April 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 2

Book Ecstasy

I'm very happy to announce that Tracy Eastgate has joined E-Book
Ecstasy. Her section "Tracy's Book Corner" will consist of
Reviews on E-Books and the latest news and contest. I believe that
her column will add extra flavor to our newsletter and I thank her
for her hard work and of course, for joining us.

I would also like to point out now that some of the reviews that
Tracy will be sharing with us will not all come under the heading
of strictly Romance. This week her " Pick of the Bunch" is a
wonderful Science Fiction story.

Although this newsletter is aimed at Romance…it's my belief that
most every story has a touch of romance in it. It is also my belief
that it's important that all E-Authors whether Romance or not need
to be recognized for their hard work and the accomplishments that
they have achieved.

My thanks go to Eva as well. Though she will be away for a
month she made sure that we at E-Book Ecstasy and her readers
were taken care of…by supplying several of columns ahead of
time. And for that I especially give her a warm thank you.

I extend my thanks to our Featured E-Author and E-Publisher for
contributing their time and their articles.

Featured E-Author is Charlotte Boyett-Compo, truly an
outstanding Author. To find out more about her work be sure to
check out the classified section below.

Featured E-Publisher is Kathryn D. Struck from Awe-Struck E-
Books. Kathryn was a dear to supply me with an article and what a
wonderful piece of work it is.

Thank you, one and all.
Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Author
Featured E-Publisher
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
Readers' View
New Release
Q & A



Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to celebrate the
changes of a century and to aid the cause of diabetes education and
research. (100% of the proceeds of this book will be donated to
that cause.) http://www.diskuspublishing.com

(Available in download formats only)



Charlotte Boyett-Compo

One of the things that bothers me most in life is the
misunderstanding people have about writers. Most of them assume
that you can write anywhere, any time, under any circumstances. I
think they have some image set in concrete in their minds of a war
correspondent hovering in the trenches, taking rapid notes as a
firefight takes place around him. Can't you see him put the pencil
to his mouth and wet the lead? See him scribbling away as bombs
burst in the air and the ground trembles?

Oh, yeah. I can write with the stereo blaring in the background,
the dog barking, the cat mewling to go out, the doorbell and
telephone ringing and my DH running in and out of the room
needing various and sundry moments of my time.

And I can write at my desk at work in the parish office with
parishioners running in and out needing various and sundry
moments of my time and salesmen pitching all kinds of office
equipment and services to make my life less harried. I can create
wondrous love scenes smoke rises from my fingers! I can fashion
meticulous dialogue and develop intricate plot twists that will
astound my readers and thrill my reviewers.

This as Father runs in and out bringing all manner of
correspondence for me to mail out for him or one of our
parishioners comes in to gossip about his latest lady-love.

Sure, I can.

Can't you?

Of course you can't, but most layman think you can.

My mother-God be good to her-would always knock on my
office door and ask if I was working on my `little book' again. She
never could seem to understand that I couldn't stop wherever I was
and come back to it with the ease of making spaghetti sauce. If she
needed my company, it didn't matter how much of a roll I was on
or how hard the going was. I had to stop playing with my `little
book' and tend to her. Now that she's no longer here in the
physical sense of the word, I've often wondered if she isn't sitting
here in my office watching me work. I have the feeling she is and
I wonder if she now knows it isn't as easy as she thought it was.

For me to write, I must have complete stillness. Not complete
silence, mind you, for I often work with David Arkenstone's Celtic
music playing softly in the background. I can't have people
coming in and out, asking questions, needing my time. I have to
have complete concentration and total absorption in my work in
order to make any headway at all.

People who come to my office at the church and see me typing at
The computer automatically assume I'm working on one of my
books. That irritates the dickens out of me. Not just because when
I am at work, I am giving the job my 100% commitment and
devotion, but because these people make the assumption I'm not.
There were a few who didn't want a `writer person' to have the job
for that very reason. One or two even made the comment that I
would use what I learned at work to create my fictional characters.

Excuse me, folks, but there aren't any of our parishioners who
have what it takes to be interesting characters in the kind of books
I write. That wasn't meant as an insult to them, but nothing
they've done so far warrants me stopping the presses and hurrying
out to write down their life stories. When they are kidnapped by
aliens, visited by incubi, kidnapped by Columbian druglords, or
crucified to a ship's deck, then I'll write about them. Until then,
I'll just input their tithing, keep record of their births, baptisms,
marriages, and deaths and be about my business of writing at

Which brings me to the distractions you can encounter in that
haven of safety.

