April 15, 2001
Volume 1 No. 18
ISSN 1530-5287

The Last Issue of E-Book Ecstasy

~ Farewell ~

I must apologize for this being a day late…

Well, this is it…for 1 year E-Book Ecstasy has run its course.
During the past 12 months I have had the great pleasure of
meeting some of the most wonderful people and they have given
us not only a part of themselves, but some of the greatest articles
you'll ever find on E-Publishing and what it takes to be an

But, it has been the support I have received from you the
subscribers that has kept E-Book Ecstasy going and I thank each
of you letting us be a part of your lives.

My thanks always to Eva and Tracy…without them E-Book
Ecstasy would have been just another newsletter.

***Note*** This issue is without a book review from Tracy
Eastgate who is still recovering from her illness. Well wishes are
sent to her for quick recovery.

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Authors
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
New Release



Subject:  Authors Cook Up Free Recipes
Contact:  Eva Kende, project coordinator,
Contact:  Kristie Leigh Maguire, publicity director,
Date: February 21, 2001
For Immediate Release

Authors Cook Up More Than Good Books

Forty-three internationally known authors share more than a
hundred recipes in a simple and fun cookbook you will enjoy for
years! From simple dishes prepared in a few minutes to exotic
dishes from around the world, this cookbook will become a
treasured addition to any kitchen! And best of all, it's free!

While these authors tempt our imaginations by creating
entertaining and informative books, they tempt themselves in the
kitchen with everything from homey, comfort food to exciting,
innovative recipes. Now, they've decided to share their culinary
secrets with you as a thank you for supporting them and their

"Now We're Cooking - 43 Authors in the Kitchen" is a
cooperative effort of authors whose books are published in
electronic bindings. Representing every genre, these authors
prove they are just as talented in the kitchen as they are at a

Eva Kende, project coordinator, says "This cookbook composed
of contributions by a community of authors is like the cherished
and collected church and community cookbooks of yesteryear.
The recipes are as diverse as the authors' usual genres are. The
Internet made it easier for the contributing authors from various
corners of the world to get together in this cooperative effort and
technology made it possible to offer this exciting collection free
as an ebook to readers and collectors."

Available in a variety of formats "Now We're Cooking - 43
Authors in the Kitchen" is a cookbook that deserves to grace
your bookshelf and offers a glimpse into the kitchens of some of
your favorite authors. Those who wish to download a free copy
of this cookbook can visit
Instructions for using and viewing the cookbook are available at
that site.

Contact: Available for telephone, radio and television interviews.
To make arrangements please contact
Eva Kende at  ekende@telusplanet.net
Kristie Leigh Maguire at kristieleigh777@aol.com

Authors who contributed to "Now We're Cooking - 43 Authors
in the Kitchen" include:
Moni Draper http://www.home.att.net/~medraper/
J.M. Dubry moonstar@satcom.whit.org


Beth Anderson http://www.bethanderson-hotclue.com
Karen Beck http://www.hometown.aol.com/whennightmaresco/index.html
Elizabeth Bennefeld http://www.patchworkprose.com/
M. D. Benoit http://www.geocities.com/mdbenoit_2000
Linda Bleser http://www.bleser.com/linda
Lauralee Bliss http://lauraleebliss.homestead.com/lrbweb.html
Charlotte Boyett-Compo http://www.windlegends.com
Joan Bramsch http://JoanBramsch.com
Diana Lesire Brandmeyer http://www.eclectics.com/dianabrandmeyer
Amy B Crawshaw http://www.geocities.com/romancebyamy/RomancebyAmy.html
Patricia Crossley http://www.patriciacrossley.com
Kathleen Culligan Techler http://hometown.aol.com/kayt3/index.html
Lanette Curington http://curington.tripod.com
Elizabeth Delisi http://www.elizabethdelisi.com
Christine Duncan http://Christine_Duncan.tripod.com
Jim Farris http://come.to/xaa
Pat Fredeman http://www.gemini-books.com/pfredeman.htm
Denise Gasta http://home.earthlink.net/~lectrcwolf/index.html
Judith B. Glad http://www.judithbglad.com
Sandi Haddad http://www.sandistar.com
Lauryn Hale http://www.geocities.com/laurynhale
Valerie Hardin http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/4266/
Rita Hestand http://ritahestand.com
Elaine Hopper http://www.gate1.net/ElaineHopper
Eva Kende http://www.telusplanet.net/public/ekende
Gail Kennedy http://members.aol.com/gailkenned
Mary LaBranche http://www.writersgoldmine.cjb.net
Jim and Joyce Lavene http://www.joyceandjimlavene.com
Dee Lloyd http://www.deelloyd.com
Maureen Mackey http://www.maureenmackey.com
Kristie Leigh Maguire http://www.geocities.com/kristieleighmaguire/authorspage.html
Tara Manderino http://taramanderino.homestead.com
Michelle Marr http://romanticnotions.com/michelle
Gregory Michel http://home.earthlink.net/~lectrcwolf/index.html
Bonnie Napoli http://www.bonnienapoli.com
Leta Nolan Childers http://letachilders.com
Janet Privett http://www.powerlove.org
Hannah Rowan http://www.hannahrowan.com
TL Schaefer http://www.geocities.com/terrischaefer
Mary Taffs http://www.marytaffs.com
MacKenzie Raye Van Cleef http://mackenzievancleef.virtualave.net
Juliet Waldron http://mozartswife.itpsites.com/
Chris Williamson http://www.mrsmousehouse.com



