May 15, 2000
Volume 1 No. 3

E-Book Ecstasy

A belated Happy Mother's Day wishes to all the mother's.
I'm keeping this short so that we can get to all the good
stuff that's in this issue.

Our Featured E-Author is Patricia A. Rasey.

And our Featured E-Publisher is Silke Juppenlatz of
Dreams Unlimited.

Glenda D. Tudor



Special Announcement
Featured E-Author
Featured E-Publisher
Eva's Cooking with Passion
Tracy's Book Corner
Readers' View
New Release
Q & A


Millennial Milestones: A Celebration of Change:

Eighteen celebrated authors have come together to
celebrate the changes of a century and to aid the cause of
diabetes education and research. (100% of the proceeds
of this book will be donated to that cause.)

(Available in download formats only)


Special Announcements from Wordbeams:

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2000

Please join us for our Grand Opening Celebration on
Monday, May 1st at Some of our
special grand opening promotions include:

1. Purchase Maggie Madison's sparkling romantic
comedy, PINCH ME, and you can get her humorous self-

2. Anyone who purchases a Wordbeams book in May
will automatically be entered in our Grand Opening
Drawing. At the end of the month, we'll draw 5 names and
each will win a Wordbeams book of their choice.

You'll also learn all about our unique, special projects and
programs which invite the participation of both readers
and writers. Come and discover our very talented authors
and their exceptional books. I guarantee you won't be
disappointed. We've included a list of our forthcoming
books and their authors, too, so you'll want to be sure to
check back with us each month to see what's new.

Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher



Subscribe to BEAMINGS!

"Beamings" is the official newsletter of Wordbeams, the
brightest star in electronic publishing. Our books offer
top-quality fiction and nonfiction in electronic format via
download (e-mail attachment) and on diskette.

Subscribers will learn all about our new releases; get the
latest news about Wordbeams authors; and find out about
Wordbeams contests, special offers, and promotions.
Beamings is free and is sent to subscribers approximately
once each month. Subscribe to our newsletter and
find out why we're beaming!

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URL to Beamings page at egroups:


TracysBookReviews: Is a place where authors, publishers,
reviewers and readers can all get together to discuss and
promote books and things around books. Everyone is free
to post promotions, reviews, new releases, etc, as long as
it pertains to books. Authors and Publishers can promote
their sales or contests they may be having. We can discuss
books, reviews, how we feel things are going, things we
would like to see happen, help people network with new
ideas, share experiences and support each other. Email volume
changes on a daily basis, sometimes it is quiet now, but on
occasion we do post quite a bit. Everyone is welcome to join
by simply sending a blank email to: and if
you need help in changing from regular emails to digest
format, please email me and let me know. If you have any
questions about this group, please feel free to contact me
at: mailto: and I will get back to
you as soon as I can. Thank you, Tracy.



Choosing E-Publishing as a Career
By: Patricia A. Rasey

I'd actually like to say that I chose electronic publishing,
but I think it's more true to say that it chose me. Like
everyone else who dreams of one day being published, I
wrote for the paper market, submitted to traditional
publishers, and received countless amount of rejections.
My filing cabinet drawer is so full, I fear one day pulling it
out and having it land on my toes. Trust me--it's easily
heavy enough to break my foot.

I joined RWA, joined a local chapter, then finally joined
the mystery/suspense chapter Kiss of Death (KOD). The
nice thing about joining writing organizations is knowing
you are not alone in rejection land and finding out that
maybe, just maybe, your writing doesn't suck after all.

But eventually it happens if you stick to it long enough. I
received an invitation to submit to an electronic publisher,
Starlight Writers Publications (SWP). Of course I looked
at this e-mail quite oddly, and wondered, "What the heck
is electronic publishing and where did this e-mail come
from?" Very quickly I caught myself up to date. It seems
that the president of SWP had read a chapter that I had
submitted on-line for critique by the members of KOD.
Impressed with what she read, she e-mailed me and
invited me to submit to them.