When I had my office designed (a fancy, egotistical way of saying
when we re-did the spare bedroom), I purposefully kept the walls
free of telephone jacks so I wouldn't have to worry about being
interrupted to answer a phone. Now, I didn't take into
consideration I'd need a jack for internet access. Silly me. I
wasn't `attached' to the world wide web back then. Now, the
telephone line runs under my rug and up the wall behind my desk.
Problem solved.

There are two windows in my office, but they are covered on the
outside by a beautiful Grandmother's Garden quilt. No, not on
the exterior of the house, guys. My office windows used to look
out into the den where the good DH has a 60" baby with stereo
surround sound and two additional speakers. The nice thing about
that quilt is that it makes my office almost soundproof.

On my door is a sign appropriated from a hotel somewhere asking
that you Please Do Not Disturb. Now that it's just me and the
DH, I don't have to worry about being Disturbed. That is unless
one of my cats-usually Dasher, the Dashing Romeo-decides he
needs "MAMMMMMMMMA!" and keeps hitting the living
room door until he pops the latch off the hook. When that
happens, I have thirteen pounds of gray and white fur purring in
my lap until I get pissed enough to take him back to the den.

Distractions. They are part and parcel of a writer's life and
unfortunately there is a psychological name for it. It's called
Writer's Block.

So the next time you're stumped during the writing process, look
around you. Chances are it will be the distractions in your life
causing it.



By: Kathryn D. Struck

When Dick and I, as first cousins, were kids together, (we grew up
in the fifties), he was like a big brother to me. Now mind you, I
had a big brother of my own; but he was like most true big
brothers: impatient and short-tempered with the likes of me. Dick
and I were sort of cosmic siblings. Although Dick was not tall, and
the polio he had survived had prevented his growth potential, he
was 'big' to me. Big mouth, big head (just kidding) and big heart.

Everything Dick did was to the MAX. The details were there in
everything he did; the technology was analyzed and mastered.
When you don't have strong legs, you become a massive mind.
With lazer-like speed Dick would have all answers to all questions.
Even my stupid ones. Now I'm grown-up (to a point) and know
that if I can hook up a Rocketreader to my iMac in fifteen minutes
and be downloading books like crazy I must know something!

About five years ago I was going through a divorce and Dick, a
college teacher and oft-published nonfiction writer, had written
and rewritten and rewritten a paranormal/sci fi romance novel (his
first novel ever) and needed some new direction and a morale
boost. He called me one night out of the blue and asked me to help
out with the editing of his treasured novel. I needed a morale boost,
too, and being the bossy thing I am, I basically took over from
there. That was the first of many long-winded phone

We went on to co-author two more books in the series and titled it
THE DARK SHIPS TRILOGY. Although I have some great
memories of writing those books, I think what I really gained from
all of that midnight oil-burning was that Dick and I had a novel-
length presentation to cut our teeth on. Just the sheer amounts of
revision and plot-tracking, as well as passing manuscript files back
and forth by snail mail, was daunting. Is that trilogy good reading?
All I can say is that we sell lots of them with no advertising.

But I remain a bit critical of them because they were 'early'
writing; like most authors I am not always sure of the final quality
of any novel I write. Dick never wavered, however, and he has
gone on to refine his style; he is becoming a master at fiction, just
as he was a master at building complex model/flyable airplanes as
a boy. Only his fiction doesn't crash like the airplanes did. I've
gone forward as an editor and publisher. That is my calling. Am I
working on a novel? Oh yes. When will I finish it? When I get a
day or two off. (Another joke.) Unlike Dick, who has stories
literally flying through his head, I have to percolate on mine.

How did we get into this publishing 'thing'? Well, one day Dick
said in one of our very expensive, long, rapid-fire phone
conversations: "Let's start our own publishing company on the
web." And I, symbolic little sister, said: "Sure." Doesn't everything
look so easy from a distance? After that came learning by
immersion-by drowning-by gasping for air and flailing at the sky.
What we didn't know we figured out, panicked over, and picked up
from the brains of our new web/net friends along the way. We
asked our authors for opinions and the reviewers, too. We were
really green and had nothing to hide. Everyone starts at the
beginning. Everyone gets to be a beginner. And so we were, and in
many ways, are at the beginning.

What we are especially proud of is the quality of authors who work
with our company, and our dedication to service and personal
contact. We both feel that publishing involves more than
formatting and setting up a website. Not that those are small tasks,
by any means. But publishing is in the end, communication; and as
compulsive communicators, Dick and hope to keep building
slowly and surely, a reputable company with a recognized name.