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer top-
uality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via download
(e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the latest
news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions. Beamings
is free and is sent to subscribers approximately once each
month. Subscribe to our newsletter and find out why we're

Subscribe: Beamings-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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List owner: Beamings-owner@yahoogroups.com
URL to this page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Beamings


LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

Subscribe to WORD OF MOUTH--free book review
newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-time
favorite reads and a little about themselves so that you can
decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at:
word_of_mouth-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or learn more at our
website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/word_of_mouth
Brought to you by: http://www.xcpublishing.com/wom.htm


Ebook Junction is the official newsletter of Bridge Works
Publishing focusing on e-publishing; Reviews of ebooks
including interviews with authors; Writing and e-publishing
resources, news, sites for research and advice, in depth look at
various ebook software and exploration as to how much growth
will occur in the e-publishing arena and what direction it will
take; To subscribe send mailto:
subject=subscribe Or visit my website to subscribe here:


Mystery author Christine Spindler announces:

"E-books keep getting better. The more I read the more I like
them. I have set up two new review sites for e-books only. The
response by publishers and readers is overwhelming."

E-Books for Kids: reviews of picture books in several categories
plus a publisher spotlight.

Sexy CyBooks: reviews of erotic quality fiction. Caution: Not
suitable for under 18-year-olds.


AllAboutMurder announces the kick off in September of their
newsletter, AAM in the News, following their one year
anniversary. We have a bit of something for everyone. Like
murder, suspense, thrills, and a bit of romance? Check out our
monthly updates from movies, to books, to writers tibbits, to
quizzes and polls. Interested? Check out our page at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AAM_in_the_News or
subscribe directly at:
AAM_in_the_News-subscribe@yahoogroups.com You need not be
a member of AllAboutMurder to subscribe! Hope to have you
join in the fun!


E-Books Rock!
Quickly becoming the largest "eBook only" directory on the
net, E-Books Rock! brings you much more than hundreds of
books from dozens of publishers. E-Books Rock! also delivers
right to your screen: book excerpts, contact info, lists of
authors in your area, awesome contests, and the weekly "What
The Hell...?" question! This site takes you into the author's
world with in depth and informative interviews that asks
thought provoking questions such as, "If you could vote
members off of Gilligan's island, who would get the boot
first?" or "Are blondes really more fun?" Of course, authors
talk about their books too!

If you haven't visited E-Books Rock!, you're missing out! Open
24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Drop in for a visit!


Marketing eBooks Newsletter: is your guide to selling more
books.  With proven strategies for marketing your ebooks,
interviews with best-selling authors, Bright Ideas that really
work, e-publishing industry news and much more, this list is
the weapon you need to help you sell more books.  Don't miss
any more sales--subscribe today! Send any e-mail to:


Books From The Heart
Allene Frances
Home page http://allenefrances.virtualave.net



Reading e-books is in the Palm of your hand

Barbara Edwards

I want to clue you in to one of the best-kept secrets in publishing.
Surprise! You can use your Palm Pilots to read electronic books.
I bet you're looking at your handy-dandy calendar/date-
book/reminder/email program, etc. with a puzzled expression
right now. No one told you about this capability, just like no one
told you about all the wonderful e-books available.

