Visit Robert's home page:,
where you can see cover images, review blurbs, and chapter
excerpts from his novels. You can also read his articles on
teaching English to Japanese learners.



Beverley Bateman

Romantic Suspense
89,000 WORDS

DEATH AWAITS is a woman in jeopardy story. It is set in
contemporary New York during a summer heat wave. Susan T.
Brown and her son are running for their lives after walking in on
a contract killing. Compounding her flight is her unwanted
companion, and the only person who can help her, is a man who
hates her and blames her for his brother's death. Five years ago
he slammed the door in her face and told her to get out.

Mitch Pellagrino is an embittered undercover New York cop,
humiliated by an ex-wife and living with the guilt of his brothers
death and an irrational drive to find his brothers killer, a contract
hit man. He realizes his material witness is a woman he hates. He
also knows the only chance she and her son have is if Susan and
Mitch work together.

Can they overcome their past, outsmart a killer and keep their
hearts intact?

DEATH AWAITS is my first published novel. It is published by
Starlight Writer Publications.

I have been writing my whole life but nothing serious - just notes
or scenes or character descriptions. I never made any of it into a
finished novel. After a life threatening condition six years ago, I
decided to write seriously.

Raised on Nancy Drew, Perry Mason and Agatha Christie, I love
to plot mystery and suspense so of course I began a romantic
suspense. I took online courses and bought reference books and
finished my first novel.

Writing is one thing, getting published is quite another. You send
out query letters, partials and even the complete manuscript. You
wait for months, sometimes longer to hear. After the usual pile of
rejection notices I became aware of e-publishers. The first was
Hard shell Word Factory. When I initially heard of them and e-
books, I didn't understand the concept, much as many people
today still don't.

Than I met an editor from Starlight. She assured me that they
only wanted quality books and edited their books thoroughly so
it was a quality product. I decided to send them my manuscript.
A short time later I received the offer to buy my book.

Everyone talks about receiving the call. In e-books it's receiving
the e-mail. Seeing it on the screen is just as exciting as a phone
call. I remember yelling and running to tell my husband and then
phoning family and friends.

Yes, I received comments about e-publishing from some other
writers that were less than flattering and I still get quizzical looks
from the public in general about e-books, but I'm thrilled to be
part of this new concept and published by an e-publisher and I'll
put my book up against many others out there.

One advantage to electronic publishing - you don't have to head
to the post office with your manuscript, postcard, and stamped,
self-addressed envelop. You send it as an attachment. I love this.
All the revisions are online. It's so easy and much cheaper than
all that postage.

There is no fee with Starlight. They do the editing, the cover, the
e-formatting and printing. I think the thing I most appreciate is
the editing. I learned an enormous amount from my editor as we
went through my book. That alone was worth going to e-
publishing. I don't think paper publishers have the time to work
with their authors that some of the e-publishers do. Although e-
publishers are beginning to feel the same pressures and there are
long waits once you submit a manuscript to some of the
publishers, very similar to print publishers.

I have read many e-books from Starlight, New Concepts and
Hard Shell. They are well written books with good
characterization and good plots. Most are better than many of the
paperbacks I have read.

Electronic publishers are all going through growing pains and
occasionally there may be communication gaps between author
and editor, but I've heard this can happen in print publishing as
well. The e-publishers I've heard about from other authors all
want what is best for their authors. And they are working to get

I may not make enough to give up my day job yet, but I feel like
my efforts have been recognized. When people ask if I'm
published, I can say yes; even if they do glaze over as you try to
explain electronic publishing. People are reading my book and I
love hearing how someone read it and enjoyed it.

Being e-published also means you have to tackle another big
learning curve - how to market your book. But that's another

My future goals are to continue writing. I have already sold my
second book FADE TO BLACK to Starlight Writer Publications.
This is a wealthy female private investigator series and I'm busy
working on the second one of the series.

I would also like to work along with so many other dedicated
authors, to bring e-publishing to a higher profile and where down
load books, CD books and Print On Demand are understood and
accepted by the public in general. If anyone has any doubts about
the quality of e-publishing, all they have to do is read one of their
books and I'm sure they'll be convinced.