But all ebook/online services are growing so fast that it's hard to
master them all. For example, I am a real neophyte at marketing.
Maybe all of us are, but that's something I'm trying to learn as I
go. So much of the ebook marketing is in the form of educating
and expanding the thinking of the reading public. This takes time
and patience and opportunity to present itself. I also know if we
can ultimately distribute ebooks to libraries in electronic form, we
will be mainstreamed into American life. Unfortunately, the
libraries don't have the hardware in place--yet. They will need
kiosks, computers, and readers. The bookstores need to lead the
way and I'm hearing more and more that they are setting up for
that. When the hardware is in place for 'content' to be delivered, we
will be delivering good fiction. In the meantime, we have nearly 50
authors on contract and next season is almost completely booked.

Dick and I just love that soft glow of a computer screen late at
night. We are partners in spirit as well as dear old buds.

Kathryn D. Struck, Awe-Struck E-Books

Save $$ with A BUCK A BOOK specials this spring! Check out
our EPPIE finalists: King of the Romans and The Hollow!



Before we begin let me say emphatically: "I am not Martha
Stewart." My attitude to food preparation has always been to keep
the work to a minimum, so that I can give of myself to the
company. This is even more important when planning a romantic
evening. A harried cook running to the kitchen constantly to check
her preparation will not do. You want your evening to look
effortless, no matter how much you worked to prepare for it.

The two keys to the effortless look are planning and visualizing.

Careful planning is essential:

* Draw up the menu on a piece of paper divided into 3 columns.
The first column should have the dish you intend to prepare, the
second the serving dish you'll use and the third is the groceries you
need to buy for this dish. Don't be afraid to cross out ideas and
replace them with others as you visualize how the food will look
on the plate.

* Choose your menu so that there is no last minute work in the

* Set the table early in the afternoon or even the night before, when
you are relaxed and if you want to fuss with fancy napkin folding,
you have the time.

* While you are at it lay out all the serving pieces, platters and
trivets you'll need.

* When you are cooking, clean up as you go. Wash pots and
utensil and put them away. This an important part of that
"effortless" look.

Most importantly, tell yourself that you will create an unforgettable
evening, then it will be so!

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

First, I would like to thank Glenda for giving me this opportunity.
By way of introduction, my name is Tracy Eastgate. I review
books and love to talk about them. Naturally I have read some
books that for one reason or another, stayed with me more; so with
each issue, I will pick one and call it my "Pick of the Bunch". This
is just my opinion, so don't yell at Glenda.

I had never heard of eBooks until October of 1999. When someone
mentioned them to me and I said, "What is that?" Well, I was
quickly introduced to them. And now? I do everything I can to
spread the word on them. I have read some really outstanding
eBooks. The one thing that really stands out to me with eBooks, is
the fact that they have so much more freedom than print books.

By the word freedom, I am referring to the fact that they are able to
combine so many different types of genres. I have read some that
have included almost all genres. And you know what I have found?
This really works. There is so much more to the book.

Also, e-Publishers seem more geared towards the readers'
satisfaction. Every time I turn around, there is something new
coming out; someone is having a sale of some kind, or contests.
This is really great in my opinion.

O.K., without further ramblings from me, here are some things that
I have come across in the last couple of weeks and then my review.


There are quite a few events going on this month. Several authors
are having contests as well as Publishers having sales.

Joan Hall Hovey is currently having a contest to win an
autographed CD of Listen to the Shadows. Winners are chosen at
random. Contest will end April 30, 2000. To enter, go by Joan's
site https://www.angelfire.com/ca3/joanhallhovey and send her
an email with the words "Enter Contest" in the subject line. Be
sure to check out the book and enter her contest.


Patricia Rasey is also having a contest to win an autographed copy
of Kiss of Deceit and a bag of chocolate kisses. To enter, go to
Patricia A. Rasey's web site http://www.romfort.org/Rasey.html
and email Patricia, typing "I Want A KISS" in the subject line of
your email. One winner in April, May, and June. NOTE: Only
entries received in the qualifying month will be eligible.
Contestants must reenter each month.