I researched electronic publishing, what it meant, and
more importantly, what the future of it meant and what it
could mean for me. It seemed the future had arrived with
electronic readers like the Rocket eBook, Palm Pilots, and
handhelp PCs. I was impressed that for a small fee, you
could download great books right off the Internet and
load them into a reader, taking it with you anywhere you
could a paperback. The future held a lot of intriguing
possibilities. Not to mention the royalties were higher than

Now why did I choose to accept the invitation? Well, for
one, I wasn't stupid. I saw a great opportunity to get my
work out there. So I fired off that manuscript, only to
have it rejected...sort of. They asked permission to send it
to a sister company that liked darker fiction as my
manuscript was not quite right for what SWP was buying.
Two days later I sold.

Electronic publishing isn't for everyone. Before you
decide to start submitting to the publishers, know what
you are getting into. None of us are getting rich. Hitting
the best sellers list does not mean thousands of dollars
are now rolling in and that you can go out and buy that
condo or new car.

It doesn't mean that success is finally at your door and
that you can now just write and turn over your
manuscripts and keep writing. No, it means more hard
work. Because electronic publishing is so new to the
market, if you want good sales, then you must invest in
yourself, in your career, often harder than a traditional
paper author. Why? Because simply your books are not
shipped and put on a bookshelf in some store. You have
to let the reader you are out there by promoting yourself.

Promoting yourself means being very present on the
Internet where your books sell. Get on list serves. Post
your book wherever you can. And pass out bookmarks
and flyers at every opportunity. Take out ads. Since these
are costly, do co-op ads with other authors. This takes
time, money, and a lot of effort which leaves you less
time to write.

Still interested? Then I say, submit. I have not regretted
my decision to go electronic. The market is growing
everyday. With writers like Stephen King selling original
books in electronic format, it expands the market and
shows the consumer what electronic books are and brings
over new readers everyday. Microsoft is behind electronic
books and promotes them as does on-line bookstores
such as, Barnes and Noble, and Borders.

With the market for print books getting tighter everyday,
and receiving rejections telling you little to nothing as to
why they aren't accepting you, why not give electronic
publishing a shot? Four and five star reviews tell me that
my books are as well-written as the traditional. But that is
not what makes it all worth it in the end, it's the letters
from the readers. Nothing makes me more happy with my
decision to go electronic, then someone telling me that my
book kept them glued to the chair and ignoring their daily
duties because they just couldn't put it down. People are
reading my work. That is why I got into the business of
writing in the first place. To share my stories.

Had it not been for electronic publishing--I'd still
probably be receiving rejection after rejection. Instead, my
books have been best sellers for my company, Dark Star
Publications, since
their release, with two new books coming out in 2000 and
one in 2001. If this happened for me--it can happen for



"Saving My Sanity"
"Left Hand Drive and Soggy Chips"

By: Silke Juppenlatz of Dreams Unlimited

There is a great, ghastly beast loose out there. It's called
"The Internet".

It's been blamed for all manner of atrocious things. From
Credit Card fraud to pornography… you name it, it's all
the fault of the Internet. Personally, I blame it for the gray
hairs on my head that will not be defied by Miss Clairol.
But that's another issue.

No one ever mentions the good things of the Net.

How many of you have found friends out there? How
many of you have found support for something out there?
Discovered new things of interest?

Plenty, I should think. I know I have. In fact, without the
Internet, I would be a basket case.

It's because of the people I would never have met without
this medium. Because it made me aware that there are
things out there I never even knew about.

Like...paranormal romance books.

You think I'm joking?

I'm not.

I was born in Germany, grew up there. My mother made
the mistake of leaving Kathleen E. Woodiwiss's "Shanna"
lying around and I got my sweaty little fingers on it. I was
hooked. I proceeded to devour every romance I could get
my hands on. Johanna Lindsay and Jude Deveraux will be
forever in my heart for introducing me to this new world.