Beverley Bateman
Author of: Death Awaits



Author Bio  Allene Frances

I've been an avid reader since childhood.  In fact, words seemed
to take on a life of their own, shouting out messages from
ketchup bottles, boxes of cereal, the carton of milk on the table.
At first I felt assaulted by all the words flying at me from all
directions.  It was when they formed themselves into stories that
I was at last saved from the confusion and the jumbled unlinked
images.  Stories!  Of course--the very reason for learning in the
first place.  I love to read about courage and honor, if you add
some action or suspense it's even better. A great treasure hunt
will keep me up all night. And naturally a stirring love story is
always a winner.

I guess it's only one more step to become a writer.  I wanted to
tell stories of my own.  But when I wrote them, the publishers
seemed to have other ideas.  "We like your story line, and love
the characters, but--you have too many romance elements.  Try a
romance publisher"   This came from a mainstream publisher.

"Well,"  I thought, "at least they liked my work."  I sent to a
romance publisher who said, "We like your story line, and love
the characters, but--you have too many mainstream elements for
romance.  Besides the plot is a bit too complicated, as well.
Sorry, we don't know how to market it."

So when Hard Shell Word Factoy wanted to publish HOLD
BACK TIME I was encouraged.  Then, E Books On The. Net
loved RITUAL SACRIFICE,--I was thrilled.

Little did I know what hard work and long hours lay ahead.
Since eBooks are relatively unknown I have spent endless hours
trying to promote my books.  It occurred to me we really needed
an all out effort to promote all eAuthors thus, BOOKS FROM
THE HEART came into being.  eBooks are the ones that writers
wrote because they had to.  Not written to please a publisher but
came straight from the writer's heart.  I hope BOOKS FROM
THE HEART can be a place to help us all grow our one true
assets, our names.  As individuals, name recognition is how our
readership will develop.So though the site takes me away from
my own writing, I want to try and help develop this new
marketing site for writers and to offer readers a place to link to
the author who writes those great reads in that wonderful  new

I like to read while I'm eating my lunch. Imagine a book that
stays open without holding down the pages  with your coffee cup
on one side and slipped under the edge of your plate on the other!
Reading from a handheld or laptop, or if you have a dedicated
eBook reader, life is once again simple.  Make the text any size
you need for reading comfort.  Turn a page with a single
keystroke.  Mark your place, and when you come back--there it
is, saved perfectly for you to continue one of the best books
you've read in many a moon.

I just hope that book you're loving is one of mine!

Allene Frances

Home page



Ebook Marketing on a Shoestring

Shannon Mobley, Acquisitions Editor
Electric eBook Publishing

"Wow! Your book is published! Awesome!"

(sheepish grin) "Well, you know..." (blush)

"How are the sales going? Hit the Best-Seller list yet?"

(avoids eye contact) "Ummm...I've got to get going..." (runs

There's nothing more frustrating than having your pride-and-joy
published and watching as it sits on a cybershelf and collects bits
and bytes dust motes.

Authors and publishers alike have to actively promote a book in
order to encourage sales. Sometimes this isn't easy for the author.
Maybe he/she is shy...has low self-esteem...doesn't know where
to begin...easily gives up when something is difficult. These are
the most common reasons I see for authors not adequately
promoting their books. These issues are easily overcome with a
little bit of guidance, quite a bit of encouragement, and a lot of

At Electric eBook Publishing, we recently set up a discussion
group for our authors to discuss promotional ideas. When I
brought up the question of inexpensive ways for authors to
promote their books, here's what some of our authors had to say:

"I think bookmarks are good. I often leave them around in cafes
and places, and give them to friends. They're useful, and it gets
your name out there, the cover of your book and the publisher's
name." --Celia Ann Leaman, Author of Mary's Child (soon to be
released as an audio book)