Getting a PDA for a Christmas present wasn't a thrill for me. It
was a joke because I'm always forgetting birthdays, appointment
times and deadlines. This was to be the secret to managing my
time. Like any other creative person, I ignored the intrusion of
technology for months. I didn't need it. I didn't want it. I didn't
use it. What I did do was be published electronically by Starlight
Writer Publications.

Then I became very interested in 'gadgets'. I wanted to read my
book as the publisher intended: on a hand-held device called a
reader. I could read it on my computer screen, but I use my
computer all day to work. I wanted something portable.

So I started shopping. What a pain that turned out to be. I tried
several well-known stores where the clerks stared at me like I
had two heads as I explained what an e-book is and what a reader
is. Forget that. I went to my computer again. I shopped on line,
checking prices and comparing what I could do with each
electronic reader. And I found several sources. I'm not going to
name them because I'm not into advertising.

I had a lot of demands. I wanted it portable enough to take on a
trip and not need to recharge every couple hours. I wanted it to
download e-books from any publisher I chose to buy from. I
wanted it to be easy to use. And I found price for a single use
item to be a hurdle I wasn't willing to jump.

Not finding exactly what I was looking for had me biting my
nails and mumbling under my breath.

I found the Palm Pilot when I was cleaning my desk in a fit of
frustration. Not knowing if it could be used for downloading e
books, I checked with several groups I belong to on-line. And I
got lucky.

I learned that downloading an e-book to a Palm is incredibly
easy. If you've been able to install any of the new software to
yours, you can do it. Take any e-book file, start the Palm
Desktop software to send files to your Palm, place the Palm in its
cradle and hit the synchronize button. The entire process takes
only a minute or two.

The only hitch I found was that certain e-books are in PDF
format so they need to be converted. I use a program called
AportisDoc PDF converter to convert e-books to  DOC. I use
AportisDoc Reader on my Palm; a program for reading DOC

There are over eleven million palms in use in the United States
alone. Businessmen read reports and manuals on them. People
make memos. Remember dates. But I don't know how many
users are aware of this wonderful way to read the available e-

I can only recommend you try it. You'll like it.

Barbara Edwards, also writing as H.B. Edwards has three
releases from Starlight Writer Publications, a Division of
Romance Foretold. Visit her website:
http://www.barbaraedwards.8m.com  to learn more about
electronic books and to read the first chapter of her newest book.



In Search of Magic
Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher

Stephen King, Danielle Steele, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, Dave
Barry …

Exactly what is it that sets those who are mega-successful apart
from those who are not? Is there some special, elusive, magic
ingredient that makes the difference? Many say that the "magic"
ingredient is nothing more than luck. You know, like those lucky
e-authors who win EPPIE awards or those lucky e-authors who
have bestselling e-books, etc. Yup, some people live charmed
lives and just keep getting lucky in life, while the rest of us
trudge along without getting any decent breaks. Life is tough and
exceedingly unfair.


Yes, granted, there is such a thing as good luck--and bad luck-
but luck is fleeting. You can't build a successful, lasting career as
an e-author or anything else from a stroke of good luck. True
lasting success comes from patience, perseverance, continuing
education, and plenty of long hours, effort, determination, and
hard work.

Okay, I can almost hear the multitude of melodious sighs being
heaved out there. I know that nobody really wants to hear this
sensible, logical sort of stuff. We prefer searching for that little
bit of magic that can instantly change our lives--that special
something that will catapult us from living a humdrum existence
to becoming fabulously wealthy, famous superstars. There
MUST be something effortless out there that we can call upon to
make our climb along that ladder to success faster and easier.
Some magic pill … magic wand … rich benefactor on a white
charger. Well, if you find any or all of those, be sure to let me
know. <g>

The years pass by so quickly, and if you spend them wishing and
hoping and seeking that obscure bit of magic to transform your
life, you'll soon find that you've accomplished nothing but
becoming old and bitter and convinced that the world has done
you wrong. Instead, why not spend this valuable time improving
yourself and taking the necessary steps to ensure your personal
success--whether that's as a writer or whatever else it is in life
that's important to you. No, you may not become a superstar or
wildly wealthy, but I can guarantee you that you'll like yourself
much better--you'll respect yourself. You'll also find it easier to
feel kindly and generous towards those who are successful and
win awards, because you'll understand the time and effort that
went into those personal victories of others.