Sally Odgers is having another contest, the prize is a book; your
choice of any of the designated titles which include both e-books
and paper publications. To get more information or to enter, go to
her web site at http://members.xoom.com/Sallyo/contest.html


Erica Arthur is also having a contest, this one with a little bit of a
twist. Check out the details at:


The list of EPPIES finalists has been released. Congratulations to
all of those that have made it to the finals. I have read some of
these books and they are well deserved. I'm glad I am not a judge.
You can find more information on the EPPIES and the
qualifications at http://www.eclectics.com/epic/eppies.html


From Eva Kende: Great good things are happening to me! Eva's
Kitchen Confidence is featured E-book of the week at:
https://www.angelfire.com/ia/inspectorterry/botw.html It goes on
sale at DiskUs publishing on the 17th http://www.diskuspublishing.com
The charity anthology in aid of diabetes research, Millennial Milestones:
A Celebration of Change, containing 3 of my short stories will be available
May 1st from http://www.diskuspublishing.com Then I am off to Hungary,
where I will have several book-signings. Life is good! Now if we
could have some 28-hour days, it could be even better.


Peggy Tibbetts, Author, has a wonderful article published at The
Grove, http://www.bamboogrovebooks.com/groveframeset/htm
The article is very encouraging to writers and to everyone that is
trying to accomplish anything. If you have an extra moment, check
it out.


From Elizabeth Delisi, Avid Press Newsletter Editor: Avid Press
http://avidpress.com is putting out a free monthly e-mailed
newsletter to keep interested readers abreast of new releases,
interviews with authors, upcoming signings and appearances by
Avid Press authors, and other news. Also included in each
newsletter are special offers only available to newsletter
subscribers. The newsletter is available in either HTML or
plain text format. For more information or to subscribe, contact
Elizabeth Delisi, newsletter editor, at delisi@dailynews.net


From Lisa Schmitt, March 31, 2000, Trumann, Arkansas, U.S.A.:
Gemini Books will be kicking off a month-long celebration of our
first anniversary on Saturday, April 1, 2000. The celebration will
include weekly e-book giveaways for our customers, autographed
copies of many of our CD and diskette books, and discounts on
electronic books. All CD and diskette purchases will be discounted
$2.00 each and all downloads will be discounted $1.50. Every
Saturday, beginning April 8, a drawing will be held for a free
download. We will also have a collection of inspirational/religious
poetry written by Gemini author Gina Beth Clark that will be
available free to all visitors at the site. Gemini Books will also be
releasing a record of 5 new titles in April as part of the celebration.
You can find more information at Gemini Books:
http://www.lisawrites.com or http://www.gemini-ebooks.com.


Now, with no further ado, my "Pick of the Bunch"

This Shoal of Space
By: John Argo

Publisher: Clocktower Fiction
Genre: Science Fiction
ISBN 0-7433-0005-X
Tentative Release Date: May 2000
Rocket eBook edition, $6.00 (U.S.)

***** Outstanding, A definite must read

San Tomas, California seems to be a peaceful, quiet community, or
is it? Strange and unexplained things are happening and nobody
can or is willing to talk about them. What is happening here?
Normal healthy animals are suddenly dying at the zoo. With no
explanation or warning, healthy people are suddenly falling into
comas. Then to make matters worse, people are starting to
disappear and gruesome murders being committed.

What has turned this town into a living nightmare? Mary Shane
MacLemore doesn't know, but she is determined to find it out. As
a young struggling reporter, this could be her big break, especially
when she manages to temporarily become assigned to the Police
Beat of the newspaper. On her first day, she stumbles onto
something, what though, she doesn't know, at least not yet. All of a
sudden, she starts feeling like she is completely losing her mind.
She is hearing a voice inside of her head and she is convinced for
unknown reasons that this voice or whatever it is, is Pure Evil.

Going against direct orders from her boss and recommendations
and advice from everyone else, Mary Shane begins to investigate
all of the strange occurrences and deaths. The further she
investigates and digs, the worse things get for her. All of the clues
and trails in one way or another lead back to the Burtongale's, the
most powerful family in San Tomas. Some even say there
wouldn't be a town without the Burtongale's. What are they
hiding? What are the secrets that they are guarding so fiercely?
As Mary Shane fights to retain her sanity, she comes face to face
with the horrifying truth. Truth that will cost not only her life, but
also the lives of people she loves.

This is a powerful book and if I could give it more than 5 stars I
would. Words can not even begin to come close to expressing the
effect this book will have on you. THIS SHOAL OF SPACE is
masterfully written and will completely draw you into its world. It
will grip you within the pages and make you question things and
events around you. This is not your basic SciFi; this book is full of
everything a person could want in a book and more.