"It's important to expose your titles and writing to as many
surfers as possible. Part of my personal web site is dedicated to
the years my husband and I spent snowmobiling and racing
snowmobiles professionally. During the winter months I receive
about a thousand unique visitors per week on its main page, and
around four hundred in the summer. I feature my snowmobile
writing and novel on these pages with links. Not everybody
checks them out, but I've had lots of exposure! If your books
have a setting or activity that is distinctive, create some content
heavy web pages and get them well listed with the search
engines." --Linda Aksomitis, Author of "Sew Far, Sew Good:
Tales of a Travelling Saleslady" (April 2001)

"The one thing that I do that is low cost and gets the word out to
numerous people is to include a business card (with book
information, etc.) in with every bill I mail back. Since I have bills
that go all over the U.S. I thought it would be a good way to
promote "Spirit". As for how effective it is, I really don't know.
Another way, was to make my own book marks and send them to
all my friends and family to hand out." --Sue Crawford, Author
of "Spirit of Love" (Now Available)

" about wearing your book cover on a t-shirt. I'd like to get
one made for Oliver Buggins, Investigator!"
--Gillian Richardson, Author of Oliver Buggins, Investigator?
(June 2001)

"Review others' books and be as quotably kind as kind can be.
Your name, as an authority, then gets on their book cover and in
their promo material. Some even name your own books as
further proof of your authoritative good taste."
--Sam Smith, Author of "Perceived Histories" (June 2001)

Here's some ideas I personally recommend:

1. Always use your signature line to advertise your book. Change
it as necessary.

2. Write articles, do interviews, sign guestbooks, post on
message boards. In other words, get your name and book title out
and in front of people as many times as possible.

3. It's easy to find sites for writers, but try finding sites for
readers. Same thing goes for discussion groups.

4. Update your website often, and make sure your website
contains enough personal information about you, the author, that
your visitors can make a personal connection with you.

5. Send thank yous generously--when someone buys your book,
when someone signs your guestbook, when someone send you a
nice comment/review.

6. Be PROUD of your book!

Happy Promoting!

Shannon Mobley, Acquisitions Editor
Electric eBook Publishing



By: Eva Kende

The "nuker" has had a bad rap. At first people tried to use it to
cook everything, literally from soup to nuts, when that didn't
work very well, it got relegated to re-heating leftovers and frozen
dinners. For busy people, the microwave can be a real friend in
food preparation. A filet of fish brushed with butter or olive oil,
sprinkled with fresh dill and a few squeezes of lemon juice takes
only a few minutes from fridge to table. Rice doesn't cook much
faster, but can be ignored, cooking away at 50% setting, in an
oversized covered bowl, that can double as the serving dish. The
real value of the microwave is in cooking vegetables to
perfection. Most of them need only the little bit of water that
stuck to them while being washed, a covered dish and 5-7
minutes on high. The flavor is not leached out in the cooking
water, vitamins and minerals stay put and again the cooking dish
can be used for serving. Just drain any water that may have
accumulated, add a dab of butter and your fresh tasting vegetable
is ready to serve. If you want to be more adventurous, you can
top your veggies with, a thick salad dressing, a yogurt and dill
mixture with a dash of sugar added, caramelized onions or garlic,
even a sweet and sour sauce if you are in an oriental mood..
Garnish with chopped chives, crumbled feta or blue cheese,
decorate with bacon bits or fresh parsley and you have turned the
hohum into gourmet.

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

Review by:
Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate




The Return
Lynne Hansen
Author's Website:
Genre/Category: YA Horror
Book Page:


After their brother dies in battle, sixteen-year-old twins Molly
and Jacob Gray discover a way to bring him back to life.  The
side effects (including a marauding zombie arm) seem to
disappear, so when Molly's boyfriend is run over by a wagon,
they decide to resurrect him as well.  Only too late do they find
out that they have turned the two people they love most into the
living dead.


Single White Psychopath Seeks Same
Jeff Strand
Author's Website:
Genre/Category: Horror/Mystery/Dark Comedy
Book Page:


Another outrageous blend of the hilarious and the horrifying,
twisted than its predecessor, GRAVEROBBERS WANTED (NO
EXPERIENCE NECESSARY). Guaranteed to keep you
laughing, gasping, and guessing from beginning to end.