Start by deciding to develop a winning mentality. Rather than
spending an inordinate amount of time in private e-mail or on
discussion lists complaining and commiserating with unhappy
people about how unlucky you all are and how unfair life is for
you, divorce yourself from that loser's mindset and spend some
time improving your skills. What's your weakness? Dialogue?
Plotting? Grammar? Character development? Sagging middles?
Punctuation? Writing a synopsis?

Whatever it is, you'll find tons of information on the Internet; at
your local library; or at the bookstore (online or brick and
mortar). If you're not reading books, you should be. Read books
in the genre/category in which you write. Study them to see how
the authors and editors have handled the areas in which you're
weakest. No, you don't want to read to copy another author's
style or ideas--the plan is to use those books as your personal
textbooks. Use them as a "how-to" resource. And then follow
this up by reading how-to books especially written for writers. It
won't cost a cent to do this at your library or on the Internet.

Trust me, if you spend 30 minutes per day (even 15 minutes)
working on improving your skills, your life will be
immeasurably richer and fuller one year from now. Just one short
year! Imagine how much more professional your manuscripts
will be. Envision yourself submitting a polished gem to the
publisher of your choice and having them issue you a contract.
Finally, picture yourself accepting an award for that book you
worked so hard to perfect.

I promise you that if you invest time in improving yourself on a
regular, daily basis, and then follow up that work with relaxing,
positive sessions of visualization (picturing yourself in positive,
happy situations and scenarios) that your life will change
dramatically for the better. Please don't tell me you don't have
time to spend visualizing yourself in positive situations. What
about when you're taking a shower; when you're washing the
dishes; when you're cooking dinner; when you're commuting to
and from work? Do it--don't make excuses. You'll be happier,
more satisfied, you'll laugh more, and, all of a sudden, you'll find
that you've become "lucky." <vbg>

Ahhh, now that's REAL magic!

Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher
© 2001



By: Eva Kende

Last month I talked about veggies in the microwave.
My greatest success has been doing winter squash. It never fails
to garner a comment when I serve it for company. Cut the squash
in half, scoop out the seeds, add a couple tablespoons of brown
sugar, cover with plastic wrap and cook it on high for 5 minutes.
Use a fork, to piece the flesh so that the brown sugar syrup can
penetrate into it and return it for 2-3 minutes of cooking, or until
it's soft enough to scoop out with a spoon. Serve it from the

If you want to get even fancier, choose a squash that will stand
up on it's own. Slice off the cap, scoop out as before, add brown
sugar and instead of plastic wrap, replace the cap to cover. Serve
it with cover and all and watch the reaction! You can add a
handful of raisins, pecans or diced green bell peppers to the
brown sugar. For heightened flavor, a dash of cinnamon, all spice
or lemon zest can customize this "non-recipe".

All good things must come to an end. I have really enjoyed these
columns for the past year and working with Glenda.
If you liked the articles, there is a whole lot more of the same
type of ideas in Eva's Kitchen Confidence! So do run down to
DiskUs and buy a copy for yourself.

Until we meet again: So long! -- and -- Bon appetit!

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

Review by:
Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate




The House That Loved Children
David Halliday
ISBN:  1-58785-055-9
Children's (illustrated)
Disk $6.55 (s&h incl.) Download $3.75
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/house.html


Birds Of The Air
Diana Tabbaa
ISBN:  1-58785-057-5
Nonfiction/Religion/Poetry (illustrated)
PriceBook Page:  http://www.wordbeams.com/birds.html


What Happens To Us When We Die?
Paul J. Roper
ISBN: 1-58785-053-2
Genre/Category: Nonfiction/Religion
Price: Disk $7.35 (s&h incl.) Download $4.55
Book Page:  http://www.wordbeams.com/what.html


Leaving The Valley
Aaron Emmel
ISBN: 1-58785-061-3
YA: Coming of Age
Disk $6.95 (s&h incl.) Download $4.15
Book Page:  http://www.wordbeams.com/leaving.html