Then I moved to the UK. (That "Love" thing, ya know?) I
put up with soggy "Chips" (Fries, for the uninitiated),
liberally drowned in salt and vinegar. I was homesick for a
crusty rye bread. I learned to live with the fact that my
coffee is considered to be lethal for those of a faint heart.
I've even learned to live with the minor little detail of
driving on the wrong side of the road. Nothing was bad
enough to make me want to go back home to Germany.

Then I entered a bookstore.

I wanted to go home.

Not enough with the fact that there obviously were no
books in German. Oh no. I looked and looked: No
Johanna Lindsay. No Jude Deveraux. Not anyone I had
learned to love and cherish so much in Germany. I was

Worse. I was going positively insane. I had nothing to
read! (I did find them later. In London.)

Suddenly, books by a publisher called "Zebra" appeared
on the shelves and I was in heaven. For about a month.
Then they discontinued them and I was plunged back into
the abyss.

Then I discovered Compuserve. I found the Literary, and
later the Romance Forum. And joy upon joy, there were
many, many people who loved the same books as I!
These people were talking about authors like Anne Stuart,
Jayne Ann Krentz and whoever else you may want to
name. Upon hearing my woes, several great friends took
pity on me and supplied me with a steady stream of
brain fodder. BOOKS!! I was saved!! I didn't mind
spending the money. At least it kept me sane.

I'd managed to get my hands on a copy of "Night of the
Phantom" by Anne Stuart, who got me well and truly
hooked on paranormals. Could I find anything in the
stores in the UK?

No. Of course not. Paranormal romance? Whoever would
buy such a thing?

Then the market started to shrink in the US too, just as I
got into the vampires. Figures. Think: "Abyss".

I wasn't the only one who felt this way. More and more
Voices could be heard, disgruntled readers as well as
authors, about the lack of fantasy, futuristic and
paranormal romance.

Things started to cook. Suddenly I found myself looking
into web hosts, HTML, e-publishing and what have you.
Egged on by the entire forum, I might add. We are talking
about a person who had sworn never to touch a computer
again, after a disastrous encounter with her brothers
Amiga 2000, years earlier. Ha! Bonnee and I got caught in
a tidal wave of goodwill and encouragement and Dreams
Unlimited was born in February 1998, specializing in
Fantasy, Futuristic, Erotic and Paranormal Romance.

That's where Miss Clairol comes in.
I am no longer sane. Trust me, I'm not. I look at my
inbox and break into a mad, hysterical cackle. When the
count is under 100, I go and check if the mailserver is
down, because there is obviously something wrong with
it.. I get to the point where I want to drop the whole thing
and, just once, read a book for enjoyment, not with an
eye on spelling, plot and what have you. I get to the point
where I ask myself why the heck I've ever started this...

...and then I get an email from a customer somewhere in
the outback in Australia, who tells me that the Internet has
saved her sanity.

Now, this lady, she loves paranormals. But her bookstore
doesn't stock them. Not only that, but said bookstore is
some 800 miles away. She got hooked up to the Internet
(via Satellite!).. She found likeminded people who love
the same books as she. And she found us. She found

Yes, the Net keeps me sane. Or rather, the people I meet
there keep me sane. And to know that we're helping to
keep some other people sane makes it so much easier to
put up with that white frizz on my head that will not be

Silke Juppenlatz
Dreams Unlimited



By: Eva Kende

Here are some more simple ideas for elegant appetizers:

Shrimp Appetizer: Steam the shelled de-veined shrimp in
a minimum of water until they just turn pink. Remove blot
and chill. If they are large you may want to leave the tails
on as a decoration. You can also partially "butterfly" them
by running a sharp knife from the thick part half way to
the tail, along the outside of the curve, before steaming.
Cut about 1/8" into the flesh. Make a sauce using chili
sauce mixed with prepared horse radish, to taste or
mayonnaise, seasoned with white pepper, lemon juice and
dill or basil. Serve well chilled on a bed of lettuce or
create a boat from halves of green peppers and arrange
the shrimp like oars with the sauce for dipping in the
bottom of the "boat". Garnish with a wedge of lemon.

Sizzling Escargots with Garlic Butter: You can get canned
escargots imported from the orient at a reasonable price if
you look carefully.