Housewife For Rent
Michele R. Bardsley
Author's Website:
Genre/Category: Romantic Comedy
Book Page:


A divorcee besieged by personal-ad Romeos agrees to a fake
engagement to the town heartbreaker.


Husband For Hire
Michele R. Bardsley
Author's Website:
Genre/Category: Romantic Comedy
Book Page:


Can an inventor incognito re-invent love in the heart of a just-
dumped-at-the-altar cynic?


Starlight Writer Publications

Denise A. Agnew
Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-180-8
Genre: paranormal romance

Blurb: Sometimes one lifetime is not enough…
American Mae Sutton travels to Scotland to investigate the
tormenting dreams that have plagued her since childhood. There
she discovers a brooding Highlander-and a secret that threatens
her very existence.


Seven Rings Binding
Catherine Snodgrass
Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-290-1
Genre: Paranormal Romance
March 2001

Nate Blackburn and Libby Claiborne discover they have much
more in common than they realized -- a love that cannot be
denied and a mystical ability that has the power to destroy them
both. A power one embraces and the other refuses to accept.


Judith R. Parker
Dark Star Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-194-8
Genre: mystery/suspense

Ian Donlevy hires P.I. Kerry Roarke to find his sister, Maureen
Trent. The police think Maureen is just off having a fling and
Kerry tends to agree but takes the case because finding missing
persons is her specialty and she is attracted to Ian. Kerry's
investigation takes her from Seattle to San Francisco, Boston
and southern California.  Kerry stumbles onto a decades old
secret that is still having reprecussions that could cost her her


Awe-Struck Books

Kristi Davitt
Genre: ByteMe Teen reading
Release date: March 3, 2000
ISBN: 1-58749-036-6


Amateur anime artist Sarah DiShon's world is turned upside
when her father moves out of the house, divorces her mother, and
plans to remarry his pregnant girlfriend. What's left of the family
is leaning on Sarah. Sarah puts aside her own feelings to help her
family and tries to make her father see sense, to make him own
up to his responsibility to her younger brother and sister. The
only good thing happening in Sarah's life is that super cute
wrestling captain Jesse Curtis is taking an interest in her and
lending his strong shoulder during her family crisis. But sweet as
Jesse is, can even he make things right again?


The Viscount's Journey
Joanne McCraw
Release date: March 10, 2001
Genre: Regency Romance/Silver Lining Inspirational
ISBN: 1-58749-012-9


Garrett Rashley, the Viscount of Finchstonbury, has six months
to complete the terms of his late uncles' will to inherit Finchston
Park. He has to marry Miriah Carrington. Miriah is delighted.
This is the man she loves. But she soon realizes that he didn't
marry her because he loved her but because he needed her to
gain the inheritance. All of her attempts to break through his
defenses fail miserably. For Garrett has built his life around
personal freedom, and he only trusts in himself, not in others;
and certainly not in God.  Until Miriah is injured in a carriage
accident. Then the Viscount must take a 'journey' of faith through
a dark valley of his own doubts and fears. Can he have fallen in
love with his own wife?


Duchess of Ophir Creek
Judith B. Glad
Genre: Historical Romance--Book II in the "Behind the Ranges"
Series of historical pioneer novels--taking place in Idaho and Oregon
ISBN: 1-58749-38-2
Release date: March 17, 2001


Silas Dewitt, newly arrived in an Idaho gold camp, saves two
Chinese boys from a mob of drunken miners. But one of them
turns out to an independent, stubborn, lovely WOMAN, who
decides her role is to protect him. Soomey, an Asian immigrant
masquerading as a boy, desperately wants to escape her former
life of poverty and sexual slavery. She sees Silas as her means to
freedom and independence-until she falls in love with him. Even
though she knows that she her desires will lead to her own
heartbreak, she guards Silas' back as he searches for a cache of
gold nuggets. A vicious killer stalks them both, hating Soomey
for her race, and Silas for his wealth. Silas faces the killer in a
desperate knife battle, but is too late to save Soomey from
painful torture. Scarred in body and soul, Soomey tries to leave
him. Can Silas holds her with passion, tenderness, and a promise
of eternal love?