Review by:
Tracy Eastgate
Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



If there is something that you would like to see, please email
inquires to ebooksecstasy@yahoo.com



Flowers in the Night
Joyce and Jim Lavene
Awe-Struck E Books

Beautiful, wealthy Emilie Ferrier was crippled by polio as a child.
She is unable to have children of her own but she falls in love with
handsome, sexy Nick Garrett's niece and nephew. Nick believes
that his dead sister's children should have two parents and doesn't
want Emilie to adopt them, no matter how much money she has.
Until the unexpected happens and he falls in love with her.

Joyce and Jim Lavene-http://home.earthlink.net/~james_lavene


Gracie C. McKeever Gwiz10@aol.com has just published her
contemporary romance, DANCING IN THE DARK, with Awe-
Struck E-Books http://www.awe-struck.net

A spoiled rich debutante-turned-promising-dancer temporarily
loses the use of her legs when she sustains injuries in a motorcycle
accident. Can she let down her guard and get rid of the chip on her
shoulder long enough to let in the physical therapist hired to
rehabilitate her? Can her physical therapist leave behind a
roughneck past riddled with addictions and betrayal long enough to
let his charge help him heal? Find out in this sensitive and realistic
romance about forgiveness and self-discovery.


The Haunting of Josh Weston
By Melinda Rucker Haynes
ISBN: 1-929034-87-3
Starlight Writer Publications

Move over, Harry Potter, there's a new kid in town. Josh Weston.
In this, the first in a series, Josh is the new kid at Kingman High
School and the target of the school bully and his cohorts. On his
first day, Josh gets kicked off the bus for fighting. Why not?
There's been a black cloud over his head since his best friend's
accidental death-which was all Josh's fault. His parents have split
up-also, his fault. Now, he and his mom are living on a desolate
ranch in the northwest Arizona desert-hell with rocks and cactus.
He might just as well end it all and save everybody grief. Rescued
by an old prospector and his crazy burro, Josh must confront the
ghosts of his past. Only then, can he deal with those threatening his
life in the present and his future with Carrie, the neighbor who
befriends him.


Jan Springer: Peppermint Creek Inn--is a romantic suspense novel.
It made its debut 3-25-200 at http://ebooksonthe.net It can be
found in the Fiction section. It is set in the present, amidst the vast
jack pine forests of Northern Ontario, Canada.

Two and a half years after the unsolved murder of her husband and
the sudden miscarriage of their twins, Sara Clarke, owner of
Peppermint Creek Inn, is still struggling to break free of the
survivor's guilt oppressing her. One stormy spring night an injured
emerald eyed fugitive with amnesia forces his way into Sara's
secluded home and straight into her wounded heart.


Ann Patrick: Model in Flight - ISBN 1-58608-024-5, published by
New Concept Publishing http://www.newconceptspublishing.com


Q & A

If you have any questions that you would like to ask about E-
Author's or E-Publishing, please submit questions to:



From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance) comes the erotic/
romantic musical story WATER & ICE--THE SPIRIT LOVERS.
A story of two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of
time. http://www.freegangel.co.uk


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories etc. We are
a non-paying forum for your work. Teen works welcome. Take a
look at: "Only someone who loves a child…"


Free dark fantasy/paranormal novel:
THE PRINCE OF THE WIND~~subscribe at:

Each week a new and thrilling chapter of this soon-to-be published novel.


Patricia A. Rasey:
Romantic Times gives KISS OF DECEIT 4 stars! A novel of
Gripping suspense. Available now through:


WindFall and WindChance, Books One and Two of The
WindTales Trilogy by Charlotte Boyett-Compo, are getting rave
reviews. Read the excerpts from these dark fantasy romances at:


Have you read THE KEEPER OF THE WIND? Been waiting for
the other eight sequels? WINDKEEPER, a re-release of KEEPER
with additional scenes, will be out in July from Dark Star


BloodWind, the sci-fi/futuristic, and NightWind, the erotic horror
bestselling romances will soon be released in Print On Demand
paperback. Look from them soon from Dark Star Publications.


The dark historical romance, In the Wind's Eye, has been a Barnes
and Noble Ebook Pick of the Week. The Charlotte Boyett-Compo
novel published by DLSIJ Press, was chosen by Inscription
Magazine as a 1999 Best Book.


In the Heart of the Wind, the psychological thriller romance
companion of the critically acclaimed In the Teeth of the Wind by
Charlotte Boyett-Compo will be released in May from Dark Star


Thank you for subscribing. If you know of someone that might like
our Newsletters then please pass it on.

© Copyright 2000 Glenda D. Tudor
All rights reserved


This site is owned by: Glenda D. Tudor
(c) Copyright 2000