If you don't have the little dishes with the dimples, an
Inexpensive scallop shell or a ramekin will do. This is
very rich, so you don't want to serve more than 6-8 large
escargots per person. Mix about ¼ cup softened butter
with 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic and a tsp. of chervil,
fines herbes or parsley flakes. Bake at 400 degrees F,
just until the butter is sizzling, about 10 minutes. Serve
with toast fingers, slices of French bread or small heated
dinner rolls. For color you may want to garnish it after it's
comes out of the oven with a sprinkling of finely chopped
tomatoes or sweet red peppers.

Eva Kende
visit me and my cookbooks at



By: Tracy Eastgate

Spirit of the Straight Edge
by Barbara Lakey

Publisher: Clocktower Fiction
Genre: Thriller
ISBN: 074330022X
Release date: May 2000
Cost: Not Yet Released

**** Excellent

Lynn Fahey is twenty years old, beautiful, with her whole
Life ahead of her. Lynn and her childhood friend, Elsie
Sanders, move to Minnesota and share a spacious
apartment together. Everything is almost perfect. What
more could a person want? Suddenly, Lynn is brutally
raped and murdered in her own home. Who would do
such a thing and why? What makes a person do theses
types of nightmarish things? But the bigger question is:
are there other victims or is Lynn the only one? Is the
killer planning to attack again?

Elsie Sanders has had problems all her life; first with her
parents constant fighting and her fathers physical abuse
towards her and then later with her husband. After Elsie's
divorce, her and Lynn moved here to Minnesota and their
lives became so much better and happier. Things seemed
like they couldn't get much better. Suddenly her life is
once again turned upside down and destroyed. Lynn was
murdered and she was the person that found Lynn's
mutilated body. How does a person deal with so much
devastation in their life?

Detective Gerald 'Law' Lawrence was the officer assigned
to Lynn Fahey's case. He has seen a lot of brutal killings,
but even he had to admit that this one got to him. The
killer was so cold blooded that according to the bloody
footprints, after the killer finished with Lynn, he jumped
off of the bed and stood poised in front of the mirror
before walking to the bathroom and taking a shower,
leaving no clues as to his identity. Now, almost 2 years
later, the case still remains unsolved. But there is
something about this case that is bothering Law, but he
can't figure out what it is and it continues to haunt him.

First off, I feel I must let everyone know that this book is
not for those that are easily offended. It does contain
explicit language and graphic sexual and murder content.
But you must take into consideration that this is a book
written from inside the mind of psychotic killers. This
book couldn't be wrote any other way, it gives you a
much broader understanding of how the minds of these
wonderful book that captures your mind and imagination,
enabling you to become a part of the book. Ms. Lakey
has done an outstanding job with this book and if you like
Thrillers, you will love this book. The author definitely
has made a fan in this reviewer.

Review by: Tracy Eastgate
Tracy's Book Reviews

Copyright © 2000 by Tracy Eastgate



If there is something that you would like to see, please
email me at:



Wordbeam's New Releases:

As Wordbeams' Publisher, I take great pride and joy in
announcing the release of our exclusive collection of
premier books, debuting the first of May at I'm delighted to add that each
book has received radiant reviews, which is truly
wonderful because our talented authors so richly deserve
to receive such accolades. Please note: links to the book
pages listed below will not be active until Monday, May 1.
Please join us then as we celebrate our grand opening and
to learn about our special promotions for the month of

Susan Bodendorfer, Publisher

Our New Releases:

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs
Contemporary Romantic Comedy
ISBN: 1-58785-000-1
Download (e-mail attachment): $4.15
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.95
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

The cast: an attractive, quirky bookstore owner; her high-
Society sister; the sister's gorgeous, science professor
fiancé; and a tarot-card-reading psychic dog. A clever
combination of madcap comedy and romance, this story
is reminiscent of those great Frank Capra movies of the
30s and 40s.


by Maggie Madison
Contemporary Romantic Comedy
ISBN: 1-58785-001-X
Download (e-mail attachment): $3.95
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.75
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