Funny Business
Jane Bierce
Release date: March 26, 2001
Genre: contemporary romance
ISBN: 1-58749-040-4


A contemporary romance set in Tampa, Florida, Funny Business
focuses on Meg Buffington as she sets out on a career in
business. But on a dare, she  performs at amateur night at a
comedy club. In the audience is Curtiss Edmonds, a financial
planner new to Tampa, who finds little humor is life and none in
business. As it turns out, Meg interviews with Curtiss the next
morning for a job. He remembers her act, and issues an
ultimatum -- if she accepts the position of his office manager, she
will not perform as a comedienne. The attraction between them is
strong, but their combined stubbornness is stronger. How can
Meg bring some laughter back into Curtiss' life?

Betty Sullivan La Pierre
Crossroads Publishing Company
Genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
E-book: Diskette & CD Rom
ISBN:  1583386459
Release Date: February, 2001


HTML for Ninnyhammers
Jim Farris
DiskUs Publishing
Genre: Non-fiction
March 01, 2001

Everything you needed to know about HTML but were too
frustrated to ask because you're sick and tired of being treated
like a moron and you don't want to hear any more long, boring
explanations that make little sense." That's the subtitle of HTML
for Ninnyhammers, and it says it all. This book is for those who
feel while they may need help, they don't want to be made to feel
like a ninnyhammer when someone helps them.


Mirror Images: Short Story Anthology
Elizabeth Delisi
DiskUs Publishing
ISBN# 1-58495-685-5 Diskette
ISBN# 1-58495-685-5DOWN Download
Genre: Anthology/Collection

A collection of stories to make you wonder...

A woman buys an antique compact, and ends up foretelling the
future. A transplanted southerner finds there's more to fear from
the snow than just the cold. A washed-up rock and roll singer
discovers he still has something to live for. Let these and other
eerie tales take you to a place where the only thing you can rely
on is the unexpected.


Shadow in Starlight
Shannah Biondine
LTD Books
ISBN:  1-55316-037-1 disk; 1-55316-967-0 Rocket (Gemstar format)
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Fantasy
Release Date:  March 2001

This book interweaves a sensual love story with medieval
fantasy. Waniand mercenary Preece the Warmonger is charged
with escorting noblewoman Moreya Fa Yune to her bridegroom
in a distant realm. But when he uncovers both a hidden political
plot and Moreya's strange secret, the embark on quite a different


Reality's Plaything - First Book in the Ring Realms Series
Will Greenway
Writers Exchange E-Publishing
ISBN: 1 876962 02 X
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: 1 March 2001

"Bannor is a bearer of the tao-force called the Garmtur
Shak'Nola, a gift that when mastered, gives the user the ability to
alter the threads of existence and make desires into reality.  For
an uninitiated warrior with no understanding of magic, the Nola
is more bane than boon, an unstoppable out-of-control energy
that might  destroy not only him but the entire world."



Rita Hestand: check out her beautiful web site at:



The New Millennium just hit you between the eyes! And
E-Books are IN. For the best in romance and sci-fi and
everything in between, check out the reads at Awe-Struck E-
(Pssst! There's a sale on ALL the time...)


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"


If you like romance sparked with spine-tingling danger, read
Eddie Price's NO OTHER RECOURSE!  This page-turning,
cross-genre thriller, rated 10/10 by publisher Rich Elwood, has
earned a 5-star rating from Hattie Boyd at Scribes World Review
(December Romance/Suspense), and is a finalist in the 2001
EPPIE Awards (Thriller Division).  Soon to be out in trade
paperback from Lightning Press, it is available for PC download
at , and for the Rocket/Gemstar reader
at and  A Microsoft Reader
version is already registered and will soon be available.


Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information:


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