Hadi's Journey
Jennifer B. Reed
ISBN: 1-58785-058-3
Disk $6.95 (s&h incl.) Download $4.15
Book Page: http://www.wordbeams.com/hadi.html


Starlight Writer Publications

The Catnapped Lover
Sue Charnley
Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-134-4
Romantic Comedy
April 2001


Nightmare Run
Christine Janssen
Starlight Writer Publications / Deadly Kisses Imprint
Romantic Suspense
April 2001


Magnolia House
Lyn Morgan
RFI Starlight Writers Publications
Romantic Suspense (Deadly Kisses)
April 2001


Secrets and Lies
N.C. Anderson
Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-216-2
Only Yesterday line


The Jewels of Earda
Janet Lane Walters
Starlight Writer Publications
ISBN: 1-58697-989-2


Awe-Struck Books

Title: Honorable Intentions
Author: Dorothy Compton
Publisher: Awe-Struck
Publisher URL: http://www.awe-struck.net
Genre: Regency Romance
ISBN: 1058749-046-3
Release date: April 3, 2001
Formats: html, Rocketreader, Softbook, eBookman, Palmpilot, and pdf
by request. Diskettes and downloads


Title: The Refuge
Author: Graeme Rickard
Publisher: Awe-Struck
Publisher URL: http://www.awe-struck.net
Genre: sci-fi
ISBN: 1-58749-048-X
Release date: April 10, 2001
Formats: html, Rocketreader, Palmpilot, Softbook, eBookman, and pdf
by request. Downloads and diskettes in the mail


Title: Sea of Hope
Author: Penelope Marzec
Publisher: Awe-Struck
Publisher URL: http://www.awe-struck.net
Genre: Silver Lining inspirational romance
ISBN: 1-58749-044-7
Release date: April 19, 2001
Formats: html, Rocketreader, Palmpilot, eBookman, and pdf by request


Title: Dissent in Real Time
Author: Cathy McCarthy
Publisher: Awe-Struck
Publisher URL: http://www.awe-struck.net
Genre: suspense/adventure/futuristic
Release date: April 25, 2001
Formats: html, RocketReader, PalmPilot, Ebookman, Softbook; and pdf by
request. Downloads: 4.30/diskettes: 7.50


Whispers Out of Yesteryear
Janet Lane Walters
DiskUs Publishing
ISBN: 1-58495-281-4
Paranormal Reincarnation Romance

Rge Doctor's Dilemma
Janet Lane Walters
New Concepts Publishing
ISBN: 1-58608-208-6
Contemporary Romance


Help From Above
Misti Jackson
Great Unpublished.com
Inspirational and/or Christian


Eyes of a Jackal
Joni Latham


Cowboy In My Pocket
Kate Douglas
Hard Shell Word Factory
1-58200-634-2 eBook    0-7599-0126-0 POD
Romantic Comedy
April 2001


Loretta Jackson and Vickie Britton
The FictionWorks
Download 3/17/2001  paperback is coming soon



Rita Hestand: check out her beautiful web site at:



The New Millennium just hit you between the eyes! And
E-Books are IN. For the best in romance and sci-fi and
everything in between, check out the reads at Awe-Struck E-
Books. www.awe-struck.net
(Pssst! There's a sale on ALL the time...)


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of
time. http://www.freeangel.co.uk/Page2.htm


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"


If you like romance sparked with spine-tingling danger, read
Eddie Price's NO OTHER RECOURSE!  This page-turning,
cross-genre thriller, rated 10/10 by publisher Rich Elwood, has
earned a 5-star rating from Hattie Boyd at Scribes World Review
(December Romance/Suspense), and is a finalist in the 2001
EPPIE Awards (Thriller Division).  Soon to be out in trade
paperback from Lightning Press, it is available for PC download
at www.elwoodebooks.com , and for the Rocket/Gemstar reader
at www.bn.com and www.powells.com.  A Microsoft Reader
version is already registered and will soon be available.


Author: Glenda D. Tudor
For more information:


Thank you for subscribing.

© Copyright 2000-2001 Glenda D. Tudor
All rights reserved


This site owned by: Glenda D. Tudor
(c) Copyright 2000-2001