Combine one hunky pizza man; one beautiful, food-
Obsessed chocoholic; a bony, man-hungry rival; a couple
of matchmaking dieting buddies; and a hideous
sweatshirt. Let sizzle into one delicious romantic comedy


by Christina Crooks
Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-58785-003-6
Download (e-mail attachment): $3.75
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.55
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

Pit a beautiful, headstrong, feisty columnist against her
sexy-as-hell, hard-bodied, macho boss, and red-hot
sparks begin to fly. Power, passion, sex, and romance -
it's a sizzling, undeniable, and unbeatable combination.


by Rose Murray
Contemporary Romance with A light touch of mystery and magic
ISBN: 1-58785-004-4
Download (e-mail attachment): $4.15
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.95
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

He's been burned by beautiful women before. She's had it
up-to-here with controlling men. Destiny steps in when a
little touch of magic on the boardwalk throws them
together. Their romantic fate is in the "cards."


by Jeff Strand
Dark Comedy/Mystery
ISBN: 1-58785-005-2
Download (e-mail attachment): $3.95
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.75
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

A wonderfully unique combination of humor and spine-
chilling mystery with a little grave-digging on the side.
This remarkable story will have you gripping the edge of
your seat while you're wiping away tears of laughter.


by Maggie Madison
Humor/Self-Help (with animated pictures)
ISBN: 1-58785-006-0
Download (e-mail attachment): $4.15
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.95
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML

Humorous look at the trials and tribulations of dieters.
This funny, upbeat book includes "Piggy poems,"
animated pictures, cooking and dieting tips, a weight-loss
visualization, recipes (one of which is an absolute must
for any chocoholic), and lots of hyperlinks to websites
for dieters and chocoholics.


by Zoey Alexander
ISBN: 1-58785-007-9
Download (e-mail attachment): $4.15
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $6.95
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML; PDF

This positive, uplifting book is brimming with advice and
creative ideas for improving your life. Four vibrant,
interactive visualizations are included, leaving the reader
with the feeling that they've just treated their body, mind
and spirit to a refreshing and healing vacation. Includes
links to uplifting websites.


by Jennifer L. B. Leese
Children's Book (3rd grade reading level) with animated pictures
ISBN: 1-58785-002-8
Download (e-mail attachment): $3.15
Diskette (in plastic jewel case w/full color cover): $5.25
(includes shipping & handling) Formats: HTML

A delightful animated fantasy focusing on two
mischievous beetle-bug boys and their ongoing quest for
excitement and adventure. Join Poppy and Hue as they
bravely venture outside their garden gates.


Shannon Honea: Rival Passion published by Bookmice.
Visit my website at:

Christian Stevenson, a self- made shipping tycoon, travels
to New Orleans at the mysterious request of his long time
business rival, Gerald O'Connor. When he discovers that
Gerald is dying, he accepts a partnership into his
competitors business, he also becomes the guardian to
Gerald's fiery tempered daughter, Johanna. While
overcoming the greed and treachery that surround them,
Christian unknowingly loses his heart to the strong willed
maiden, whose passion would rival his own.

Johanna O'Connor is furious when her father tells her he
must take on a partner in order to save their failing
shipping company. A partner whose ice blue eyes and
magnificently handsome looks would dominate her days
and haunt her nights.


Mary Lynn: Where You Find It
available from

Jennifer's young daughter is determined to fix her up with
her nice friend from the park--Mick. To Jennifer's
surprise, Mick is successful, available, and white. He's
also the man who's haunted her thoughts since a chance
meeting on a train. Although the sight of Mick leaves
Jennifer longing for the impossible, she's sure Mick isn't
interested in a serious relationship with a black woman.
Changing her mind won't be easy.


Elaine Hooper: Next to Forever,
New Concepts Publishing

Why when Suzanne "Suki" Lawless's family accuse her
of being romantically challenged and delight in reminding
her she's not had a date since the Reagan Administration,
do the town busy bodies insist on calling her a tramp, a
hussy and a lousy mother? Could it be because her
matriarchs just happen to be legend for their wild parties
and crazy antics in quiet Goose Creek? When Suki's son,
Josh, gets caught hacking into his school's computer
system and he changes Vice Principal Kyle Damian's
password to Jack Ass, Suki becomes the focus of raging

Suddenly, the sexy vice principal becomes her shadow
and her son's guardian angel - or is he her arch nemesi?
She's not quite sure which profile fits him. She only
knows her parenting skills are being examined under the
town's microscope...and she doesn't like it. With the help
of her flirtatious mother, feisty grandmother and nurturing
aunt, she stands up for herself and her son when she
takes on the town busy bodies which might or might not
include Kyle. The more she tries to prove to Kyle and the
Parent's Moral Society she's a good mother, the more she
realizes she only has to please herself.

Read an excerpt of Next to Forever:


Elaine Hopper: Amazing Grace, Awe-Struck

In an attempt to set her life straight, widowed and
recovering alcoholic Noelle Kearney tells her beautiful
teenage daughter, Crystal, that her real father is Steele
Wilder, not Mark Kearney, the father she grew up loving.
She also confesses to Steele that she had his child and
never told him. Both Steele and Crystal are furious and
hurt, making Noelle wonder if her own salvation was
worth their pain and suffering. However, the deed is done.

When Crystal demands to meet her biological father,
Noelle has no choice but to take her to meet her Steele,
and then no choice but to stay on for a time, as her young
son Bradley falls ill with pneumonia. Bradley soon makes
friends with the Steele's other two young daughters: Nicki
and Brianna. The forced presence of Noelle and Steele
rekindles old desires, but old hurts die hard on both
sides. That was then; this is now pervades the pre-
Christmas cold.

When the situation seems bleak, the children of this
hodge-podge household scheme to make a family.


Q & A

If you have any questions that you would like to ask
about E-Author's or E-Publishing, please submit
questions to:



LOVE to read? Feel naked without a BOOK?

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newsletter! The place where regular people share their all-
time favorite reads and a little about themselves so that
you can decide if you share their taste. SUBSCRIBE at
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our website:


For a Good Novel to read, check out Luther Butler's Bookstore


Jim Farris: The Last God (Book I of the Oerth Cycle):

"Merle Mousefinder, the little Mustie of the Wild Wood,
didn't know what she was getting into when she followed
the strange noise through the forest andfound Xaa, an
enormous carnivorous mouse. Soon, her curiosity would
lead herto follow Xaa through an epic tale of freedom,
slavery, life, death, hate, and love. Set in a science-
fiction/anthropomorphic world, the novel tells the story of
the little mustelid, Merle, and her enormous companion,
Xaa, who learn to care for each other as they master the
secrets of technology long lost, and uncover the dark,
secret history of their own world. The serial is free to
subscribers - for more information, see


FREE ANGEL: E-Books, Music 2000 and be sure to visit
the Christmas Store.


Pandora's Box: By Jim Farris

"Join ancient storyteller Aesop as he weaves a tale of
humanity and inhumanity, organic and inorganic
intelligence ..... each reaching for something greater than
itself in a story that spans two millennia of time. Pandora's
Box is a novel in the grand tradition of science-fiction,
telling the epic future of the humans of Mars Colony and
their robotic companions. For more information,
including book excerpts, reviews and a synopsis of the
novel, see The novel is available from
Ebooks, at



Rita Hestand: Pretend Mom is on sale now at:


From the creator of lbiza Loud (Club Dance):
Comes the erotic/ romantic musical story:
two lovers destined to be together from the beginning of


Storyteller is now open for submissions of short stories
etc. We are a non-paying forum for your work. Teen
works welcome. Take a look at: "Only someone who
loves a child…"


Patricia A. Rasey:
Romantic Times gives KISS OF DECEIT 4 stars! A
novel of Gripping suspense. Available now through:


Thank you for subscribing. If you know of someone that
might like our Newsletters then please pass it on.

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All rights reserved


This site is owned by: Glenda D. Tudor
(c) Copyright 2000